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[中彰投] 【开学前揪朋友一起游台中吧!】
虽然在台中念书,可是好像也还没去什么地方玩,于是我决定开学前揪朋友一起玩好了!Though I’m studying in Taichung city, I haven’t visit many places. This summer, I decided to invite my friends to visit Taichung together. 身为大学生的我们,要我们太早起也不太可能哈哈!!于是我们约了学校附近吃午餐,吃完开始我们两天一夜的行程。As a college student, it’s impossible to get up early for us. So, we had lunch in front of school. After our lunch, we started our two days journey in Taichung.第一天first day 第一站:摘星山庄Star villa![]( 摘星山庄是个可以免费入园又还有导览人员精辟介绍的好地方,在仔细听过导览人员的解说后,让我更了解这种建筑的雕刻与背景故事之美。大门也是很适合拍照纪念的地方,一定不能错过!另外贴心提醒一下,记得要带防蚊液,这里的蚊子很多啊~It is free to visit .The tour staff will explain there in detail for you, and you will understand architectural beauty of the ancient culture in Taiwan. There is a new beautiful front door which is a good place to take pictures here, but be careful, there are lots of mosquito in the park that you should prevented it except in the winter. 第二站:台中国家歌剧院National Taichung Theater 这歌剧院就像是市中心的漩涡般引人注目,而他不只是用来欣赏歌剧的,他本身更是一部精采的歌剧,一步入歌剧院,将开启一趟探索歌剧院巧妙设计的旅程!The theater is like whirlpool in central Taiwan. It is not just being used for opera, the building itself is an opera. Enter the hall, and you begin a transformative journey through this ingeniously-designed opera.第三站:住宿hostel 我们当晚的住宿选择在逢甲夜市附近的一间民宿,这是一间相当可爱的民宿。We chose to stay a hostel next to Fengjia Night Market for a night, it’s a lovely hostel. 有很多不同设计的房型可以选择,房间也很干净,重要的是交通很便利,一点也不吵杂喔!There are various king of room you can choose. Every room has its own unique design, and the room is very clean. What’s the most important is that it’s very convenient but not noisy at all.-------------------------------- Lind Id : @love123 TEL:0908340966 -------------------------------- 晚上可以选择逛个逢甲夜市,夜市里的小吃令人垂涎三尺,也有各种最流行的服饰,当然如果买些吃的回来和朋友喝喝酒、聊聊天,会是个很棒的感觉。The snacks in the night market will make you drool. The clothing is unique and fairly priced. It would be good to drink and chat with friends at night.第二天 第一站:彩虹眷村Rainbow military housing 这里是个很有趣的地方,充满鲜艳色彩。相传有位退休的军人在这墙上作画,画满了他的梦想也为这村落注入新生命,之后,人人称他彩虹爷爷。It’s colorful and interesting here. There’s a story that one retired soldiers paints on the wall. He paints his dream out on the wall and brings a new life to the military housing. As a result, many people call him Grandpa Rainbow.第二站:大坑星愿紫风车purple windmill of DaKeng 结合新社「幸福、梦想」的概念,将此座风车命名为「星愿紫风车」。在固定的时间,紫风车会响起啄木鸟敲打着的清脆音乐,为这里营造出浪漫的气氛。This purple windmill combined the concept “happiness and dream” of xinshe community. In some time, the music hit by the woodpecker makes here became romantic.开学前又搜集了一个美好的回忆。I think I got a good memory before I back to school.