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饮食好伙伴「 油 」你 真好 A Basic Guide to Cooking Oils

饮食好伙伴「 油 」你 真好 A Basic Guide to Cooking Oils 【本篇为全程英文讲解】
A Basic Guide to Cooking Oils
#混合题型 #健康 #饮食 #全英文讲解
7/21 解析英语
作者 Duncan DeAeth
阅读时间 7分钟
听讲解 听朗读


饮食好伙伴「 油 」你 真好 A Basic Guide to Cooking Oils

目录 / More to Learn / Grammar Tips / 中文翻译(& 答案)

    Cooking oil is a must-have in any kitchen. It’s essential for most stove-cooked dishes since it prevents food from sticking or burning on metal surfaces. Cooking oil boosts the fat content of meals, making food more filling and infusing it with extra flavor. There are many different types of cooking oils out there, and picking the best one for your meal can be a tricky decision.

    One of the most popular cooking oils is olive oil, which has a light flavor. It’s rich in antioxidants and is considered to be the healthiest and most versatile of cooking oils. Refined sesame oil is another healthy option full of antioxidants and adds a slightly stronger flavor than olive oil. Its high smoke point makes it ideal for sautéed dishes as well as high-temperature stir-frying.

    Another oil that offers a subtle yet distinct flavor is coconut oil. It is fattier, which means it contains more saturated fat. It’s a great substitute for other oils because it can be used in a huge variety of dishes. It’s also an excellent choice for baking. Another common cooking oil is peanut oil, which has a medium-high smoke point and is great for deep-frying and stir- frying. Peanut oil also works well in large-batch frying, which is why it is very prominent in the fast-food industry.

    Then there is canola oil, a generic vegetable oil developed in Canada in the 1970s. It is usually less fatty than other cooking oils. This makes it a great choice for people trying to lose weight.

    While some oils may be better for certain dishes, there’s never really a wrong option. Cooking is a creative art, and there’s nothing wrong with experimenting with different oils to find the perfect taste for your dish.

1. How does oil help when one cooks food over a stove?(简答)

It ___________________________________________.

2-4. Please fill in the blanks with information contained in the passage.(填充)



olive oil

It is viewed as the healthiest oil due to its high amount of ___2___.

coconut oil

Though it is a ___3___ oil, it has a light but noticeable flavor.

canola oil

It has lower amount of ___4___.

5. Based on the passage, which of the following oils are suitable for stir-frying?(单选题)

(A) Olive oil and refined sesame oil.

(B) Coconut oil and peanut oil.

(C) Refined sesame oil and canola oil.

(D) Peanut oil and refined sesame oil.

(E) Canola oil and olive oil.

Words in Use

stick [stɪk]

vi. & vt. 刺,扎;黏住
n. 棍子

experiment [ɪkˋspɛrəmənt]

n. & vi. 实验,试验

boost [bust]

vt. 增加,提升
n. 促进,推动

substitute [ˋsʌbstə͵tjut]

vt. & vi. 代替
n. 代替品 / 者

batch [bætʃ]

n. 一组,一批

distinct [dɪˋstɪŋkt]

a. 清楚的;独特的;明显不同的,有区别的

option [ˋɑpʃən]

n. 选择

prominent [ˋprɑmənənt]

a. 重要的;显着的,突出的

subtle [ˋsʌt!]

a. 微妙的,细微的

tricky [ˋtrɪkɪ]

a. 狡猾的;微妙的,难以处理的

versatile [ˋvɝsət!]

a. . 多才多艺的

refined [rɪˋfaɪnd]

a. 精炼的

generic [dʒɪˋnɛrɪk]
adj. 非商标的;杂牌的

filling [ˋfɪlɪŋ]
n. 馅料

antioxidant [͵æntɪˋɑksədənt]
n. 抗氧化剂

sesame [ˋsɛsəmɪ]
n. 芝麻

fatty [ˋfætɪ]
a. 脂肪多的;油腻的

saturated [ˋsætʃə͵retɪd]
a. 饱和的

infuse [ɪnˋfjuz]

vt. 使充满;浸渍
Practical Phrases

be rich in... 含有丰富 / 大量的......
Guavas are rich in Vitamin C.

