[活动][中彰投] 清净”风一夏”~比佛利度假山庄
『2017清境一夏风车节』剩一个月左右拉! 抓住暑假尾巴 快来清境”风一夏”吧 Therest one month for Cingjing Windmill Festival, you must grab the last chance totake part in it.
[color=YellowGreen]小瑞士花园 - 随着清境的微风转动,蓝白相间的风车,尤如波浪一波接一波的转动,形成一幅超疗愈的风车花海波浪,在这炎炎夏日感受特别清凉。 SwissGarden - The windmills flickered gently in the breeze like small breakersspring up. It would be pretty cool when you see this scene.
海拔1750公尺的清境农场位于南投仁爱乡。这里的气候一年四季都很温暖,因此清境农场一年四季有不同的水果,像是桃子、梨子、梅子、奇异果等丰富的高山水果。 TheCingjing Veterans Farm is situated at the Jen-Ai Town of Nan-Tou County. TheCingjing Veterans Farm is 1,750 meters above the sea. The weather is generallymild all year round and the farm produces various fruits including peaches,pears, plums, kiwi fruit, and high land vegetables
青青草原的剃羊毛秀是最有名的,只需要一眨眼的瞬间,剃羊毛的工作就完成了!!当然,游客可以在这里和绵羊拍照或者来一支最消暑的牛奶冰淇淋,让所有游客暂时忘却所有的烦恼。 Thesheep shearing show on Green Green Grasslands is very famous. The shepherd willshear a sheep’s wool within seconds, which always puts the audience in awe.Also, tourists can take pictures with sheep and eat the sheep milk ice cream.The Evergreen Grasslands can make tourists temporarily forget busylife.
今年的风车节至9月30日。在这机会看到各种不同型态的风车,园区内的景色仿佛置身于瑞士。犹豫什么呢?快和朋友一起来探索美丽的台湾吧!! Thisyear's Cingjing Windmill Festival will be held until the 30th of September. Youwill appreciate various forms of windmills, and the landscapes in Cingjing Farmare pretty incredible, which make you feel like you were in the Swiss Alps. Whydon’t you visit the farm with your friends and experience the beauty ofTaiwan!
为了维护自然景观,步道采用高架设计,延伸至树林间,旅人可一边步行一边欣赏周遭与脚下的景致。 Toprotect the natural landscapes here, the landscape trail which extended throughthe forest was designed for over head. Travelers can enjoy the sceneries aroundyou.
另外,这里设有六座景观平台,让旅客可远眺中央山脉及奇莱山。 Youcan overlook the central Range and Chilai Mountain on these six landscapeplatforms.
民宿设计以香杉木为主,为让旅客能有更舒适的住宿环境,这样的用心让人舍不得离开。 Tomake a comfortable environment for travelers, the room was made by cedar. Italways makes me reluctant to leave.
在这里可以无拘束地享受这份宁静,暂时忘却所有烦恼。 Enjoyunrestrained quiet here and forget all the bad annoyances.
所有房间皆有独立的观景台,面对山势雄伟的百山群峰,叫人流连忘返。 There’sa viewing platform facing majestic mountains in each room.
山庄所提供养生的有机营养早餐,储备好一天的元气与好心情,继续我们的清境之旅。 Getready to explore Cingjing with organic and nutritious breakfast prepared by thehotel.
景观式咖啡雅座,在四周美景环绕下,可以在这里观云海、赏日出、看星星,让您悠闲的徜徉在群山的怀抱当中。 ScenicView coffee seats surrounded by the beautiful view. You can see the sea ofclouds, sunrise, and stars. It’s awesome!
[color=DarkSlateGray]电话:049-2803781 地址:南投县仁爱乡大同村荣光巷23-1号 网站: TEL:049-2803781 ADD:No.23-1, Rongguang Ln, Cingjing, Nantou, Taiwan WEB: