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[學習] 分享!最基本的英文寫作格式
1. 如果有不同題目可選用,先用兩到三分鐘決定主題,一但決定了就不要更改.
2. 在草稿紙上寫出全部你想到和主題相關的重點
3. 選出三個最好的,然後從最弱的那一個寫起,最強的理由放最後一段.
4. 文章開始的第一句先回答主題.
Topic: If you could visit any where in the world,
where would you choose and why?
First sentence: If I could visit anywhere in the world,
I would choose to visit Ocho Rios, Jamaica.
I have never been anywhere in the Caribbean, and would like to go there.
5. 第一段介紹的最後一句,要把下面三段要寫的提出來,要用平行句
Example: Three reasons I would visit Ocho Rios are to enjoy the white
sandy beaches to go snorkeling, and to climb the Dunns River Waterfall.
6. 每個重點各分為一段(共三段). 每一段要有好的例子去支持你的重點
7. 最後結尾要回到和開頭有關,包括重寫那三個重點
8. 最後在重看一便,檢查有無錯字.
[ 此文章被albee543在2006-02-12 10:54重新編輯 ]