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[分享] WCG 新的任務推出 You Can Help End Childhood Cancer


niceword.tw - You Can Help End Childhood Cancer

Alert to all members of World Community Grid - your donated computer cycle time may now help find a cure for childhood cancers! There is a group of cancers that are particularly loathsome because they normally only strike young children. Neuroblastoma is one of these cancers, arising in children under the age of two and resulting in a less than 40% survival rate.

While scientists have uncovered the three proteins that enable this cancer to grow, they now need to search the three million drug candidates for a treatment. And your computer can help us complete this search in the next year.

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The cause of neuroblastoma is unknown, but most physicians believe that it is an accidental cell growth that occurs during normal development of the sympathetic ganglia and adrenal glands. It occurs most often during the first two years of a child's life, and has a high risk for disease relapse with survival rates of less than 40 percent.

The rapid advancement of genetic research at Chiba Cancer Center Research Institute holds great promise for treating neuroblastoma. The new Help Fight Childhood Cancer project will use the idle computational power from your computer to identify which of the three million potential drug candidates can inhibit growth of three particular proteins believed to prevent successful treatment via conventional approaches, such as chemotherapy.

"Our promising research will be further advanced by the free computing power we will use from World Community Grid," said Dr. Akira Nakagawara, the principal investigator at the Chiba Cancer Center Research Institute. "It would take us about 100 years using our own computing resources to make progress, but with access to one of the world's largest virtual supercomputers, we estimate to complete this project in two years, and begin laboratory trials."

Dr. Nakagawara recently earned the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund Prize 2008 for his neuroblastoma research. In his work, he discovered that one protein, TrkB, is expressed at high levels in aggressive neuroblastomas and enhances the tumor cell's growth. World Community Grid will conduct complex chemistry simulations to determine which drug candidates bond to TrkB, as well as the proteins ALK and SCxx, so that those can be tested further in the laboratory. All results will be made available to the general scientific community to advance the field of cancer biology and drug discovery.

For more information about the Help Fight Childhood Cancer Project and other projects running on World Community Grid, please click here.

We sincerely appreciate your wonderful support!

niceword.tw -您可以幫助結束兒童癌症

提醒所有成員全球社區網格-您捐贈的計算機週期時間現在可能有助於找到治療癌症的童年!有一群癌症特別可惡,因為它們通常只罷工年幼的子女。神經母細胞瘤是一種癌症,中產生歲以下的兒童,並造成兩名不到40 %的存活率。





“我們有希望的研究將進一步得到先進的計算能力,自由,我們將使用來自全球社區網格說: ”晃Nakagawara的首席研究員在千葉縣癌症中心研究所。 “這將使我們大約100年使用我們自己的計算資源方面取得進展,但獲得一個世界上最大的虛擬超級計算機,我們估計,完成該項目在兩年內,開始實驗室進行試驗。 ”

Nakagawara博士最近獲得了公主高松癌症研究基金獎2008年,他的神經母細胞瘤的研究。在他的工作,他發現一種蛋白質,受體,表示在高水平的侵略性神經母細胞瘤和增強腫瘤細胞的生長。全球社區網格將進行複雜的化學模擬,以確定哪些藥物候選鍵受體以及蛋白鹼和SCxx ,從而使這些測試可以進一步在實驗室。所有的結果將提供給廣大科學界推進領域的癌症生物學和藥物發現。







獻花 x1 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣 | Posted:2009-03-25 10:19 |

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