
下面是引用 doroemon 於 2010-01-08 21:25 發表的 ZP高手請幫幫忙.......: 請問如何令ZP會有以下功能: 10人以下有1隻頭屍;10~20人有2隻頭屍;20~28人有3隻頭屍;28人以上有3隻頭屍
我雖然看了這篇教學文,但都是看不懂: http://bbs.mychat.to/reads.php?tid=836806
各位大大請幫幫忙,非常感謝! 就容我來回答你吧 人數區分在主插件的基本款有三種 1. 活著的人數判定 fnGetAlive() 2. 殭屍人數的判定 fnGetZombies() 3. 人類人數的判定 fnGetHumans() 待會都會用到。 [ZP]男女混打(共存)的1 F講解題要其實就有提及 只是在那邊單純究個案說明 如果你想知道關於這方面其他的資訊 你的問題是... 如何令10人 以下有1隻殭屍王;10~20人有2隻殭屍王;20~28人有3隻殭屍王;28人以上有4隻殭屍王?? 步驟一 在// CVAR pointers加入以下...( 藍色) // CVAR pointers cvar_10human_2zombies, cvar_20human_3zombies, cvar_28above_4zombies, 步驟二 在// CVARS - General Purpose加入以下三點...( 藍色) // CVARS - General Purpose cvar_10human_2zombies = register_cvar("zp_10human_2zombies", "0") cvar_20human_3zombies = register_cvar("zp_20human_3zombies", "0") cvar_28above_4zombies = register_cvar("zp_28above_4zombies", "0") 步驟三 為了在新回合開始前,讓系統先『自動』判定人數,所以加在warmup的部分...( 藍色) 你會在consle看到隨著人數多寡,插件會自動轉換條件。意思就是如果這步驟省略不寫的話... 以上步驟一、二也可以拿出來個別當指令在控制台下達,變成『手動』的。 // Set a new "Make Zombie Task" remove_task(TASK_MAKEZOMBIE) set_task(2.0+random_float(get_pcvar_float(cvar_warmup), get_pcvar_float(cvar_warmup)+3.0), "make_zombie_task", TASK_MAKEZOMBIE)
// Default CVAR Definitions client_cmd(0,"zp_10human_2zombies 0"); client_cmd(0,"zp_20human_3zombies 0"); client_cmd(0,"zp_28above_4zombies 0")
// Analyze the Quantity of Players Automatically if (fnGetAlive() >= 10) { client_cmd(0,"zp_10human_2zombies 1") } if (fnGetAlive() >= 20) { client_cmd(0,"zp_20human_3zombies 1") } if (fnGetAlive() >= 28) { client_cmd(0,"zp_28above_4zombies 1") } 步驟四 重頭戲,照你的需求幫你設定好了,以下...( 藍色) // Single Infection Mode g_lastmode = MODE_INFECTION if (fnGetHumans() > 1) { // Turn player into the first zombie zombieme(id, 0, 0, 0) } if (fnGetHumans() >= 9 && get_pcvar_num(cvar_10human_2zombies)) { // Turn player into the first zombie while (g_zombie[id]) id = fnGetRandomAlive(random_num(1, iPlayersnum)); zombieme(id, 0, 0, 0) } if (fnGetHumans() >= 18 && get_pcvar_num(cvar_20human_3zombies)) { // Turn player into the first zombie while (g_zombie[id]) id = fnGetRandomAlive(random_num(1, iPlayersnum)); zombieme(id, 0, 0, 0) } if (fnGetHumans() >= 25 && get_pcvar_num(cvar_28above_4zombies)) { // Turn player into the first zombie while (g_zombie[id]) id = fnGetRandomAlive(random_num(1, iPlayersnum)); zombieme(id, 0, 0, 0) } 步驟五 關鍵時刻,設定前四步驟被定義的人數條件下出現的殭屍皆為殭屍王(firstzombie)...( 藍色) else if (fnGetZombies() == 1) { // First zombie g_firstzombie[id] = true // Set health and gravity fm_set_user_health(id, floatround(g_zclass_hp[g_zombieclass[id]]*get_pcvar_float(cvar_zombiefirsthp))) set_pev(id, pev_gravity, g_zclass_grav[g_zombieclass[id]]) // Infection sound engfunc(EngFunc_EmitSound, id, CHAN_VOICE, zombie_infect[random_num(0, sizeof zombie_infect - 1)], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM) } else if (fnGetZombies() == 2 && get_pcvar_num(cvar_10human_2zombies)) { // First zombie g_firstzombie[id] = true // Set health and gravity fm_set_user_health(id, floatround(g_zclass_hp[g_zombieclass[id]]*get_pcvar_float(cvar_zombiefirsthp))) set_pev(id, pev_gravity, g_zclass_grav[g_zombieclass[id]]) // Infection sound engfunc(EngFunc_EmitSound, id, CHAN_VOICE, zombie_infect[random_num(0, sizeof zombie_infect - 1)], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM) } else if (fnGetZombies() == 3 && get_pcvar_num(cvar_20human_3zombies)) { // First zombie g_firstzombie[id] = true // Set health and gravity fm_set_user_health(id, floatround(g_zclass_hp[g_zombieclass[id]]*get_pcvar_float(cvar_zombiefirsthp))) set_pev(id, pev_gravity, g_zclass_grav[g_zombieclass[id]]) // Infection sound engfunc(EngFunc_EmitSound, id, CHAN_VOICE, zombie_infect[random_num(0, sizeof zombie_infect - 1)], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM) } else if (fnGetZombies() == 4 && get_pcvar_num(cvar_28above_4zombies)) { // First zombie g_firstzombie[id] = true // Set health and gravity fm_set_user_health(id, floatround(g_zclass_hp[g_zombieclass[id]]*get_pcvar_float(cvar_zombiefirsthp))) set_pev(id, pev_gravity, g_zclass_grav[g_zombieclass[id]]) // Infection sound engfunc(EngFunc_EmitSound, id, CHAN_VOICE, zombie_infect[random_num(0, sizeof zombie_infect - 1)], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM) } 搞定!! 你還可以加上這篇的內容 http://bbs.mychat.to/reads.php?tid=838765 會讓你更容易辨別誰是"殭屍王" 喜歡的話..就給點掌聲吧!!
[ 此文章被AykinDalike在2010-01-10 15:26重新編輯 ]
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From:台灣中嘉寬頻 | Posted:2010-01-10 00:27 |