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灵命日粮 - 2005年3月28日
读经: 马太福音16章13-20节


金句: 「西门彼得回答说:『你是基督,是永生上帝的儿子。』」(马太福音16章16节)


全年读经: 撒母耳记上8-10章  

每个人对耶稣基督都有他自己的看法,法国哲学家和历史学家艾内斯特.勒南(Ernest Renan)说:「没有基督,一切历史均无解。」美国作家拉尔夫.沃尔多(Ralph Waldo Emerson)下结论:「祂的名字虽未普遍记载,却深植全球历史。」

前耶鲁大学研究所,宗教系系主任来德里(Kenneth Scott Latourette)曾写到:「耶稣短暂的生命已成了空前最大的影响。透过祂,数百万人已经被改变,已开始照祂的样式生活,并估计出效法的结果。主耶稣的诞生、生活及复活已成为人类历史中最重要的事件。」



The Center Of History

Read:Matthew 16:13-20
Simon Peter answered and said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." —Matthew 16:16

Bible In One Year: 1 Samuel 8-10

In its biographical archives, The Washington Post identifies famous people with a single vocational notice, such as "home-run king" or "motion-picture star." According to a reporter, one of these files is marked, "Jesus Christ (martyr)."

Every individual who considers Jesus Christ makes some judgment about Him. French philosopher and historian Ernest Renan said, "All history is incomprehensible without Christ." American author Ralph Waldo Emerson concluded, "His name is not so much written but plowed into the history of the world."

Kenneth Scott Latourette, former chairman of the department of religion at Yale Graduate School, wrote, "That short life of Jesus has been the most influential ever lived. Through Him millions have been transformed and have begun to live the life which He exemplified. Gauged by the consequences which have followed, the birth, life, and death and resurrection of Jesus have been the most important events in the history of man."

What label do you put on Jesus Christ? If you agree that He is who He claimed to be, then let Him who is the center of history be not only the center of your creed but also the object of your loyalty and love. —Haddon Robinson

Christ wants to be the center of your life,
The reason for your being here at all;
He gave Himself a sacrifice for you,
And now He waits for you to hear His call. —Hess

Your decision about Jesus determines your destiny.

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾中华电信 | Posted:2005-03-29 08:31 |

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