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舉頭望明月 位置都不變?

✶舉頭望明月 位置都不變? Why Is the Moon Following Me?
Why Is the Moon Following Me?
8/11 解析英語
作者 Duncan DeAeth
閱讀時間 8分鐘
聽講解 聽朗讀


舉頭望明月 位置都不變? Why Is the Moon Following Me?

目錄 / More to Learn / 中文翻譯(& 答案)

      Many children have stared out of a car window at night to see the moon gleaming up above. Some have also noticed that the moon seems to stay in the same place, even if the car is driving forward. Trees, cars, buildings, and all the other objects pass by in the blink of an eye, but not the moon. It seems as if the moon just follows the moving car.

      This is an optical illusion. The moon isn’t actually following anyone. It’s simply too far away for people to judge any change in distance as a car moves. With smaller objects that are much closer to the car’s position, the angle from which we view them changes rapidly as they are approached and passed. However, the distance between people on Earth and the moon is so vast in comparison that the shift in the angle and distance is basically imperceptible .

      Another factor that makes the moon appear to stay in place is that there are usually no objects of comparable size visible in the sky. The moon usually occupies a large portion of the sky all by itself. Without a good frame of reference, it’s very difficult for the human eye to make accurate judgments about size and distance.

      Another optical illusion involving the moon occurs when it is closer to the horizon. You may have noticed that the moon always looks bigger around dusk or dawn. When the moon is near the horizon, our brain can compare it to buildings or mountains. At these times, it seems much larger than when it is floating high above us in the sky. The truth is that the moon never changes its size.

1. What is the reason the moon appears to follow people in a car?

(A) The time.

(B) The angle of vision.

(C) The direction of the car.

(D) The speed at which the car is driving.

2. What can we learn about the moon from the passage?

(A) Its position never actually changes throughout the night.

(B) It blocks everything in the sky when it’s directly overhead.

(C) It cannot be seen with the naked eye when it first appears in the sky.

(D) Its actual size remains the same whether it hangs high or lies near the horizon.

3. Which of the following best concludes the passage?

(A) Seeing is not believing.

(B) Practice makes perfect.

(C) Time and tide wait for no man.

(D) A picture is worth a thousand words.

答案: 1.B 2.D 3.A

Words in Use

compare [kəmˋpɛr]

vi. (可與……)匹敵
vt. 把……比作
vt. & vi. 比較

reference [ˋrɛfərəns]

vt. 參考;言及,提到

illusion [ɪˋljuʒən]

n. 錯誤的觀念;錯覺,幻覺

vast [væst]

a. 廣闊的;巨大的

occupy [ˋɑkjə͵paɪ]

vt. 擁有(某職務);占據;使忙碌

shift [ʃɪft]

.vt. 轉移,改變
n. 輪班

horizon [həˋraɪzn]

n. 地平線(單數);範圍,範疇(常用複數)

overhead [ˋovɚˋhɛd]

adv. 在高空中
a. 頭頂上的

comparable [ˋkɑmpərəb!]

a. 可相比的

stare [stɛr]

vi. 凝視;瞪視(與介詞 at 並用)
n. 凝視

accurate [ˋækjərɪt]

a. 精準的

float [flot]

vi. 漂浮
n. 浮板

gleam [glim]

vi. & n. (某物)閃爍;(眼神)閃爍

optical [ˋɑptɪk!]
a. 視覺的

imperceptible [͵ɪmpɚˋsɛptəb!]
a. 察覺/感覺不到的
Practical Phrases

compare A to B 把 A 比喻為 B
Life is often compared to a long journey.

a small portion of... 少部分的……

a large portion of... 大部分的……
A large portion of the money will go to charity.

stare at... 凝視著……
= gaze at...
Why are you staring at me, John? Is there something wrong with me?

in the blink of an eye 突然間,一剎那間
We watched the magician closely, but the rabbit disappeared in the blink of an eye.

in comparison 相較之下
Eddie’s room is always messy. In comparison,his brother’s room is clean and tidy.

compare A with B 將 A 與 B 作比較
Some parents like to compare their kids with other kids.

the naked eye 肉眼

in place 在原地/固定位置
These nails will keep the wooden plate in place.

a frame of reference (作為判斷依據的)參照標準
More to Learn

dusk [ dʌsk ] n. 黃昏

• The darkening sky at dusk was a perfect backdrop for the fireworks display.

dawn [ dɔn ] n. 黎明,破曉

• Farmers wake up before dawn to prepare for their work in the field.


[ ˋtwaɪ͵laɪt ]

薄暮時分(指微弱的太陽照亮天空的時 刻,可以是太陽剛要升起或落下時)
sunrise      日出
morning      早上(「日出」到「正午」這段時間)
midday      中午時段(約 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.)
noon      正午(指 12:00 p.m.)​​​​​​
afternoon      下午(「正午」到「日落」這段時間)
sunset      日落
evening      傍晚(約 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.)
night      晚上(「日落」到「日出」天黑期間)
midnight      半夜(指 12:00 a.m.)
• At twilight, the world slows down and takes on a dreamlike quality.


• The sun is directly overhead at midday, so there are no shadows.


• The evening breeze was cool and comfortable.


中文翻譯(& 答案)

很多小朋友都曾在夜晚時凝視著車窗外,看著月亮高掛 天上微微發亮。有些人也注意到即使車子正在行進,月亮卻 似乎一直待在同一處。樹木、車子、建築和其他所有物體在 轉瞬間呼嘯而過,但月亮卻沒有。月亮看起來就好像是在跟 著行駛中的車子。

這是一種視錯覺。月亮其實沒有跟著任何人。它只是太 遙遠了,所以人們在車子移動時,無法判斷任何距離上的改 變。至於更靠近車子位置的較小物體,在我們靠近、經過它 們時,我們看它們的角度會迅速改變。然而相比之下,地球 上的人類和月亮的距離是那麼地廣大,所以角度和距離的改變基本上無法察覺。

月亮看起來一直在原地還有另一個因素,那就是天空中 通常沒有肉眼可見、大小可與之相比的物體。月亮本身通常 占據了一大部分的天空。沒有一個好的參照標準,人眼很難 對於大小和距離做出準確的判斷。

關於月亮的另一個視錯覺在它更靠近地平線時會發生。 你可能曾注意到,月亮在接近黃昏或黎明時看起來比較大。 當月亮接近地平線時,我們的大腦就能將其與建築物或山脈 比較。在這些時段,月亮看起來比它在高空飄動時大很多。 事實是,月亮的大小永遠不會改變。

1. 是什麼原因讓月亮看起來像跟著車內的人們?

(A) 時間。

(B) 視角。

(C) 車子的方向。

(D) 車子行駛的速度。

2. 我們可以從本文得知關於月亮的什麼事?

(A) 月亮的位置其實整晚都不會變。

(B) 月亮在正上方時會遮住天空中的一切。

(C) 月亮剛出現在天空中時肉眼無法看見。

(D) 月亮真實的大小不管是高掛天上時或是接近地平線時都一樣。

3. 下列何者最適合總結本文?

(A) 眼見不一定為憑。

(B) 熟能生巧。

(C) 時間不等人。

(D) 一畫勝千言。

題解: 本文提到,月亮看起來好像在跟著移動中的車子,以及月亮在黃昏或黎明時看起來比較大都是 視錯覺,也就是說我們看見的這些現象並不是事 實,可知「眼見不一定為憑」,故答案應選 (A)。

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