http://www.amx...org/AMX Mod X was originally based on AMX Mod, a similar Half-Life modification by OLO. However, AMX Mod began to slip into poor project policies (lack of public input, no open source enforcement, no central source code maintained, and much more). Due to the dead appearance of the project as all maintainers had disappeared into oblivion, the AMX Mod X project was started. Since then, the AMX Mod X project has come a long way. Nearly every portion of AMX Mod has been either rewritten from the ground up, cleaned up, or changed to work in a new system. AMX Mod X is not AMX Mod. And better yet, it's almost fully backward compatible.
AMX Mod X and AMX Mod
AMX Mod X 的前身是AMX MOD——由OLO編寫的同類半條命MOD。但不幸的是,AMX MOD項目後來陷入了一場所有人都不願看到的危機(缺少公眾參與,不公開源代碼,沒有專人來維護核心代碼) 。而隨著開發人員一個又一個失望而去,AMX MOD也顯得死氣沉沉,有鑒於此,一個新的項目AMX MOD X在萬眾期待中順利開展。 從那時起,AMX MOD X項目經歷了無數的風風雨雨。AMX MOD中幾乎每一個部分不是從零做起, 就是大幅改動以適應新的系統機制。AMX MOD X已不是昔日的AMX MOD,與其前身相比,AMX MOD X肯定更勝一籌,更重要的是,它具有良好的向下兼容性。