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拿手機的姿勢出賣了你的性格! How Do You Hold Your Smartphone?

拿手機的姿勢出賣了你的性格! How Do You Hold Your Smartphone?
How Do You Hold Your Smartphone?
3/16 生活英語
作者 Enjoy Editors
閱讀時間 6分鐘
聽講解 聽朗讀

拿手機的姿勢出賣了你的性格! How Do You Hold Your Smartphone?

目錄 / Tips in Use 重點解析 / You Can Do This 英文試金石 / 中文翻譯

The way you hold your phone can reveal a lot about you.

    With so many people using smartphones these days, researchers have noticed some trends. When you make a call or scroll, how do you hold your phone? Do you hold it with one hand or two? Which finger usually touches the screen? Some psychologists believe the way you hold your device may say a lot about your personality.

    Let’s take a look at the four most common ways people hold their phone. The first is the “single-hand” user. In this position, people hold the phone in their dominant hand and use their thumb to tap the screen. People who fit in this type are often practical and confident, but they may also be risk- takers. With one hand free, this grip reflects a laid-back attitude. However, they may also act too quickly and make more mistakes.

    Then there are those who hold their phone with two hands and use both thumbs to type and navigate the screen. This is the “two thumbs” position. People who use two thumbs to tap the screen are usually focused and hard-working. They like to solve problems quickly and don’t like to waste time. Despite their efficiency, others may view these people as pushy or too serious.

Words in Use

view [vju]

vt. 將……看成,看待;(觀)看
n. 觀點;視野,景色

reflect [rɪˋflɛkt]

vt. 反射;反應
vi. 思考(與介詞 on 並用)

device [dɪˋvaɪs]

n. 裝置;設計

reveal [rɪˋvil]

vt. 透露,揭露

grip [grɪp]

vt. 緊握;吸引(注意力)
n. 緊握;理解

efficiency [ɪˋfɪʃənsɪ]

n. 效率

dominant [ˋdɑmənənt]

a. 支配的;重要的(職位)

psychologist [saɪˋkɑlədʒɪst]

n. 心理學家

trend [trɛnd]

n. 趨勢;潮流

scroll [skrol]

vt. 使滾動或展開
n. . 捲軸
vi. 捲動螢幕

navigate [ˋnævə͵get]

vt. & vi. . 導航(船、飛機、車等),確定(船、飛機、車等的)路線

tap [tæp]

n. 水龍頭〔英〕
vi. 輕敲
vt. 輕拍

laid-back [ˋled͵bæk]
a. 輕鬆隨興的,從容自在的

pushy [ˋpʊʃɪ]
a. 咄咄逼人的,態度強硬的
Practical Phrases

view A as B 將 A 視為 B
I always view Thanksgiving as a time for family togetherness.

Tips in Use 重點解析

♦「with + 受詞 + 受詞補語」的用法

此句型為使用 with 引導情狀介詞片語的用法,用來補 充說明句中主詞所處的情形或附帶狀況。主要動作以動 詞表示,次要動作則以情狀介詞片語表示,可置於主要 子句之前或之後,句型有下列幾種:

1. with + 受詞 + 現在分詞(作受詞補語)

受詞與受詞補語的關係為主動(本文第一段第一句 即屬此用法)。

例:My grandmother fell asleep on the sofa with a blanket covering her lap.


2. with + 受詞 + 過去分詞(作受詞補語)


例:With his work finished, Mike can leave anytime he wants.


3. with + 受詞 + 形容詞(作受詞補語)

形容詞用來補充說明受詞(本文第二段倒數第二句 即屬此用法)。

例:The students watched the movie with the teacher present.


You Can Do This 英文試金石


1. The numbers in this graph

2. A special type of device

3. Tom broke the contract

A. is needed to look for the treasure.

B. so that we can solve this problem.

C. by revealing the company’s secrets.

D. reflect changes in people’s habits.

答案:1. D 2. A 3. C



隨著現代使用智慧型手機的人數眾多,研究人員注意到一些趨 勢。你打電話或滑手機時,你是怎麼拿手機的呢?你用單手還是雙手 拿?通常是哪隻手指觸碰螢幕?一些心理學家認為,你拿裝置的方式 可能透露出許多關於你的個性的事。

來看看四種最常見的人們拿手機的姿勢吧。第一種是「單手」的 使用者。用此姿勢時,人們會用慣用手拿手機,並用大拇指點擊螢 幕。符合此類型的人通常是既實際又自信的,但他們可能也勇於冒 險。因為一隻手空著,這種握東西的方式反映出輕鬆隨性的態度。然 而,他們可能也會因行動過於匆促而犯下更多錯誤。

接著是那些用雙手拿手機、兩手拇指打字或瀏覽螢幕的人。這是 「雙拇指」姿勢。使用兩手拇指點擊螢幕的人通常很專注也很勤奮。他 們喜歡迅速解決問題,不喜歡浪費時間。儘管他們做事效率高,其他


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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣亞太線上服務股份有限公司 | Posted:2023-03-23 23:03 |

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