下面是引用monster0627于2006-04-9 16:36发表的 有谁可以帮忙翻一下这两句~急~:
1. They also do not give a clear picture of how cultural rules are learned or changed nor of the mind's ability for conceptual integration
2.Speaking of Art as Embodied Imagination: A Multisensory Approach to Understanding Aesthetic Experience
1. They also do not give a clear picture of how cultural rules are learned or changed nor of
the mind's ability for conceptual integration
一、give a clear picture并不是说给一张图片,而是说一个非常清楚的轮郭或是描述。
ex. This book didn't give a clear picture of life in China 这本书并未生动地描述了中国的生活情况
二、how cultural rules are learned or changed=how cultural rules are learned or
(how cultural rules are)changed 括号内的文字是省略了。
三、nor of the mind's ability for conceptual integration
nor在这里的意思就等于=not to mention of=更不要去提
of the mind's ability for conceptual integration
=(They also do not give a clear picture)of the mind's ability for conceptual integration
2.Speaking of Art as Embodied Imagination: A Multisensory Approach to Understanding
Aesthetic Experience .
一、Speaking of 一般可翻为{提及...或是说到...}但在一些正统的文章当中或是论文报告当中
我们的将其翻成{论...}, 尤其是speak of ...as...