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文章表情[PHP][讨论] XP Publishing Wizard (XPPubWiz.php)
XP 已有内建的网页发布精灵 , 但这是 client 端

现在介绍一个Server 端的, 挺不错的。

稍微简介一下: XPPubWiz.php是一个单独的 PHP script,
                    用作Microsoft Windows XP Web Publishing Wizard
                    它基于由Demian Johnston 和Bharat Mediratta 编写
                    的Gallery XP Publishing Wizard 实现,

用英文写一下: XPPubWiz.php is a standalone PHP script acting as a server for the Microsoft
                    Windows XP Web Publishing Wizard (a nice HTTP upload frontend).
                    It requires no installation and nearly no configuration. It is based on
                    the Gallery XP Publishing Wizard implementation written by Demian
                    Johnston and Bharat Mediratta, and is meant to be a simple starting
                    point for anyone interested in writing a server for the Publishing Wizard.


© 2003 by André Basse <andre.basse@hamburg.de> and Tim Strehle <tim@digicol.de>

XPPubWiz.php is a standalone PHP script acting as a server for the
Microsoft© Windows XP© Web Publishing Wizard. It requires
no installation and nearly no configuration.

Most code was taken from the Gallery XP Publishing Wizard implementation,
written by Demian Johnston and Bharat Mediratta. We just turned their
script into a standalone reference implementation
, as a simple starting point for
anyone interested in writing a server for the Publishing Wizard.

XPPubWiz.php is free and Open Source (view the colored source code).
Feel free to contact me at tim@digicol.de with questions/comments.

News: Version 1.0b fixes a bug preventing filenames beginning with "u" or "x"
            from being uploaded...

Disclaimer: Use this software at your own risk. I won't guarantee that it works,
and I won't be held liable for any damage caused by it! Please make sure to
protect this script with a .htaccess password or the like - never ever allow
public access to it!


Simply download XPPubWiz.php.txt to your web server and rename it to
XPPubWiz.php (or whatever you like). Then follow the installation instructions
at the bottom of the page.


You need a webserver running PHP 4 (version 4.1 or greater) with Session
support. XPPubWiz.php works fine with register_globals=off. The client
computer has to run Microsoft Windows XP, of course.


The Microsoft Windows XP Web Publishing Wizard is a pretty front-end for HTTP
uploads to any webserver implementing a compatible backend. It allows HTML
pages (displayed by an inline Internet Explorer control) to gather information
before doing the actual upload. The Wizard can also scale images to a lower
resolution before upload.

Upload targets (servers) must be defined in the Windows registry: Under the
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" key,
they are listed in "\Explorer\PublishingWizard\PublishingWizard\Providers".
(XPPubWiz.php can create the appropriate .reg file so that you don't have to
edit the registry manually.)

Technical information regarding the Publishing Wizard can be found at
Microsoft's MSDN and on Sebastian Delmont's site.

XPPubWiz.php doesn't do much - it is meant to be a starting point for your own
developments - but it actually does something useful:

  ● Login dialog - user names and passwords are simply set up in the script itself
  ● You can choose the target directory to upload into
  ● The selected files are uploaded and stored in the target directory
  ● Works with register_globals=off


Server-side installation:

  ● Download XPPubWiz.php.txt to your web server and rename it to
      XPPubWiz.php (or whatever you like)
  ● Change the strings in the script's "General configuration" section (optional)
  ● Change the user account and directory information in the script (highly recommended)

Client-side installation:

  ● Point your web browser to your copy of XPPubWiz.php, and append ?step=reg to the URL
    (Example: Go to "http://my.server.com/XP...?step=reg")
  ● A file download (xppubwiz.reg) will start
  ● Save the file on your harddisk and double-click it to register your server with the
      Publishing Wizard

How to test

  ● In the Windows Explorer, select some files and click "Publish [...] on the web"
      in the task pane.
  ● After confirming your file selection, your server will show up in the list of services.
      Select it and click "Next".
  ● Enter a valid username and password and click "Next".
  ● Select a target directory from the directory list box and click "Next".
  ● If you selected image files, you will have to specify whether you want them
      to be scaled down or not.
  ● Now the upload will start. There's a status indicator, and a preview is displayed
      for the currently uploading file.
  ● Finally you can let the Wizard open your "finalurl" in the web browser.
  ● Now check whether the files really arrived at your server ...


[ 此文章被benjaminchch在2005-01-29 23:51重新编辑 ]

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:未知地址 | Posted:2005-01-29 23:34 |

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