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AI 繪圖時代來臨 是福還是禍? AI-Generated Artwork: Good or Bad?

✶AI 繪圖時代來臨 是福還是禍? AI-Generated Artwork: Good or Bad?
AI-Generated Artwork: Good or Bad?
#閱讀測驗 #科學·科技 #娛樂·新奇 #藝術美學
6/9 解析英語
作者 Brian Foden
閱讀時間 7分鐘
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AI 繪圖時代來臨 是福還是禍? AI-Generated Artwork: Good or Bad?

目錄 / More to Learn / Grammar Tips / 中文翻譯(& 答案)

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming many aspects of modern life, one of which is the field of art. AI image generators have recently blown many people away. ❶Just enter keywords or pictures into the generator, and it will turn inputs into images within a few minutes. Though the tool is a technological breakthrough, some artists are not happy about it. They protested online when they discovered their copyrighted work was used to construct AI-generated art. Many said they felt cheated because they were not informed about it, nor did they receive any payment in return.

    Despite the negative response from those whose works were used to assist the development of the AI technology, there is no specific law against AI-generated pieces of art. While copyright laws protect particular works of art made by individuals, artistic styles that AI copies cannot be legally protected in the same way. ❷This issue may pose a problem—if a company finds an image it wants to use, all it has to do is enter the picture into an AI art system to get an imitated one; in doing so, it will not be considered to be violating any laws.

    Though AI-generated art has sparked a heated debate, it obviously has numerous benefits. ❸One example of this is the ability to quickly create supernatural scenes that may be impossible for humans to produce. On the other hand, there are
potential disadvantages to this technology. As seen from the artists’ reactions to discovering their work being used without their knowledge, there are ethical problems. Also, there is the danger of deepfakes, which are AI-created images or videos of people that look incredibly realistic. For example, people could be depicted as doing something scandalous. ❹Clearly, AI-generated art is a rapidly developing field with many bright sides as well as potential problems. As it becomes more prevalent, numerous issues related to AI-generated art need to be figured out.

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?

(A) Why many people admire art created by AI.

(B) How artists are using technology to produce art.

(C) Why AI-generated art has not become accepted yet.

(D) How artists reacted to their artwork being used to train AI.

2. What does “in the same way” in paragraph 2 mean?

(A) In the way laws offer protection to historically important creations.

(B) In the way laws offer protection to specific works of art.

(C) In the way laws allow fair use of copyrighted works.

(D) In the way laws allow certain artwork to be adapted.

3. Which disadvantage of AI-generated art is mentioned in the passage?

(A) This kind of new art breaks the law.

(B) It will be easier for artists to create their work.

(C) Human artists will not be motivated to make art.

(D) Fake images created by AI are becoming harder to detect.

4.The four sentences numbered ❶ to ❹ in the passage have to do with different aspects of AI image generators. Which one is most related to the issue the following statement discusses?

The AI image generator is like a washing machine of intellectual property. Put an image protected by copyright into it, and it will give you “clean” stuff you can use freely.

(A)❶ (B)❷ (C)❸ (D)❹

答案: 1.D 2.B 3.D 4.B

Words in Use

blow [blo]

vt. & vi. 吹;爆炸
n. 吹動;痛打;打擊

knowledge [ˋnɑlɪdʒ]

n. 知識;了解

aspect [ˋæspɛkt]

n. 方面

construct [kənˋstrʌkt]

vt. 興建,建造;創造(故事)

response [rɪˋspɑns]

n. 回應;回答;反應(與介詞 to 並用)

react [rɪˋækt]

reaction [rɪˋækʃən]

n. 反應(與介詞 to 並用)

inform [ɪnˋfɔrm]

vt. 通知,告知

generate [ˋdʒɛnə͵ret]

vt. 產生(光、電、熱);造成,引起

generator [ˋdʒɛnə͵retɚ]

n. 發電機

copyright [ˋkɑpɪ͵raɪt]

n. 版權; 著作權
vt. 取得版權

ethical [ˋɛθɪk!]

a. 道德的

intellectual [͵ɪnt!ˋɛktʃʊəl]

a. 智力的
n. 知識分子

intelligence [ɪnˋtɛlədʒəns]

n. 聰明才智;情報

artistic [ɑrˋtɪstɪk]

a. 藝術的;美妙的

transform [trænsˋfɔrm]

.vt. 變化,改變

protest [prəˋtɛst]

vt. 反駁(用 that 子句作受詞)
.vt. & vi. 抗議

disadvantage [͵dɪsədˋvæntɪdʒ]

n. 缺點

artificial [͵ɑrtəˋfɪʃəl]

a. 人造的;虛偽的,不真誠的

violate [ˋvaɪə͵let]

vt. 違反

imitate [ˋɪmə͵tet]

vt. 模仿,仿效

input [ˋɪn͵pʊt]

.vt. 輸入
n. 輸入(電腦等)的資料(不可數);提供(意見)

breakthrough [ˋbrek͵θru]

n. 突破

incredibly [ɪnˋkrɛdəblɪ]
adv. 難以置信地

prevalent [ˋprɛvələnt]

adj. 盛行的,流行的

n. 關鍵字

supernatural [͵supɚˋnætʃərəl]
a. 超自然的

deepfake [ˋdip͵fek]
n. 深度偽造(的圖片/影片)

scandalous [ˋskænd!əs]
a. 不雅的;令人反感的
Practical Phrases

figure out... / figure... out 想出……,弄明白……
We need to figure out a way to fix this problem.

on the other hand 另一方面

blow sb away / blow away sb 使某人大為驚奇;令某人非常高興
The results of the study on the effectiveness
of the vaccine blew the research team away.

in return 回報
Daisy helped the poor without asking for anything in return.

without one’s knowledge 在某人不知情的情況下
It’s illegal to collect one’s personal information without their knowledge.