芭乐含有丰富的维生素 C。

Avocados are rich in vitamin C.
酪梨含有丰富的维他命 C。

be essential for 对⋯⋯至关重要
The information we have is essential for the final outcome of the report.

a smoke point 冒烟点
More to Learn

sauté [ soˋte ] vt. 快炒,快煎(本文为过去分词作形容词用)

• You’ll need to sauté the onions and garlic in olive oil until they’re soft and fragrant.


stir-fry      [ˋstɝ͵fraɪ]      vt. 翻炒
pan-fry      [ˋpæn͵fraɪ]      vt. 用平底锅煎
deep-fry      [ˋdipˋfraɪ]      vt. 油炸
fry      [fraɪ]      vt. 煎;炒;炸
bake      [bek]      vt.(用烤箱)烘/烤
boil      [bɔɪl]      vt. 煮
roast      [rost]      vt. 烘,烤
simmer      [ˋsɪmɚ]      vt. 用文火慢炖
stew      [stju]      vt. 炖
steam      [stim]      vt. 蒸
smoke      [smok]      vt. 烟熏
• Naomi plugged in the electric kettle and boiled some water.


• Mom roasted a duck for dinner.


• This is a fermented tofu that is commonly deep-fried or stewed in spicy soup.

这是一种发酵过的豆腐,通常会油炸或是和麻辣汤一起 炖煮。

• The vegetables will turn yellow if you steam them for too long.


Grammar Tips

Cooking oil boosts the fat content of meals, making food more filling and infusing it with extra flavor.

※ 在限定修饰的形容词子句(即关系代名词前无逗点) 中,若关系代名词为主词时,该形容词子句可化简为 分词片语,化简原则如下:

1) 删除关系代名词

2) 之后的动词改为现在分词

3) 若动词为 be 动词,变成现在分词 being 后可省略。

• The bed (which was) assigned to me in the cabin was small and uncomfortable.

在形容词子句中,若关系代名词 which 代替前面整 个句子,此时要用逗号与主要子句隔开,该形容词 子句亦可化简为分词片语。(本文即为此用法)
• The fin of a shark emerged from the ocean, causing (= which caused) swimmers to panic.


※ 非限定修饰的形容词子句句构若为:

who / which + be + N


1) 删除关系代名词 who 或 which

2) 之后的 be 动词变成现在分词 being

3) 再将 being 省略,形成同位语。

• I’m going to have dinner with Ken, (who is) a good friend of mine.

我要和阿肯 ── 我的一位好友 ── 一起吃晚餐。

• Sean is going to quit his job, (which is) shocking news to all of us.



The red light is flashing, _____ something is wrong with the machine.

(A) meant

(B) meaning

(C) means

(D) which meaning


中文翻译(& 答案)

食用油是厨房中的必备品。它对于多数用炉子烹煮的菜 肴来说是不可或缺的,因为它可以防止食物在金属表面上沾 黏或烧焦。食用油可以提高食物的脂肪含量、使食物更有饱 足感,并为它们增添额外的风味。食用油的类型有很多,如 何为你的料理挑选最好的食用油可能是一个棘手的决定。

最受欢迎的食用油之一是橄榄油,它的味道很淡。橄 榄油富含抗氧化剂,并且被认为是最健康和用途最广的食用 油。另一个健康的选项是精炼芝麻油,它的抗氧化剂含量也 很高,味道比橄榄油更强一点。精炼芝麻油的冒烟点高,是 炒菜和高温快炒的首选。

另一种能带来微妙而独特风味的油是椰子油。它脂肪含 量更高,也就是其含有更多饱和脂肪。椰子油因为能用于多 数的料理中,因此是其他油很好的替代品。它也是烘焙的最 佳选择。另一种常见的食用油是花生油,它有着中等高的冒 烟点,非常适合用于油炸和快炒。花生油在大批量的油炸中也很好用,这就是它在速食业十分突出的原因。

另外还有芥花油,它是 1970 年代于加拿大研发的一种 普通植物油。芥花油脂肪含量通常比其他食用油低。这使得 它成为想要减重的人的最佳选择。

虽然有些油可能更适用于某些菜肴,但从来不会有错误 的选择。烹饪是一门创造性的艺术,尝试运用不同的油以找 到适合你料理的完美味道完全没问题。

1. 油如何帮助人们在炉子上烹饪食物?

答案: prevents food from sticking or burning on metal surfaces

2-4. 请利用本文的资讯填入空格中。
答案: 2. antioxidants 3. fattier 4. fat

5. 根据文章,下列哪些油适合用于快炒?

(A) 橄榄油和精炼芝麻油。

(B) 椰子油和花生油。

(C) 精炼芝麻油和芥花油。

(D) 花生油和精炼芝麻油。

(E) 芥花油和橄榄油。

答案: D

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾亚太线上服务股份有限公司 | Posted:2023-09-09 21:52 |

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