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[求助] WCG和BOINC有问题









献花 x1 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾 | Posted:2008-05-16 11:45 |
WanLee 手机
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献花 x1 回到顶端 [1 楼] From:台湾中华HiNet | Posted:2008-05-16 13:13 |
Ivon 会员卡 葫芦墩家族
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下面是引用WanLee于2008-05-16 13:13发表的 :



献花 x0 回到顶端 [2 楼] From:台湾 | Posted:2008-05-16 14:58 |
WanLee 手机
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献花 x1 回到顶端 [3 楼] From:台湾中华HiNet | Posted:2008-05-17 07:08 |
Ivon 会员卡 葫芦墩家族
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下面是引用WanLee于2008-05-17 07:08发表的 :




也都不能跑 表情

献花 x0 回到顶端 [4 楼] From:台湾中华HiNet | Posted:2008-05-17 10:20 |
alexpon 手机
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推文 x3 鲜花 x40
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下面是引用Ivon于2008-05-17 10:20发表的 :




也都不能跑 表情
WCGagent 该快退役了
BOINC 目前平台
ex: 点选更新WCG 专案, 再到"讯息" 复制 贴到论坛

古诗:手把青秧插满田 低头便见水中天 心地清静方为道 退步原来是向前
献花 x1 回到顶端 [5 楼] From:台湾 | Posted:2008-05-17 17:44 |
Ivon 会员卡 葫芦墩家族
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特殊贡献奖 社区建设奖 优秀管理员勋章
级别: 荣誉会员 该用户目前不上站
推文 x338 鲜花 x14237
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下面是引用alexpon于2008-05-17 17:44发表的 :

WCGagent 该快退役了
BOINC 目前平台
ex: 点选更新WCG 专案, 再到"讯息" 复制 贴到论坛

2008/5/19 上午 08:19:07||Starting BOINC client version 5.10.28 for windows_intelx86
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:07||log flags: task, file_xfer, sched_ops
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:07||Libraries: libcurl/7.17.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8e zlib/1.2.3
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:07||Data directory: C:\Program Files\BOINC
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:10||Processor: 1 GenuineIntel           Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz [x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7]
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:10||Processor features: fpu tsc sse mmx
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:10||OS: Microsoft Windows 2000: Professional Edition, Service Pack 4, (05.00.2195.00)
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:10||Memory: 223.53 MB physical, 538.07 MB virtual
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:10||Disk: 20.24 GB total, 2.05 GB free
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:10||Local time is UTC +8 hours
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:11|World Community Grid|URL: http://www.worldcomm...d.org/; Computer ID: 579940; location: (none); project prefs: default
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:11||General prefs: from World Community Grid (last modified 01-Jan-1970 08:00:01)
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:11||Host location: none
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:11||General prefs: using your defaults
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:11||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 167.65MB
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:11||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 167.65MB
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:11||Preferences limit disk usage to 1.59GB
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:11||Running CPU benchmarks
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:43||Benchmark results:
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:43||   Number of CPUs: 1
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:43||   1326 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:43||   2436 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:33|World Community Grid|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 1 completed tasks
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:44|World Community Grid|Scheduler request succeeded: got 0 new tasks
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:44||General prefs: from World Community Grid (last modified 16-May-2008 11:30:51)
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:44||Host location: none
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:44||General prefs: using your defaults
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:44||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 167.65MB
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:44||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 167.65MB
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:44||Preferences limit disk usage to 1.56GB
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:46|World Community Grid|Started download of rice_00_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:46|World Community Grid|Started download of rice_01_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:51|World Community Grid|Finished download of rice_00_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:51|World Community Grid|Started download of rice_02_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:54|World Community Grid|Finished download of rice_02_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:54|World Community Grid|Started download of rice_03_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:55|World Community Grid|Finished download of rice_01_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:55|World Community Grid|Started download of rice_04_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:56|World Community Grid|Finished download of rice_03_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:56|World Community Grid|Started download of rice_05_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:59|World Community Grid|Finished download of rice_04_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:59|World Community Grid|Started download of rice_06_v01.png
2008/5/19 下午 02:59:00|World Community Grid|Finished download of rice_05_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:59:00|World Community Grid|Started download of rice_07_v01.png
2008/5/19 下午 02:59:03|World Community Grid|Finished download of rice_06_v01.png
2008/5/19 下午 02:59:05|World Community Grid|Finished download of rice_07_v01.png
2008/5/19 下午 02:59:49|World Community Grid|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work. Requesting 47520 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
2008/5/19 下午 02:59:59|World Community Grid|Scheduler request succeeded: got 1 new tasks
2008/5/19 下午 03:00:02|World Community Grid|Started download of wcg_faah_autodock_6.05_windows_intelx86
2008/5/19 下午 03:00:02|World Community Grid|Started download of wcg_faah_autodock_graphics_6.05_windows_intelx86
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:07||Starting BOINC client version 5.10.28 for windows_intelx86
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:07||log flags: task, file_xfer, sched_ops
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:07||Libraries: libcurl/7.17.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8e zlib/1.2.3
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:07||Data directory: C:\Program Files\BOINC
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:10||Processor: 1 GenuineIntel           Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz [x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7]
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:10||Processor features: fpu tsc sse mmx
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:10||OS: Microsoft Windows 2000: Professional Edition, Service Pack 4, (05.00.2195.00)
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:10||Memory: 223.53 MB physical, 538.07 MB virtual
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:10||Disk: 20.24 GB total, 2.05 GB free
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:10||Local time is UTC +8 hours
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:11|World Community Grid|URL: http://www.worldcomm...d.org/; Computer ID: 579940; location: (none); project prefs: default
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:11||General prefs: from World Community Grid (last modified 01-Jan-1970 08:00:01)
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:11||Host location: none
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:11||General prefs: using your defaults
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:11||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 167.65MB
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:11||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 167.65MB
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:11||Preferences limit disk usage to 1.59GB
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:11||Running CPU benchmarks
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:43||Benchmark results:
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:43||   Number of CPUs: 1
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:43||   1326 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
2008/5/19 上午 08:19:43||   2436 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:33|World Community Grid|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 1 completed tasks
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:44|World Community Grid|Scheduler request succeeded: got 0 new tasks
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:44||General prefs: from World Community Grid (last modified 16-May-2008 11:30:51)
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:44||Host location: none
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:44||General prefs: using your defaults
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:44||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 167.65MB
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:44||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 167.65MB
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:44||Preferences limit disk usage to 1.56GB
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:46|World Community Grid|Started download of rice_00_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:46|World Community Grid|Started download of rice_01_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:51|World Community Grid|Finished download of rice_00_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:51|World Community Grid|Started download of rice_02_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:54|World Community Grid|Finished download of rice_02_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:54|World Community Grid|Started download of rice_03_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:55|World Community Grid|Finished download of rice_01_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:55|World Community Grid|Started download of rice_04_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:56|World Community Grid|Finished download of rice_03_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:56|World Community Grid|Started download of rice_05_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:59|World Community Grid|Finished download of rice_04_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:59|World Community Grid|Started download of rice_06_v01.png
2008/5/19 下午 02:59:00|World Community Grid|Finished download of rice_05_v01.gif
2008/5/19 下午 02:59:00|World Community Grid|Started download of rice_07_v01.png
2008/5/19 下午 02:59:03|World Community Grid|Finished download of rice_06_v01.png
2008/5/19 下午 02:59:05|World Community Grid|Finished download of rice_07_v01.png
2008/5/19 下午 02:59:49|World Community Grid|Sending scheduler request: To fetch work. Requesting 47520 seconds of work, reporting 0 completed tasks
2008/5/19 下午 02:59:59|World Community Grid|Scheduler request succeeded: got 1 new tasks
2008/5/19 下午 03:00:02|World Community Grid|Started download of wcg_faah_autodock_6.05_windows_intelx86
2008/5/19 下午 03:00:02|World Community Grid|Started download of wcg_faah_autodock_graphics_6.05_windows_intelx86
2008/5/19 下午 03:00:13|World Community Grid|Finished download of wcg_faah_autodock_graphics_6.05_windows_intelx86
2008/5/19 下午 03:00:13|World Community Grid|Started download of faah_image_6.05.tga

