比爾蓋茲資助計畫:智能 馬桶化悲「糞」為力量 Bill Gates’ Funded Program Working to Build Smart Toilets
Bill Gates’ Funded Program Working to Build Smart Toilets
#環境·衛生 #時事
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比爾蓋茲資助計畫:智能 馬桶化悲「糞」為力量 Bill Gates’ Funded Program Working to Build Smart Toilets
目錄 / More to Learn / 中文翻譯(& 答案)
Since humans began to live in permanent settlements, one major issue has troubled every civilization: dealing with human waste. Highly contagious and fatal diseases like cholera and typhoid can be spread due to poor management of human excrement. That’s why it is important to have good sewage and waste management systems. Unfortunately, many places lack good sanitation systems. Thus, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation launched the Reinvent the Toilet Challenge in 2011 to solve this problem.
Samsung is one company that completed a project for this challenge. After three years of development, the toilet created by the company can turn waste into ash without using any water. It dehydrates, dries, and then burns solid waste to kill harmful bacteria, while liquid waste is treated through a biological purification process. The energy-efficient toilet can be easily built in remote areas and positively impacts the local environment. Samsung plans to license patents for the project free of charge to developing countries interested in the technology.
Another company working on the challenge is Janicki. The Seattle- based company has developed a waste processing machine called the Omni Processor. Human waste collected by the machine is changed into different byproducts: ash, electricity, and clean water. The electricity produced by burning solid waste is used to power the machine, and the leftover ash can be turned into bricks. The wet waste can supply water to crops and plants and is safe enough to drink. Currently, the Omni Processor is being set up in Dakar, Senegal, with plans to introduce the machine to other cities in need.
1. How does the Samsung toilet help prevent infectious illnesses from spreading?
(A) Fatal bacteria in liquid waste are collected and killed.
(B) Harmful viruses in solid waste are burned and destroyed.
(C) Bad germs in wet waste are heated and turned into ashes.
(D) Deadly organisms in hard waste are purified through a special process.
2. What can be inferred about Samsung’s next step with its new toilet in the future?
(A) Samsung will produce it in Dakar, Senegal.
(B) Samsung will offer it to developing countries for free.
(C) Samsung will work with Janicki to build new models.
(D) Samsung will sell it to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
答案: 1.B 2.B 3.C
Words in Use
turn [tɝn]
vt. & vi. (使)轉動/向;(使)變成
n. 順次,輪到的機會
supply [səˋplaɪ]
vt. 供應
n. 補給品(恆用複數);供給量
introduce [͵ɪntrəˋdjus]
vt. 介紹;引進,推出(產品等)
secondary [ˋsɛkən͵dɛrɪ]
adj. 次要的;(學校)中等教育的
settlement [ˋsɛt!mənt]
n. 解決(糾紛等);定居點 / 地
patent [ˋpætnt]
vt. 取得專利 & a. 專利的
n. 專利(權)
impact [ɪmˋpækt]
n. 影響,衝擊(常與介詞 on 並用)
vt. 對……產生影響
permanent [ˋpɝmənənt]
a. 永恆的;常設的
license [ˋlaɪsns]
n. 執照(可數)
vt. 授權,批准
launch [lɔntʃ]
.vt. 發動(活動);發射(火箭、飛彈);發表(新書、新作品、新產品)
n. 發表會;(船)首次下水出航;(火箭)首次發射升空
fatal [ˋfet!]
a. 致命的;無可挽回的
civilization [͵sɪv!əˋzeʃən]
n. 文明(不可數)
contagious [kənˋtedʒəs]
a. 有傳染性的
biological [͵baɪəˋlɑdʒɪk!]
a. 生物 (學) 的
sanitation [͵sænəˋteʃən]
n. . 公共衛生系統(不可數)
electricity [͵ilɛkˋtrɪsətɪ]
n. 電;電力
leftover [ˋleft͵ovɚ]
a. 剩餘的
sewage [ˋsjuɪdʒ]
n. (下水道的)汙水
cholera [ˋkɑlərə]
n. 霍亂(不可數)
typhoid [ˋtaɪfɔɪd]
n. 傷寒症
excrement [ˋɛkskrɪmənt]
n. 排泄物,糞便
dehydrate [diˋhaɪ͵dret]
vt. 脫水
purification [͵pjʊrəfəˋkeʃən]
n. 淨化(不可數)
byproduct [ˋbaɪ͵prɑdəkt]
n. 副產品;附帶產生的後果
Practical Phrases
free of charge 免費
= for free
The booklet is free of charge.
