關閉視窗 2000 /xp的檔案保護
Disable Windows File Protection (Windows 2000/XP) Popular
Windows 2000 and XP include a feature called Windows File Protection (WFP), part of the System File Checker, which is intended to avoid some of the common DLL consistency issues. This feature may also block valid attempts to change system files and it can therefore be disabled using this tweak.
Change the Size of the Windows File Protection 快取 (Windows 2000/XP)
The Windows File Protection feature of Windows stores copies of common DLL files and replaces them if the original becomes damaged or lost. This tweak lets you control the maximum amount of space available to be consumed by the backup DLL's.
Disable Windows File Protection (Windows 2000/XP) Popular
Windows 2000 and XP include a feature called Windows File Protection (WFP), part of the System File Checker, which is intended to avoid some of the common DLL consistency issues. This feature may also block valid attempts to change system files and it can therefore be disabled using this tweak.
Manage Windows File Protection Scans (Windows 2000/XP)
This setting controls whether the Windows File Checker (SFC) should scan and replace the protected files during boot up.
Specify the Directory to Store 快取d SFC Files (Windows 2000/XP)
This entry is used to specify which directory the Windows File Checker (SFC) should use to store the cached copies of protected files.
Display SFC Progress Meter (Windows 2000/XP)
Specifies whether the Windows File Checker (SFC) progress meter should be displayed during file checking.
Enable System File Protection Popup Notifications (Windows Me)
This tweak controls whether a popup notification message is shown when the System File Protection (SFP) service performs an action.
Windows File Checker Command-line Options (Windows 2000)
The Windows File Checker is used to scans all the protected system files and replaces incorrect versions with a cached copy of the correct version. These are the command-line options to control the Windows file protection (WFP) utility.
This tweak can be easily applied using WinGuides Tweak Manager.
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http://www.winguides.c...?ispluginOpen your registry and find the key below.
Change the value of "SFCDisable" to equal "ffffff9d" to disable WFS or "0" to enable it. The other valid hexadecimal values are:
1 - disabled, prompt at boot to re-enable
2 - disabled at next boot only, no prompt to re-enable
4 - enabled, with popups disabled
ffffff9d - for completely disabled
Restart Windows for the change to take effect.
Additional Steps for Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 and Windows XP
This setting is disabled in Windows 2000 SP2 and Windows XP, and needs to re-enabled using a hex editor and changing SFC.DLL (or SFC_OS.DLL for Windows XP) following these instructions:
Windows 2000 SP2
Make a backup the SFC.DLL in the C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory.
Make an additional copy of SFC.DLL called SFC1.DLL and open it in a hex editor.
At offset 00006211 (6211h) you should find the values "8B" and "C6". Do not continue if you are unable to find these values.
Change the values "8B C6" to read "90 90" and save the changes.
Run these commands to update the system files:
copy c:\winnt\system32\sfc1.dll c:\winnt\system32\sfc.dll /y
copy c:\winnt\system32\sfc1.dll c:\winnt\system32\dllcache\sfc.dll /y
If you are prompted to insert the Windows CD, click Cancel.
Restart Windows for the change to take effect.
Windows XP
Make a backup the SFC_OS.DLL in the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 directory.
Make an additional copy of SFC_OS.DLL called SFC_OS1.DLL and open it in a hex editor.
Windows XP (no Service Pack)
At offset 0000E2B8 (0E2B8h) you should find the values "8B" and "C6".
Windows XP (Service Pack 1)
At offset 0000E3BB (0E3BBh) you should find the values "8B" and "C6".
Do not continue if you are unable to find these values.
Change the values "8B C6" to read "90 90" and save the changes.
Run these commands to update the system files:
copy c:\windows\system32\sfc_os1.dll c:\windows\system32\sfc_os.dll /y
copy c:\windows\system32\sfc_os1.dll c:\windows\system32\dllcache\sfc_os.dll /y
If you are prompted to insert the Windows CD, click Cancel.
Restart Windows for the change to take effect.
Once these files have been updated apply the registry setting above.
Note: You must manually modify the operating system files using a hex editor to allow this tweak to disable SFC on Windows 2000 (SP1+) or Windows XP.
(Default) REG_SZ (value not set)
SFCDisable REG_DWORD 0xffffff9d (4294967197)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVers...
Registry Settings
System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
類型 Name: SFCDisable
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD 類型)
類型 Data: 0 = enabled (default), ffffff9d = disabled
Related Tweaks
Change the Size of the Windows File Protection 快取 (Windows 2000/XP)
Manage Windows File Protection Scans (Windows 2000/XP)
Specify the Directory to Store 快取d SFC Files (Windows 2000/XP)
Display SFC Progress Meter (Windows 2000/XP)
Windows File Checker Command-line Options (Windows 2000)
Disclaimer: Modifying the registry can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. We cannot guarantee that problems resulting from modifications to the registry can be solved. Use the information provided at your own risk.
