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[驅動][顯示卡] Radeon Omega Drivers 3.8.205 (Catalyst 6.1)
版本名稱:3.8.205 (Catalyst 6.1)
下載位置: http://www.omegadrivers....n2k_xp.php


What's New in Omega Drivers?

[*] Based on the Catalyst 6.1 Official drivers.

[+] Starting from this set, I will use my own version internally for the Catalyst drivers, instead of using 6.1, 6.2, etc, I will be naming them 6.01, 6.02, etc, this will make the Cat versions less confusing and more "logical".

[*] Updated Multires to v1.56. (fixes the "non-supported" resolutions bug)

[+] New version naming scheme for the Omega Drivers, now is based on the internal ATI version number than in the 2D Display version.

Known Issues:
1) Some of the settings for both D3D & OGL will not be synchronized between ATT and the normal ATI CP, you must only use one of them to make changes, the best option is to use ATT since the ATI CP does not support changes to AI and in order to use the advanced D3D/OGL features. Changes made in ATT will work on games and such but the changes will not be reflected in the normal ATI CP since ATI stores the registry values that the CP reads separate from the actual values in the registry.

2) If ATT refuses to run because your card is "Not Supported", edit the "atitray.ini" located in the Omega Drivers>ATT installation folder and change "opt_disable_ovr=0" to "opt_disable_ovr=1", this will disable Overclocking, but the rest of ATT can be used normally.

Important Info:
Since these drivers include a non-standard version of ATT, I would recommend that if you have any previous version of ATT installed, please uninstall it before installing these drivers, not doing so may cause unknown problems.

Download Page:http://www.omegadrivers....n2k_xp.php
Readme Page:http://www.omegadrivers.net/...i_readme.php

Written by ㊣~TonyYang~㊣
獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:台灣中華電信 | Posted:2006-01-21 16:48 |

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