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灵命日粮 - 2005年3月30日
读经: 约翰福音14章19-28节


金句: 「……爱我的必蒙我父爱他,我也要爱他,并且要向他显现。」(约翰福音14章21节)


全年读经: 撒母耳记上14-16章  

当传道人说:「主对我说」时, 我感到很不自在,好像他们可以直接听到上帝说话。他们让人觉得我们必须相信,他们所说的一切都是真的。毕竟,我们不能跟上帝争辩。

吉尔勃.却斯特顿(G. K. Chesterton) 试图推理这些信徒的感受,写到:「柏拉图已经告诉你一个真理,但他已经死了。莎士比亚塑造一个惊人形象,但是他不能再有任何惊人之举了;想像一下,如果这些人还活着,和他们生活在一起会是什么样子?柏拉图明天突然冒出来给你讲课,莎士比亚随时能用一支简单的歌声震撼一切。」



His Unseen Presence

Read:John 14:19-28
He who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him. —John 14:21

Bible In One Year: 1 Samuel 14-16

I feel uncomfortable at times with preachers who are always saying, "The Lord told me," as if they had just heard from God directly. They give the impression that we must believe that everything they say is true. After all, how can we argue with God.

In contrast, I have often been deeply moved when people in great sorrow or battling a grave illness have told me that the Lord had spoken to their heart and made Himself very real to them. I have come away with the sense that they truly did experience God's unseen presence.

G. K. Chesterton, trying to think of an analogy to what these believers feel, wrote: "Plato has told you a truth; but Plato is dead. Shakespeare has startled you with an image; but Shakespeare will startle you no more. But imagine what it would be to live with such men still living, to know that Plato may break out with an original lecture tomorrow, or that at any moment Shakespeare might shatter everything with a simple song."

Jesus is alive in every sense of the word and He is fully aware of each of us and our needs. As we live in obedience to Him, we can expect Him to keep His promise to manifest Himself to us (John 14:21). Then we can say with humility, "The Lord spoke to me." —Herb Vander Lugt

In the secret of His presence
How my soul delights to hide!
Oh, how precious are the lessons
Which I learn at Jesus' side! —Goreh

God speaks to those who are willing to hear Him.

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾中华电信 | Posted:2005-03-30 10:07 |

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