WINDOWS 檔案保護機制
-- 小議Windows文件保護機制
微軟為了提高Windows系統的可靠性和穩定性,從Windows 2000開始使用一種叫做WFP(Windows File Protection,Windows文件保護)的機制。現在,Windows 2000和Windows XP都有這個功能。本文將為你詳細講解WFP如何使用以及如何設定。
在Windows 2000/XP剛裝好後,系統會自動製作製作制作備份這些文件到一個專門的叫做dllcache的資料夾,這個dllcache資料夾的位置預設儲存在%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\dllcache。當你使用了Windows系統一段時間之後,會發現一些其它檔案類型的文件,例如cpl、cpx、inf、rsp、tlb等文件也會當作重要系統檔案保護起來,並且WFP會根據這些文件建立一個目錄,顯示了所有受保護文件的正確版本和檔案類型。
在前面我們已經知道,WFP的主要功能就是為了防止重要的系統檔案被錯誤移除或者取代,那麼我們要驗證WFP是否工作正常也就很簡單了,只要我們人為地移除或者修改一些系統檔案,然後看看WFP機制能否把被取代的文件恢復正常,就知道WFP是否正常工作了在執行中輸入"%systemroot%\system32"並Enter鍵,開啟System32資料夾,隨便選一個受保護文件(以cmd.exe為例),然後給這個文件重新命名(這裡假設改為cmd.exe.bak),確定後等待幾秒鐘,然後按F5 重新整理一下,你可以看到,除了改名後的cmd.exe.bak,這裡又有了一個新的cmd.exe,這就是操作系統從製作製作制作備份的文件中恢復出來的。
Windows文件保護可以用多種方式自訂它的運作,最簡單的辦法就是組態群組原則(群組原則只有Windows 2000和Windows XP Professional有,Windows XP Home沒有)。在執行中輸入"gpedit.msc"然後Enter鍵,可以開啟群組原則編輯器。
依次展開Computer Configuration-Administrative Templates,-System(電腦組態-管理範本-系統),然後選項Windows File Protection(Windows文件保護)資料夾。雙按每一項就可以分別進行設定。
Set Windows File Protection scanning(設定Windows文件保護掃瞄),這個原則可以讓你決定是否在Windows啟動的時候自動進行WFP掃瞄。
Hide the file scan progress window(隱藏文件掃瞄進度視窗),啟用這個設定後在進行WFP掃瞄的時候就不會顯示掃瞄的進度視窗。
Limit Windows File Protection cache size(限制Windows文件保護緩衝大小),預設情況下,WFP會儲存大量的系統檔案製作製作制作備份(這主要取決於你的硬碟的大小),這樣做雖然使得恢復系統檔案變得簡單易行,但是卻佔用了太多的硬碟空間。如果你不進行任何設定,那麼對於WFP的制作備份檔案是沒有大小限制的。
Specify Windows File Protection cache location(指定Windows文件保護緩衝位置),預設情況下,緩衝文件被儲存在%SystemRoot%\system32\dllcache資料夾內,也許你的系統碟空間已經很緊張了,不過其它分區還很空,那麼啟用這個原則,並指定一個位置,緩衝文件就會全部儲存在那裡。
而指令行下的SFC指令,除了上面我們列舉的sfc/scannow,sfc/scanonce等之外,還有其它幾個有用的參數:在Windows 2000中,使用sfc/cancel將會取消所有掛起的掃瞄;sfc/quiet 這將自動更換所有被改動過的受保護系統檔案,而不會提醒用戶。
sfc /purgecache 將會清空所有製作製作制作備份的受保護文件,而在Windows 2000中執行這個指令後還會自動進行一次掃瞄;sfc /revert,使用在Windows XP中,把所有的WFP有關的設定全部啟始化,而Windows 2000中相應的指令是sfc /enable。
執行regedit開啟註冊表編輯器,展開註冊表到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon,這裡有幾個鍵是需要我們設定的:
下載這個指令碼後整個解壓縮到一個資料夾中,然後雙按執行其中的replacer.cmd文件,接著你會看到圖三的界面。假設我們要把%systemroot%\system32 資料夾下的cmd.exe文件取代為C碟根目錄下的cmd.exe.bak文件,按照螢幕提示,從Windows檔案總管中移到cmd.exe文件到 指令行視窗上,然後鬆開滑鼠,這時可以看見指令行視窗已經得到了目標文件的路徑,按下Enter鍵,接著同樣是從檔案總管中移到原文件cmd.exe.bak到指令行視窗,然後鬆手,繼續Enter鍵,這時看到的界面如同。
/SCANNOW 立即掃瞄所有受保護的系統檔案
/SCANONCE 掃瞄所有受保護的系統檔案一次
/SCANBOOT 每次啟動時掃瞄所有受保護的系統檔案
/CANCEL 取消所有暫停的受保護系統檔案的掃瞄
/ENABLE 為正常操作啟用 Windows 文件保護
/PURGECACHE 清除文件緩衝並立即掃瞄所有受保護的系統檔案(只有在確定系統沒有問題殘能使用,因為一旦使用以後系統的緩衝會全部丟失掉,要恢復系統檔案就比較麻煩了)
/CACHESIZE=x 服務機構:MB 設定文件緩衝大小(請根據硬碟空間大小安排)
/QUIET 不提示用戶就取代所有不正確的文件版本(千萬要慎重考慮是否使用這個參數,因為使用不正確的系統檔案非常容易導致系統癱瘓)