从气味得知你的独特个性 What Does Your Personality Smell Like?
What Does Your Personality Smell Like?
#克漏字 #社交人际 #娱乐·新奇
10/16 生活英语
作者 Enjoy Editors
阅读时间 6分钟
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从气味得知你的独特个性 What Does Your Personality Smell Like?
目录 / 中文翻译
克漏字 |本篇为「Premium文章」想看完整文章请订阅 IVY Engrest!|本集 精彩教学影片(讲解老师:Stephen & Minnie老师)
Odor and personality go hand in hand.
Can you know someone’s personality by the way they smell? A group of researchers tried to get some __1__ about how people may behave based on their body odor. Although the results weren’t always accurate, they were similar to tests where people judged another’s behavior after watching a video of them.
In the study, researchers asked 60 people to wear plain white T-shirts for three nights __2__. For these three days, they were not allowed to wear perfume or eat strong-smelling foods because these would affect their body odor. All 60 people were given a personality test before the __3__ started. At the end of the three days, the shirts were put in bags and given to 200 testers who tried to determine the owner’s personality from the smell of the shirts.
The people smelling the shirts were able to guess if someone had a dominant, outgoing, or anxious personality. For example, people who are anxious may sweat a lot when they are __4__, which may make them smell different. Although the results were interesting, more studies need to be done to confirm the relationship __5__ odor and personality. First impressions may fool you. Instead of judging a book by its cover, try a different method like taking a whiff.
1. (A) fares (B) links (C) tasks (D) clues
2. (A) ahead (B) enough (C) straight (D) forward
3. (A) accident (B) interview (C) experiment (D) occasion
4. (A) thrown out (B) stressed out (C) knocked out (D) blocked out
5. (A) between (B) within (C) under (D) across
答案: 1. (D) 2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (A)
1. 第一题空格应选 (D) clues
根据语意,有一组研究人员试图根据体味来获得一些关于人们行为的「线索」,得知 (D) 应为正选。
2. 第二题空格应选 (C) straight
a. 本空格测试下列固定用法:
for + 一段时间 + straight 连续若干时间
I was so tired last night that I slept for 12 hours straight.
b. 空格前有 for 以及表「一段时间」的 three nights(三个晚上),根据上述用法,得知 (C) 应为正选。
3. 第三题空格应选 (C) experiment
根据语意,「实验」开始前,这六十人都接受了性格测试,得知 (C) 应为正选。
4. 第四题空格应选 (B) stressed out
根据语意,焦虑的人在「压力过大」时可能会大量出汗,这可能会使他们闻起来有所不同,得知 (B) 应为正选。
5. 第五题空格应选 (A) between
a. (A) between 表示「在……之间」,通常用来指「两者」之间。
the relationship between A and B A 和 B 之间的关系
This article explains the relationship between temperature and plant growth.
b. (B) within 表「在……内部」,用来描述某个事物内部的关系;(C) under 表「在……之下」,常用来描述位置;(D) across 表「横跨、在……对面」,描述跨越的范围或空间。
c. 根据上述说明,得知 (A) 应为正选。
Words in Use
result [rɪˋzʌlt]
vi. 由……引起;导致,造成
n. 结果
plain [plen]
n. 平原
adj. 朴素的
determine [dɪˋtɝmɪn]
vt. 决定;确定
confirm [kənˋfɝm]
vt. 确认;证实
Extra Words
odor [ˋodɚ]
n. (不好的)气味
researcher [riˋsɝtʃɚ]
n. 研究员
accurate [ˋækjərɪt]
a. 精准的
perfume [pɚˋfjum]
n. 香水(不可数)
vt. 使充满香气
impression [ɪmˋprɛʃən]
n. 印象;想法,感觉;痕迹
在这项研究中,研究人员要求六十个人连续三个晚上都穿着纯白色的 T 恤。在这三天里,他们不被允许喷香水或吃气味浓烈的食物,因为这些都会影响体味。实验开始前,这六十人全都接受了性格测试。三天结束后,这些衣服被装进袋子里并交给两百名测试者,他们试图透过衣服的气味来判断主人的个性。