The elderly can get in the museum free of charge.
introduce A to B 把 A 介紹給 B,向 B 介紹 A
The chairman introduced the speaker to the audience.
The Dutch were the first to introduce tea to Europe.
change A into B 將 A 改變為 B
The land owner changed the old house into a hotel.
The magician changed the mouse into a bird.
turn A into B 將 A 改變為 B
= transform A into B
= convert A into B
= change A into B
The land owner turned the old house into a hotel.
The witch turned the prince into a beast.
set up... / set... up 建立 / 安排 / 設定好......
We set up a statue in memory of the hero.
deal with... 與……交易;處理……
This week, I have a lot of work to deal with.
energy-efficient 節能的
supply A to B 提供 A 給 B
The school supplies scholarships to students in need.
More to Learn
waste [ west ] n. 排泄物(不可數)
• The farm has put great efforts into animal waste management to improve sanitation.
以下介紹 waste 的其他用法:
a. (n.) 垃圾,廢棄物(集合名詞)
• The river was seriously contaminated by chemical waste. 這條河被化學廢棄物嚴重汙染。
b. (n.) 浪費,濫用(常用單數)
a waste of time / money / effort 浪費時間/錢/心力
• Arguing this matter with Tim is just a waste of time.
c. (n.) 浪費的行為,形成浪費(不可數)
go to waste 被浪費
• My grandmother hates to see food go to waste.
d. (n.) 荒原,不毛之地(恆用複數)
• The frozen wastes of Antarctica are not suitable for people to live.
e. (vt.) 浪費
• You should never waste time on trifles.
*trifle [ ˋtraɪf] n. 瑣事
中文翻譯(& 答案)
自從人類開始永久定居的生活以來,有個大問題一直 困擾著每個文明社會:人類排泄物的處理。像是霍亂及傷寒 等具高度傳染力且致命的疾病,會因為人類排泄物處理不當 而傳播開來。那就是為什麼擁有良好的汙水及排泄物處理系 統相當重要。不幸的是,很多地方缺乏良好的公衛系統。因 此,比爾及梅琳達‧蓋茨基金會在 2011 年發起了「廁所創 新大賽」(編按:直譯為重塑廁所大挑戰)以解決此問題。
三星是為了此挑戰而完成一項計畫的公司之一。歷經三 年的研發,該公司所打造的馬桶可以不使用一滴水,就將排 泄物化作灰燼。這個馬桶對固狀排泄物施行脫水、乾燥、然 後燃燒以殺死有害的細菌,而液態排泄物透過生物淨化過程 進行處理。這款節能馬桶可以很容易地被安裝在偏遠地區,且可以為當地環境帶來正面影響。三星計劃將此企劃的產品 專利權免費授權給對此技術有興趣的開發中國家。
另一家致力於此挑戰的公司則是傑尼克生物能源公 司。這家總部位於西雅圖的公司開發了一臺名為 Omni Processor 的排泄物處理機器。該機器收集來的人類排泄物 被轉化為不同的副產品:灰燼、電力和乾淨的水。藉由燃燒 固態排泄物產生的電力被用來為該機器提供動力,而剩下的 灰燼可以被轉變成磚塊。潮溼的排泄物可以提供農作物及植 物水分且能安全飲用。近期,該公司正在塞內加爾的達卡設 置 Omni Processor,並計劃將該機器引進到其他有需要的 城市。
1. 三星這款馬桶如何幫助預防傳染性疾病傳播?
(A) 收集並殺死液態排泄物中的致命細菌。
(B) 燃燒並毀壞固狀排泄物中的有害病毒。
(C) 加熱潮溼排泄物中的有害細菌並將其化作灰燼。
(D) 透過一個特別的處理流程淨化固狀排泄物中的致命性有機物。
2. 可推論出三星在未來對其新馬桶的下一步會是什麼?
(A) 三星將於塞內加爾的達卡生產該馬桶。
(B) 三星將免費提供該馬桶給發展中國家。
(C) 三星將與傑尼克生物能源公司共同打造新型號。
(D) 三星將把該馬桶賣給比爾及梅琳達‧蓋茨基金會。
3. 下列何者並非 Omni Processor 的附屬產物?
(A) 灰燼。
(B) 電力。
(C) 液態排泄物
(D) 安全飲用水。