You need to already be familiar with photoshop and source skins. Works only on Deafault models!
First download vtfedit (Valve Texture Edit) here http://www.fpsbanan...ools/95
Okay now download a Source skin were going use this Deagle by reaper
Once you have downloaded and installed "VTFEdit" go to properties and set "always open with" then find vtfedit and double click it for source VTF files only.
Now double click the VTFedit skin you see, then export it as a .bmp. Go to File then export make it a bmp.
Now open the .bmp with any photoediting program and decrease the color depth by 16.
*You can use Adobe Photoshop but you need to make it an Indexed color so
go to 'Image' 'Mode' then click on the Indexed Color. (There will be a prompt simply press 'Enter' do not mess with any settings) This also makes it Portable to JHLMV Jeds Half Life Model Viewer.
Now resize the skin if you have to and your done.
*Photoshop 'Image' 'Image Size' set the Pixels to what they need to be in JHLMV. Like usually 1024x768
Open Jeds half life model viewer and import the source texture that you edited.
If you don't get it, Private Message me and I'll help you as best as I can.
You're basically just opening a picture in a different program and then exporting it as a extension you're (CZ/CS 1.6) familiar with and decreasing its color depth.
This is for your own personal use. Do not upload to FPSB as it is illegal to do so.
你须要 photoshop 软件和CSS模组
http://www.fpsbanan...ools/95 下载 vtfedit (Valve Texture Edit)
好了, 现在在
http://www.fpsbanan...ins/932 下载 reaper 的CSS夜鹰模组
请你安装 VTFEdit , 然后到 properties (内容) , 设定为 "always open with" , 再用他来开启CSS的VTF档案
然后像 JHLMV 般把 texture 存成BMP档
开启BMP档, 把颜色浓度调低16度
*你可以用 photoshop 但是要到 'Image' 'Mode' 按 Indexed Color. (There will be a prompt simply press 'Enter' do not mess with any settings) (←不太明白) 这令JHLMV可以开启它
现在把模组调大小, 到Photoshop 'Image' 'Image Size' 把像素校成JHLMV的大小, 应该是1024*768的
然后开JHLMV, 把已修改的CSS的texture载入
如果不行, 请通知本人 (*←是香蕉里的作者)
You're basically just opening a picture in a different program and then exporting it as a extension you're (CZ/CS 1.6) familiar with and decreasing its color depth.
↑ 不太明白
这是作私人用途, 请勿把成品上传至香蕉网