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推文 x0
身份保護網站評級和網絡反欺詐插件:CyberDefender's MyIdentityDefender(BETA)
身份保護網站評級和網絡反欺詐插件:CyberDefender's MyIdentityDefender(BETA)

CyberDefender's MyIdentityDefender is a security toolbar which works with Microsoft internet Explorer and protects you against identity theft. MyIdentityDefender uses proprietary technology and user community feedback to block you from visiting potentially harmful sites, protecting your identity in the process.

MyIdentityDefender is completely free and does not require you to purchase an identity theft software package in the future. Even if you have internet security software (like anti-virus or anti-spyware) you should still use MyIdentityDefender

Website Rating
With one click of your mouse you will now have access to a comprehensive overview of a website including safety ratings, user ratings, and site information such as contact information. More Info

User Rating
View ratings from other CyberDefender users and tell the world about sites that you love and hate. You can rate a site 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 stars.

Phishing Scam Alert
Prevent your identity from being stolen by receiving a warning when a site you are about to enter is a potential phishing scam.

Recommended Sites
View recommendations from other CyberDefender users to find great sites and be warned about bad sites.

Search Engine Link Rating
Read important information about a site before clicking on that blue link. View the safety rating, user rating, when the site was started, where the site is located and how popular the site is.

ID Information
Find out which sites are tracking your IP address and planting cookies. View and remove passwords and other personal information which is stored on your PC and putting your personal data is in danger.

Pop-up Blocker
Block those annoying pop-ups quickly. View pop-ups which have been blocked to ensure that a pop-up designed to provide you with important information was not blocked.


爸爸 你一路好走
獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣 | Posted:2008-03-23 20:49 |
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級別: 小人物 該用戶目前不上站
推文 x5 鮮花 x13
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:臺灣新世紀 | Posted:2008-06-03 15:18 |

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