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[Basic][範例] (VB6)md5的檔案驗證~~轉貼by ku3
Option Explicit

'= Class Constants
Private Const OFFSET_4 = 4294967296#
Private Const MAXINT_4 = 2147483647

Private Const S11 = 7
Private Const S12 = 12
Private Const S13 = 17
Private Const S14 = 22
Private Const S21 = 5
Private Const S22 = 9
Private Const S23 = 14
Private Const S24 = 20
Private Const S31 = 4
Private Const S32 = 11
Private Const S33 = 16
Private Const S34 = 23
Private Const S41 = 6
Private Const S42 = 10
Private Const S43 = 15
Private Const S44 = 21

'= Class Variables
Private State(4) As Long
Private ByteCounter As Long
Private ByteBuffer(63) As Byte

'= Class Properties
Property Get RegisterA() As String
RegisterA = State(1)
End Property

Property Get RegisterB() As String
RegisterB = State(2)
End Property

Property Get RegisterC() As String
RegisterC = State(3)
End Property

Property Get RegisterD() As String
RegisterD = State(4)
End Property

'= Class Functions

' Function to quickly digest a file into a hex string
' ----- ku3 修改 -----
Public Function DigestFileToHexStr(FileName As String) As String
Dim fi As Long
fi = FreeFile
Open FileName For Binary Access Read As #fi
Do While Not EOF(fi)
Get #fi, , ByteBuffer
If Loc(fi) <= LOF(fi) Then
ByteCounter = ByteCounter + 64
MD5Transform ByteBuffer
End If
ByteCounter = ByteCounter + (LOF(fi) Mod 64)
Close #fi
DigestFileToHexStr = GetValues
End Function

' Function to digest a text string and output the result as a string
' of hexadecimal characters.
' ----- ku3 修改 -----
Public Function DigestStrToHexStr(SourceString As String) As String
'SourceString = "中英文混合字串測試"
Dim b() As Byte
b = StrConv(SourceString, vbFromUnicode)
MD5Update UBound(b) + 1, StringToArray(SourceString)
DigestStrToHexStr = GetValues
End Function

' A utility function which converts a string into an array of
' bytes.
' ----- ku3 修改 -----
Private Function StringToArray(InString As String) As Byte()
Dim I As Integer
Dim bytBuffer() As Byte
bytBuffer = StrConv(InString, vbFromUnicode)
StringToArray = bytBuffer
End Function

' Concatenate the four state vaules into one string
Public Function GetValues() As String
GetValues = LongToString(State(1)) & LongToString(State(2)) & LongToString(State(3)) & LongToString(State(4))
End Function

' Convert a Long to a Hex string
Private Function LongToString(Num As Long) As String
Dim a As Byte
Dim b As Byte
Dim c As Byte
Dim d As Byte

a = Num And &HFF&
If a < 16 Then
LongToString = "0" & Hex(a)
LongToString = Hex(a)
End If

b = (Num And &HFF00&) \ 256
If b < 16 Then
LongToString = LongToString & "0" & Hex(b)
LongToString = LongToString & Hex(b)
End If

c = (Num And &HFF0000) \ 65536
If c < 16 Then
LongToString = LongToString & "0" & Hex(c)
LongToString = LongToString & Hex(c)
End If

If Num < 0 Then
d = ((Num And &H7F000000) \ 16777216) Or &H80&
d = (Num And &HFF000000) \ 16777216
End If

If d < 16 Then
LongToString = LongToString & "0" & Hex(d)
LongToString = LongToString & Hex(d)
End If

End Function

' Initialize the class
' This must be called before a digest calculation is started
Public Sub MD5Init()
ByteCounter = 0
State(1) = UnsignedToLong(1732584193#)
State(2) = UnsignedToLong(4023233417#)
State(3) = UnsignedToLong(2562383102#)
State(4) = UnsignedToLong(271733878#)
End Sub

' MD5 Final
Public Sub MD5Final()
Dim dblBits As Double

Dim padding(72) As Byte
Dim lngBytesBuffered As Long

padding(0) = &H80

dblBits = ByteCounter * 8

' Pad out
lngBytesBuffered = ByteCounter Mod 64
If lngBytesBuffered <= 56 Then
MD5Update 56 - lngBytesBuffered, padding
MD5Update 120 - ByteCounter, padding
End If

padding(0) = UnsignedToLong(dblBits) And &HFF&
padding(1) = Unsign ..

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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣和信超媒體寬帶網 | Posted:2009-05-30 08:51 |
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