AI 人工智慧(為 artificial intelligence 的縮寫)

a heated debate 熱烈的討論

intellectual property 智慧財產(權)
More to Learn

pose a problem 引發問題

• The shortage of funding posed problems for the project.

以下介紹動詞 pose 常見的用法及搭配詞:

a. 造成,引起:

pose a threat / danger / hazard / risk

• Exposed wires can pose dangers and spark fires.


• The use of pesticides can pose risks to many people.


b. 提出(問題): pose a question
• The confused student posed several

questions about the assignment.


c. 擺姿勢: pose for...

• The couple is posing for a wedding photoshoot near the temple.


d. 假裝,冒充: pose as sb

• The police caught the man posing as a diplomat.


Grammar Tips

... because they were not informed about it, nor did they receive any payment in return.

介紹 nor 作連接詞的用法

※ 本句的 nor(也不)是連接詞,使用時,前面必須先

有一個否定句,再由 nor 引導另一個子句,繼續作否 定的表達,而且 nor 之後的子句要採倒裝句構。

• Ryan didn’t do well in his presentation, nor did he pass the math test.

※ nor 也可用於否定簡應句中,表「⋯⋯不⋯⋯,⋯⋯也不(是)⋯⋯」,之後同樣要接倒裝句構。

• Ida doesn’t like tomatoes, nor does her sister.

= Ida doesn’t like tomatoes, and neither does her sister.

= Ida doesn’t like tomatoes, and her sister doesn’t, either.


※ nor 也可與 neither 並用,形成 neither... nor... 的用 法,用以連接對等的單字、片語和子句(唯少有連接 主要子句的情況),表「既非⋯⋯亦非⋯⋯」。

• The idea is neither good nor bad. It’s just OK.


• Ted is neither in the kitchen nor in the study.


neither... nor... 連接對等的主詞時,動詞要隨最近 的主詞做變化。

• Neither my boyfriend nor I like doing sports.



My baby girl didn’t sleep well last night, _____.

(A) I nor did

(B) nor did I

(C) neither I did

(D) I neither


中文翻譯(& 答案)

人工智慧(AI)正在改變現代生活的許多方面,其中之一就是藝術領域。AI 圖片產生 器最近讓很多人驚歎不已。只需在產生器中輸入關鍵字或上傳圖片,它就會在幾分鐘內將 輸入的東西變成圖像。儘管該工具是一項技術突破,但一些藝術家對此不是很開心。當他 們發現自己受到版權保護的作品被用於建構 AI 生成的藝術時,他們在網路上抗議。許多人 表示他們覺得自己被騙了,因為他們沒有被告知,也沒有收到任何作為回報的報酬。

儘管那些自己作品被用於協助 AI 技術發展的人有負面反應,但並沒有具體法律禁止 AI 生成的藝術。雖然著作權法(編按:著作權即為俗稱的版權)保護個人創作的特定藝術 品,但 AI 所複製的藝術風格不能以同樣的方式受到法律保護。這項議題可能會帶來一個問 題 ── 如果一間公司找到了一張它想使用的圖片,它所要做的就是將圖片輸入 AI 藝術系 統以得到一張仿圖;這樣一來,該公司就不會被認為有違法。

雖然 AI 生成的藝術引發了熱議,但它顯然有許多好處。這方面的一個例子是能夠快速創造出人類可能無法製作的超自然場 景。另一方面,這項技術也有潛在的缺點。從藝術家發現自己的作品在他們不知情的情況下被使用的反應,可以看出有倫理上的 問題。此外,還有深度偽造的危險,深度偽造是指看起來非常逼真的 AI 生成人像或影片。例如,人們可以被描繪成做不雅觀的 事情。AI 生成藝術顯然是一個快速發展的領域,有許多好的面向和潛在的問題。隨著 AI 生成藝術益發普遍,許多與其相關的議 題需要著手解決。

1. 第一段的主旨為何?

(A) 為何許多人喜歡 AI 生成的藝術。

(B) 藝術家如何使用科技來創作藝術。

(C) 為什麼 AI 生成的藝術還沒有被接受。
(D) 藝術家對他們的作品被用來訓練 AI 的反應如何。

2. 第二段的 “in the same way” 是什麼意思?

(A) 以法律為具有重要歷史意義的創作提供保護的方式。

(B) 以法律為特定藝術作品提供保護的方式。

(C) 以法律允許合理使用受版權保護之作品的方式。

(D) 以法律允許修改某些藝術作品的方式。

3. 本文提及 AI 生成藝術的哪一項缺點?

(A) 這種新藝術是違法的。

(B) 藝術家更容易創造他們的作品。

(C) 人類藝術家不會有動力去創作藝術。

(D) AI 生成的假圖正變得愈來愈難以察覺。

4. 本文中編號  到  的四個句子與 AI 圖片產生器的不同 方面有關。哪一項與以下敘述所探討的議題最為相關?

AI 圖片產生器就像一臺智慧財產權的洗衣機。將受版 權保護的圖像放入其中,它就會提供給你可自由使用 的「乾淨」內容。
題解: 題目敘述旨在說明將有版權的圖像上傳至 AI 圖片產生 器,就能得到無版權的圖像,而這跟  後半所舉的例 子一致 ── 一間公司將想使用的圖片輸入 AI 藝術系統 便可得到一張仿圖,也不會有違法之虞,故選 (B)。

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