这是BOINC 目前平台

献花 x0 回到顶端 [6 楼] From:台湾 | Posted:2008-05-19 14:46 |
alexpon 手机
个人文章 个人相簿 个人日记 个人地图
级别: 初露锋芒 该用户目前不上站
推文 x3 鲜花 x40
分享: 转寄此文章 Facebook Plurk Twitter 复制连结到剪贴簿 转换为繁体 转换为简体 载入图片

2008/5/19 下午 02:58:33|World Community Grid|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 1 completed tasks
2008/5/19 下午 02:59:59|World Community Grid|Scheduler request succeeded: got 1 new tasks

2008/5/19 上午 08:19:10||Memory: 223.53 MB physical, 538.07 MB virtual
512M 记忆体
跑WCG 某些小项目(官网介绍有4~5种小项目WU)要不到WU 因记忆体空间要粉大2XXMB 以上

古诗:手把青秧插满田 低头便见水中天 心地清静方为道 退步原来是向前
献花 x1 回到顶端 [7 楼] From:台湾 | Posted:2008-05-21 17:21 |
Ivon 会员卡 葫芦墩家族
个人文章 个人相簿 个人日记 个人地图 个人商品
特殊贡献奖 社区建设奖 优秀管理员勋章
级别: 荣誉会员 该用户目前不上站
推文 x338 鲜花 x14237
分享: 转寄此文章 Facebook Plurk Twitter 复制连结到剪贴簿 转换为繁体 转换为简体 载入图片

下面是引用alexpon于2008-05-21 17:21发表的 :
2008/5/19 下午 02:58:33|World Community Grid|Sending scheduler request: Requested by user. Requesting 0 seconds of work, reporting 1 completed tasks
2008/5/19 下午 02:59:59|World Community Grid|Scheduler request succeeded: got 1 new tasks

2008/5/19 上午 08:19:10||Memory: 223.53 MB physical, 538.07 MB virtual
512M 记忆体
跑WCG 某些小项目(官网介绍有4~5种小项目WU)要不到WU 因记忆体空间要粉大2XXMB 以上



献花 x0 回到顶端 [8 楼] From:台湾 | Posted:2008-05-28 09:01 |

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