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新闻集锦:1. 全球首座 3D 列印桥 在阿姆斯特丹亮相 2. 最后一国停售 含铅汽油正式走入历史 1.World’s

新闻集锦:1. 全球首座 3D 列印桥 在阿姆斯特丹亮相 2. 最后一国停售 含铅汽油正式走入历史
1.World’s First 3D-Printed Bridge Unveiled1 in Amsterdam 2.Algeria Helps World Become Fully Unleaded

作者 Analytical Editors
新闻集锦:1. 全球首座 3D 列印桥 在阿姆斯特丹亮相 2. 最后一国停售 含铅汽油正式走入历史
1.World’s First 3D-Printed Bridge Unveiled1 in Amsterdam 2.Algeria Helps World Become Fully Unleaded


World’s First 3D-Printed Bridge Unveiled in Amsterdam

    A rough neighborhood in Amsterdam has gotten a massive facelift with the addition of an ultra-modern 3D-printed bridge. Created by Dutch designer Joris Laarman, it was inaugurated by Queen Máxima of the Netherlands in July of 2021.

    The bridge—the first of its kind—was created with an innovative 3D-printing technique developed by a company called MX3D. Every inch of its 12-meter length was not only built to be eyecatching but also packed with smart technology. The built-in sensors will help researchers monitor the structure’s state and stability in real time, and also gather data on local and tourist traffic.

    Local authorities foresee the bridge attracting people who are interested in architecture and modern design, which will hopefully give the area a better reputation.

Algeria Helps World Become Fully Unleaded

    In August of 2021, the UN announced that the last remaining country in the world to still use leaded gasoline—Algeria—was officially removing the fuel from its pumps. For the first time since it began being used in 1922, leaded gasoline will be completely obsolete.

    Considered acutely poisonous, lead has extremely detrimental effects on anything and anyone that comes in contact with it. It has contaminated drinking water, food crops, and the air for nearly a century. In young children, it damages their brain’s development center and affects their ability to learn. It has also been known to cause heart disease, strokes, and cancer. A small battle for the environment has been won, but the war rages on because lead is still being used in paints, batteries, and household items.

Words in Use

remove [rɪˋmuv]

vt. 移开,除去

addition [əˋdɪʃən]

n. 添加;加法

innovative [ˋɪno͵vetɪv]

adj. 创新的

architecture [ˋɑrkə͵tɛktʃɚ]

n. 建筑(风格);建筑学(不可数)

household [ˋhaʊs͵hold]

n. 家庭(= family)
a. 家用的;家庭的

stroke [strok]

n. 中风;(绘画、写字的)一笔;游泳的方式;一击
vt. (用手)抚摸

stability [stəˋbɪlətɪ]

n. 稳定 (性) (不可数)

contaminate [kənˋtæmə͵net]

vt. 污染

sensor [ˋsɛnsɚ]

n. 感应器

unveil [ʌnˋvel]

vt. . 为(新画作或雕像等)揭幕;推出 / 公布(新产品、计画等)

foresee [forˋsi]

vt. . 预见,预测

rough [rʌf]

adv. 粗鲁地
a. 粗糙的;粗略的;粗暴的
n. 草图

pump [pʌmp]

vt. & vi. 抽取;灌注
n. 帮浦

gasoline [ˋgæsə͵lin]

n. 汽油(常缩写成 gas)

detrimental [dɛtrəˋmɛnt!]
a. 有害的

authorities [əˋθɔrətɪz]

n. 当局(恒用复数)

inaugurate [ɪnˋɔgjə͵ret]

vt. 为⋯⋯举行落成典礼/开幕式

remaining [rɪˋmenɪŋ]

adj. 剩余的

obsolete [ˋɑbsə͵lit]

adj. 淘汰的

acutely [əˋkjutlɪ]

adv. 极其地

facelift [ˋfes͵lɪft]
n. (建筑物或场地的)翻修

ultra- [ˋʌltrə]
prefix. 超,极

eye-catching [ˋaɪ͵kætʃɪŋ]
adj. 引人注目的

built-in [ˋbɪltˋɪn]
adj. 内建的

unleaded [ʌnˋlɛdɪd]
adj. 无铅的

leaded [ˋlɛdɪd]
adj. 含铅的
Practical Phrases

remove A from B 将 A 从 B 中除去
I removed a coffee stain from the shirt with a special cleanser.

the first of its kind ( 某类型中)最早的/首次的
The paper is the first of its kind in analyzing the literary work from a political perspective.

be packed with... 挤满⋯⋯
The stadium was packed with people to see
the NBA final.
那间体育馆挤满了要看 NBA 总决赛的人。

in real time 即时
Technology allows us to obtain images of the moon in real time.

rage on 激烈进行,肆虐
The firefighters have been working for hours, but the fire still rages on.

come in contact with... 接触到⋯⋯
You should prevent your wound from coming in contact with water over the next three days.

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾亚太线上服务股份有限公司 | Posted:2022-11-16 21:09 |

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