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超强去污神器:口水 Spit to Clean

作者 Bruce E. Bagnell

目录 / Tips & Analysis / 中文翻译(& 答案)

    Saliva, the natural liquid formed inside an animal’s mouth, has some surprising uses. For example, saliva contains special enzymes, amylase and lipase, which break down some of the starches and fats that can form solid, sticky materials. Thus, saliva helps __1__ food as soon as it enters the mouth. In addition, the slightly warm and acidic __2__ of this natural liquid have a particular benefit in one of the least likely environments.

    That environment is the workshop of an art museum. Priceless antique paintings accumulate dust and dirt over time, causing darker and less colorful surfaces. The problem for conservators, trained specialists who clean and preserve artworks, is how to __3__ the built-up grime safely. They have many tools at their __4__. Surprisingly, human saliva is one of them.

    Since human saliva is no-cost, sustainable, and non-toxic, it is ideally __5__ as
a cleaning agent. Working patiently and carefully, a conservator can slowly remove accumulation of grime from a surface. Thus, the artwork’s __6__ paint colors can be seen just as they were when first painted. Traditionally, a layer of varnish was applied to paintings as a protective coating. The varnish not only protects the colors from __7__ but also acts as a surface for small particles to stick to. In most cases, a surface that has been varnished is easier for the conservator to clean than one that hasn’t. Saliva, as it turns out, is one of the best __8__ for cleaning varnished artwork.

    Art workshops are not the only surprising places where saliva shows its __9__. Soldiers in their barracks can tell you that the best shine one can make on a hard leather boot is by __10__ spit onto just-applied boot polish. If treated properly, the boot can be so shiny that you can even see your reflection in it!

(A) suited (B) substances (C) fading (D) digest (E) disposal

(F) rubbing (G) usefulness (H) qualities ( I ) original (J) eliminate

答案: 1.D 2.H 3.J 4.E 5.A 6.I 7.C 8.B 9.G 10.F

Words in Use

quality [ˋkwɑlətɪ]

n. 品质(不可数);特征 / 性(可数)

shine [ʃaɪn]

n. 光亮
vt. 擦亮
vi. 发亮,照耀

reflection [rɪˋflɛkʃən]

n. 反射;熟思

agent [ˋedʒənt]

n. 代理商,经纪人

original [əˋrɪdʒən!]

a. 原来的;原创的
n. 原着,原文

rub [rʌb]

vt. & vi. & n. 摩擦,揉搓

particle [ˋpɑrtɪk!]

n. 微粒;粒子

sustainable [səˋstenəb!]

a. 可维持的;可持续的

preserve [prɪˋzɝv]

vt. 保存;维持;腌制
n. 果酱,蜜饯(常用复数)

eliminate [ɪˋlɪmə͵net]

.vt. 歼灭;剔除,淘汰

polish [ˋpɑlɪʃ]

.vt. 擦亮;改进
n. 磨光,擦亮

digest [daɪˋdʒɛst]

.vt. 消化
n. 摘要

workshop [ˋwɝk͵ʃɑp]

n. 研讨会;工作室

antique [ænˋtik]

n. 古董
a. 古董的

benefit [ˋbɛnəfɪt]

n. 利益
vt. 有益于
vi. 获益(与介词 from 并用)

substance [ˋsʌbstəns]

n. 物质

disposal [dɪˋspoz!]

accumulate [əˋkjumjə͵let]

vt. & vi. . 累积

accumulation [ə͵kjumjəˋleʃən]

n. . 累积

fade [fed]

vi. 褪色;渐弱

starch [stɑrtʃ]
n. 淀粉

suited [ˋsutɪd]

a. 适合的

usefulness [ˋjusfəlnɪs]

n. 有用,实用性

saliva [səˋlaɪvə]
n. 口水,唾液

acidic [əˋsɪdɪk]

a. 酸性的;酸涩的

conservator [ˋkɑnsɚ͵vetɚ]
n. 维护师,文物管理员

grime [graɪm]
n. 尘垢

non-toxic [ˌnɑnˈtɑksɪk]
a. 无毒的

varnish [ˋvɑrnɪʃ]
n. 亮光漆
vt. 给⋯⋯涂上亮光漆

coating [ˋkotɪŋ]
n. 涂层,外层

barracks [ˋbærəks]
Practical Phrases

stick to... 坚守……
Whatever I do, I stick to my principles.

a layer of... 一层……
We found that all the furniture in the house was covered with a fine layer of dust.

break down (车辆)抛锚;(机器)故障;(情绪) 崩溃
The car broke down in the middle of nowhere.

apply to + 机关∕学校∕公司等  向机关/学校/公司等提出申请
Darius has applied to the bank for a loan.

act as 充当⋯⋯
An umbrella can act as a cane when you go hiking in the mountains.

as it turns out 结果/事实证明,⋯⋯
As it turns out, our new manager is Amy, not Luke.

