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[分享] Turn photos, videos and music into fantastic movie - YouTube
Digital Slideshow Builder : Mac | Turn photos, videos and music into a fantastic movie - YouTube

Do you want to turn your photos, videos and music into a fantastic movie? In this video tutorial, you will get the easiest way to achieve it.

This video covers:
1. Download and install the program
2. Add media files
3. Use Style Templates
4. Edit photos
5. Add Credit slide
6. Trim video and music
7. Share your movie in high quality


With Digital Slideshow Builder for Mac, you can transform your photos, videos and music into an eye-catching showcase simply by dragging and dropping. Moreover, the movie can be shared to DVD, YouTube, iTunes, etc. directly.

More Info: http://bit.l...gQ1n

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:沒有資料 | Posted:2012-05-17 17:17 |

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