bm_telefrags 1 (Players near teleport exit die if someone comes through) - bm_firedamageamount 20.0 (How much the fire damage block hurts per half second) - bm_damageamount 5.0 (How much the damage block hurts per half second) - bm_healamount 1.0 (How much life the healer block gives per half second) - bm_invincibletime 20.0 (How long invincibility lasts in seconds) - bm_invinciblecooldown 60.0 (Seconds before invincibility can be used again) - bm_stealthtime 20.0 (How long stealth lasts in seconds) - bm_stealthcooldown 60.0 (Seconds before stealth can be used again) - bm_camouflagetime 20.0 (How long camouflage lasts in seconds) - bm_camouflagecooldown 60.0 (Seconds before camouflage can be used again) - bm_nukecooldown 60.0 (Seconds before the nuke can be used again) - bm_randomcooldown 30.0 (Seconds before the random block can be used again) - bm_bootsofspeedtime 20.0 (How long the boots of speed last for in seconds) - bm_bootsofspeedcooldown 60.0 (Seconds until boots can be used again) - bm_autobhoptime 20.0 (How long the player has auto bhop) - bm_autobhopcooldown 60.0 (Time before auto bhop can be used again) - bm_teleportsound 1 (Teleporters make a sound when something passes through them)