Tips & Analysis

1. Thus, saliva helps digest food as soon as it enters the mouth.


a. 空格前有动词 helps(帮助),而空格后有名词 food(食物),故知空格应置入原形及物动词以 符合 “help + V” 的用法,或置形容词、分词以 修饰food。

b. 选项中除了 (B) substances、(E) disposal、(G) usefulness 及 (H) qualities 外皆符合条件,根 据语意,口水含有特殊的酶,能分解淀粉与脂肪, 因此,口水能在食物一进到嘴里就帮助「消化」食 物,可知答案应选 (D) digest。

2. In addition, the slightly warm and acidic qualities of this natural liquid have a particular benefit in one of the least likely environments.


a. 空格前有定冠词 the 及形容词 warm and acidic (温热且酸的),而空格后有介词 of,且根据本句 动词 have,故知空格应置入复数名词以被 warm and acidic 修饰。

b. 选项中有 (B) substances 及 (H) qualities 符合条件,根据语意,在一个最意想不到的环境中,这种 自然液体所带有的微热且酸性的「特性」有个特别 的好处,可知答案应选 (H)。

3. The problem for conservators, trained specialists who clean and preserve artworks, is how to eliminate the built-up grime safely.


a. 空格前有引导不定词片语的 to,而空格后有名词词 组 the built-up grime(堆积的尘垢),故知空格应 置入原形及物动词。

b. 选项中仅剩 (J) eliminate 符合条件,置入后表对 于维护师来说,问题是要如何安全地「清除」堆积 的尘垢,故选之。

4. They have many tools at their disposal.

理由 理由

a. 空格前有所有格 their,故知空格应置入名词。

b. 选项中尚有 (B) substances、(E) disposal、(G) usefulness 及 (I) original 符合条件,根据语意, 维护师在清除堆积的尘垢时,有许多工具供他们 「使用」,可知答案应选 (E),且置入后亦符合 “at one’s disposal” 的用法。

5. Since human saliva is no-cost, sustainable, and non-toxic, it is ideally suited as a cleaning agent.


a. 空格前有副词 ideally(非常地),而空格后有介词 as,故知空格应置入形容词或分词,以被 ideally 修饰。

b . 剩余选项除了 (B) substances 及 (G) usefulness 外皆符合条件,根据语意,由于人类的口水不需成 本、永续且无毒,因此非常「适合」作为清洁剂, 可知答案应选 (A) suited。

6. Thus, the artwork’s original paint colors can be seen just as they were when first painted.


a. 空格前有所有格 the artwork’s(艺术作品的),而 空格后有名词词组 paint colors(颜料颜色),故 知空格应置入形容词或分词以修饰paint colors。

b. 选项中尚有 (C) fading、(F) rubbing 及 (I) original 符合条件,根据语意,维护师移除表面累 积的尘垢后,艺术作品的「原始」颜料颜色可以呈 现出它们最初所画的那样,可知答案应选 (I)。

7. The varnish not only protects the colors from fading but also acts as a surface for small particles to stick to.


a. 空格前有介词 from,而空格后有连接词 but,故知 空格应置入名词或动名词。

b. 剩余选项皆符合条件,根据语意,亮光漆不仅能够 保护颜色不「褪色」,也作为让小分子能够聚积的 表面,可知答案应选 (C) fading。

8. Saliva, as it turns out, is one of the best substances for cleaning varnished artwork.


a. 空格前有定冠词 the 及形容词 best(最好的),而 空格后有介词 for,且根据空格前的 one of(其 中之一),可知空格应置入复数名词。

b. 选项中仅剩 (B) substances 符合条件,置入后表 结果口水就是其中一种最适合用来清理上过亮光漆 作品的「物质」,故选之。

9. Art workshops are not the only surprising places where saliva shows its usefulness.


a. 空格前有所有格its,故知空格应置入名词或动名词。

b. 剩余选项皆符合条件,根据语意,艺术工作坊不只 是口水展现其「用处」的唯一一个让人意外的地 方,故选 (G) usefulness。

10. Soldiers in their barracks can tell you that the best shine one can make on a hard leather boot is by rubbing spit onto just-applied boot polish.


a. 空格前有介词 by,而空格后有名词 spit(口水), 故知空格应置入及物动词的动名词形。

b. 选项中仅剩 (F) rubbing 符合条件,置入后表一个 人要把硬皮靴擦到最亮,就是将口水「涂到」刚上 好鞋油的靴子表面上,故选之。

中文翻译(& 答案)

超强去污神器 : 口水

    口水 ─ 于动物口中形成的自然液体 ─ 有一些让人意外的用途。举例来说,口水含有特殊的酶:淀粉酶和脂肪酶,能分解一些会形成黏稠固体物质的淀粉与脂肪。因此, 口水能在食物一进到嘴里就帮助消化食物。此外,在一个最意想不到的环境中,这种自然液体所带有的微热且酸性的特性有个特别的好处。

    那样的环境是艺术博物馆的工作坊。随着时间过去,无价的古董画作会堆积灰尘与脏污,导致表面变得更暗且不鲜艳。对于维护师(清洁与维护艺术作品的训练有素的专家) 来说,问题是要如何安全地清除堆积的尘垢。有许多工具供他们使用。令人惊讶的是,人类的口水是其中之一。

    由于人类的口水不需成本、永续且无毒,因此非常适合作为清洁剂。维护师耐心且小心地作业,慢慢地移除表面累积的尘垢。因此,艺术作品的原始颜料颜色可以呈现出它们 最初所画的那样。传统上,一层亮光漆会被用在画作上作为保护的涂层。亮光漆不仅能够保护颜色不褪色,也作为让小 分子能够聚积的表面。大多数的状况中,对维护师来说,上过亮光漆的表面比没上过亮光漆的还要更好清理。结果口水就是其中一种最适合用来清理上过亮光漆作品的物质。

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾亚太线上服务股份有限公司 | Posted:2022-10-14 23:03 |

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