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確診向保險公司「提出」索賠 英文用這個字



The buying frenzy essentially began last January, when Taiwan Fire & Marine Insurance Co. unveiled a policy for NT$500 with payouts of up to NT$100,000 if the policyholder was quarantined. (taipeitimes.com)

insurance「保險、保險費、安全保障」,延伸字彙包括動詞insure「為…投保」與名詞insurer「承保人」、the insured「受保人」。經常與insurance搭配的動詞有claim (on)「申請索賠」、renew「更新;繼續」、taken out「購買」、apply for「申請」等,都是金融保險範疇常見的詞彙。

When travelers take out travel insurance with emergency medical benefits, it can cover medical emergencies during their trips.

現在持續受到討論的「防疫險」用pandemic/Covid insurance表達即可。保險大致分類成:財產保險(non-life insurance)與insurance of the person(人身保險),日常常見的細項如life insurance「壽險」、annuity insurance「年金保險」、casualty insurance「意外險」、health insurance「健保」、labor insurance「勞保」等,都是多益測驗中,金融保險或是醫療保健主題會提及的相關詞彙。

policy在財經保險專業詞彙中,是「保單」的意思,因此policyholder就是「投保人、保戶」,policy dividend代表「保單紅利」。但policy在日常生活中最常見的意思為「政策;策略」。

The updated pandemic policy only covers the NT$50,000 compensation for hospitalization, removing provisions that pay for a COVID diagnosis and isolation.

payout表示「支出」,在此代表「保險公司依據保單條款應該理賠的金額」,例如死亡給付(death benefit)、到期還本(maturity benefit)、醫療給付(medical benefit)、殘廢給付(disability benefit)。關於其他保險金的詞彙還有claim「(對保險公司的)索賠」、compensation「賠償金;補償金」、indemnity「損害補償金」、benefit「補助金」、premium「保費」,也都是很值得學習的詞彙。

Most endowment policies cover the individual’s life in case of unfortunate events, and offer a maturity benefits at the end of the term.

When filing insurance claims for the artworks, the art collector authenticated his claim to receive the benefit from the insurance firm.

「提出」保險索賠,除了搭配動詞file外,還可用submitted a claim、made a claim等方式表示。

The policyholder submitted a claim for the losses sustained as a result of the pandemic.

The policyholder made a claim on pandemic insurance after hospitalization.

「submit a claim to + 公司 for 損失」與「make a claim on + 保險名稱」都是很實用的搭配。此外,近來新聞也常提及的「理付賠償」,會搭配pay out與reimburse兩字。

Insurance companies are estimated to pay out claims, topping US$1.39 billion in Taiwan.

Insurance companies will reimburse policyholders for expenses incurred during their hospitalization.



There is no coverage for the costs of healthcare in non-life insurance.

Typical travel insurance plans usually cover medical emergencies, trip cancellation, interruptions, delays, etc.


1. Fearing steep losses from pandemic ________, most insurance companies are adjusting their offerings, and demand for COVID insurance is expected to cool.
(A) payouts
(B) pensions
(C) premiums
(D) provisions

2. Insurers have to provide financial compensation for stuff that’s lost as long as it ________ under your policy.
(A) covers
(B) is covering
(C) is covered
(D) has covered


1. 正解(A)。語意為「擔心疫情保險給付額會導致巨額損失,多數保險公司都在調整他們的產品,防疫險的需求預期將會降溫。」本題為字彙題,pandemic payouts「疫情保險給付額」符合句意,故(A)為正確答案。(B)「退休金,養老金,撫恤金」、(C)「保費」、(D)「規定,條款」。

2. 正解(C)。語意為「只要在保單範圍內,保險公司就必須為你丟失的物品提供錢財上的補償。」本題為文法題。依照語意與用法,cover表示「給…保險;承保」,要使用被動語態。故(C)為正確答案。


獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣亞太線上服務股份有限公司 | Posted:2022-06-13 21:08 |

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