✶正确地抱怨让你不惹人厌 Complain All You Want【本篇为全程英文讲解】
Complain All You Want
#社交人际 #全英文讲解
8/14 生活英语
作者 Enjoy Editors
阅读时间 5分钟
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正确地抱怨让你不惹人厌 Complain All You Want
目录 / Tips in Use 重点解析 / You Can Do This 英文试金石 / 中文翻译
生活快递|本集 精彩教学影片(讲解老师:Alice & Betty 老师)
Can we learn to complain better?
Everyone complains. It is a totally normal and natural thing to do. Complaining has two functions. The first is as a tool for building relationships with others. When we complain, we are sharing our feelings and letting people know what we like and don’t like. This has the power to help people form relationships, and nothing unites us like a common enemy. When we complain, the people we talk to might provide solutions to our problems, which can help make the relationships we have with others stronger.
The second use of complaining is as a way to process emotions. It can be difficult to name our feelings and understand where they come from. When we complain, we have the chance to talk through our negative emotions. It can be very helpful to give words to whatever pain we are experiencing so that we might feel better.
Many people say that we should always think positively. However, sometimes the truly healthy thing to do is to recognize that something bad is happening, say it plainly, and then move forward.
Words in Use
helpful [ˋhɛlpfəl]
adj. 有助益的,有用的;乐于助人的
form [fɔrm]
vt. 形成
n. 表格;形状;形式
enemy [ˋɛnəmɪ]
n. 敌人
emotion [ɪˋmoʃən]
n. 情感,感性(不可数);情绪(喜、怒、哀、乐等)(可数)
negative [ˋnɛgətɪv]
adj. 负面的;否定的
unite [juˋnaɪt]
vi. 团结
vt. 使联合
process [ˋprɑsɛs]
vt. 处理
n. 过程
recognize [ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz]
vt. 认出;承认,认可
function [ˋfʌŋkʃən]
n. 功能,职责
vi. 运作
emotional [ɪˋmoʃən!]
a. 感情激动的;情绪的
complain [kəmˋplen]
vi. & vt. 抱怨
positively [ˋpɑzətɪvlɪ]
adv. 正面地
plainly [ˋplenlɪ]
adv. 坦率地
Practical Phrases
complain about 抱怨……
Every time I see Christine, she complains about her job.
Stop complaining about life and learn to appreciate what you have.
Tips in Use 重点解析
♦ so that 的用法
S + V + so that + S + can / may / will + V
= S + V + in order that + S + can / may / will + V
1. so that... 为表示「目的」的副词连接词,引导副词子句 以修饰主要子句,表示「如此/以便⋯⋯」,等同于 in order that...。
例:I set my alarm clock to 6 a.m. so that I could wake up early for a morning run.
= I set my alarm clock to 6 a.m. in order that I could wake up early for a morning run.
2. 在 so that... 用法中,可省略 that 而单独使用 so,但 in order that... 中的 that 则不可省略。
例:We should leave now so that we won’t miss the train.
= We should leave now so we won’t miss the train.
You Can Do This 英文试金石
❶ 这台机器有各式各样的功能。
This machine has a variety of __________.
❷ 对某些人来说,表达情绪不是简单的事。
Expressing ________ is not easy for some people.
❸ 爬山时带上地图会很有帮助。
It is __________ to have a map while hiking in the mountains.
答案:1. functions 2. emotions 3. helpful
每个人都会抱怨。这是完全正常且自然的事。抱怨有两个作用。 第一个是作为与他人建立关系的工具。当我们抱怨时,我们是在分享 自身感受并让人们知道我们喜欢什么、不喜欢什么。这有帮助人们建 立关系的力量,没有什么比共同的敌人更能团结大家了。当我们抱怨 时,与我们交谈的人或许会对我们的问题提出解决方案,这有助于加 强我们与他人的关系。
抱怨的第二个作用是作为处理情绪的方式。将情绪说出口并了解 情绪从何而来是件很难的事。我们抱怨的时候,有机会把我们的负面 情绪讲清楚。这有助于我们用言语表达任何正在经历的痛苦,如此一 来我们或许会感觉好些。
许多人说我们应该要经常正向思考。然而,有时真正有益健康的 作法是意识到不好的事情正在发生,直接了当地说出来,然后继续前进。
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