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杜绝假冒人才 伊隆.马斯克的面试哲学

杜绝假冒人才 伊隆.马斯克的面试哲学 Elon Musk’s Hiring Philosophy
这位 Tesla 及 SpaceX 的执行长不仅是世界最有钱的人之一,还是公认最成功的人之一。
#混合题型 #108新课纲 #面试 #职场应对 #求职面试
8/13 解析英语
作者 Mark Darvill
阅读时间 5分钟
听讲解 听朗读


杜绝假冒人才 伊隆.马斯克的面试哲学 Elon Musk’s Hiring Philosophy

混合题型   电子报精选文章

文章主讲 Angela, Wesley

图片来源:Naresh777 / Shutterstock.com

The name Elon Musk is known the world over. The Tesla and SpaceX CEO is not only one of the wealthiest people in the world but also generally considered one of the most successful. So, what exactly is it that has enabled Musk to enjoy such unparalleled success?

伊隆.马斯克这个名字在世上家喻户晓。这位 Tesla 及 SpaceX 的执行长不仅是世界最有钱的人之一,还是公认最成功的人之一。那么,究竟是什么让马斯克享有这般无比的成功呢?

While there are many factors behind Musk’s success, one key element appears to be his hiring strategy . It’s no great secret that the success of any company depends heavily on the employees it hires. Musk seems to be acutely aware of this reality, as revealed by one particular question that he poses to all candidates.


strategy [ ˈstrætədʒɪ ] n. 策略,行动计画
acutely [ əˈkjutlɪ ] adv. 深深地,极其
candidate [ ˈkændəˌdet ] n. 申请者;候选人
Specifically , he asks them to describe some of the most difficult problems they have solved in life and to explain in detail the processes for solving them. So, what makes this seemingly obvious interview question so effective ?


specifically = to be specific [ spɪˈsɪfɪkl̩ɪ ] adv. 具体/明确地说
seemingly [ ˈsimɪŋlɪ ] adv. 看起来,表面上
effective [ ɪˈfɛktɪv ] a. 有效的,产生预期效果的
This question is an example of a technique known as asymmetric information management, which is a strategy used to determine whether someone is telling the truth or lying. To be specific , by asking a candidate to describe their problem-solving methods in detail, Musk invites them to use as much information as possible in their descriptions. Put simply, the more detail a candidate uses in such a description, the easier it becomes to determine whether they are telling the truth.


technique [ tɛkˈnik ] n. 技巧,技术
杜绝假冒人才 伊隆.马斯克的面试哲学 Elon Musk’s Hiring Philosophy 图片来源:Naresh777 / Shutterstock.com
图片来源:Zigres / Shutterstock.com

In a 2014 interview, Musk revealed that he likes his candidates to clearly demonstrate that they actually solved their described problems. The ability to identify such candidates enables Musk to hire people who are able to prove their problem-solving abilities as well as show clear dedication to developing effective problem-solving approaches.

在一场 2014 年的访谈中,马斯克透露他喜欢求职者清楚证明他们确实解决了自己所描述的问题。能够认出此类求职者的能力使马斯克得以雇到能证明自己的问题解决能力、并显然能够全心全力开发有效解决方法的人。

identify [ aɪˈdɛntəˌfaɪ ] vt. 确定,辨认,发现
dedication [ ˌdɛdəˈkeʃən ] n. 奉献,全心全力投入
So, if you are applying for a position at Tesla, when asked how you solve problems, remember to use as much detail as possible!

所以,假如你要去 Tesla 求职,当被问到你如何解决问题时,记得要描述愈多细节愈好!

108 课纲混合题型

What is the tone of this passage?

(A) Critical.

(B) Humorous.

(C) Pessimistic.

(D) Descriptive.

According to the passage, what is one of the decisive factors in Elon Musk’s success?


According to the passage, what kind of candidate is Musk’s ideal employee?


Please fill in the blanks with the information contained in the passage about Musk’s interview method.

Technique     asymmetric information management
Method     Ask candidates to
- describe some of the most difficult problems they have solved in life.
- ________________________________ⓐ________________________________.
Purpose       ________________________________ⓑ________________________________.

critical [ ˈkrɪtɪkl̩ ] a. 批判的,批评的
pessimistic [ ˌpɛsəˈmɪstɪk ] a. 悲观的
be pessimistic about...  对⋯⋯悲观
descriptive [ dɪˈskrɪptɪv ] a. 描述的
decisive [ dɪˈsaɪsɪv ] a. 关键性的,决定性的

延伸学习|介绍动词 demonstrate 的其他意思及用法

demonstrate [ ˈdɛmənˌstret ] vt. 证明,论证

vt. 表明,说明
My brother demonstrated his dedication to the country when he joined the army.
vt. 演示,示范
The scientist conducted a simple experiment to demonstrate the effects of greenhouse gases.
vt. 展现/表露出(品质、能力、感情等)
The computer company demonstrated its human side when it donated money to build a hospital.
vi. 示威,游行
Hundreds of people demonstrated in front of the police station.
(A) 批判的。 (B) 幽默的。
(C) 悲观的。 (D) 叙事的。
答案: D
答案: his hiring strategy
答案: Those who are able to prove their problemsolving abilities and show clear dedication to developing effective problem-solving approaches.
答案: ⓐ explain in detail the processes for solving the problems
ⓑ to determine whether a candidate is telling the truth or lying

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献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾中华电信股份有限公司 | Posted:2024-10-14 11:16 |

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