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[语录] 两性对待
我和雷根总统一起经历了太多事情,但好像没有五十年这么长。很多人问我维持这么长的婚姻有什么秘诀。我必须告诉大家,根本没有任何秘诀。婚姻并不是平等的。其中一个人总是会付出多一些,总是在让步。我们都做出过让步。   南希.雷根

    Ronnoe and I have been though so much togetther, but it still doesn't feel like 50 years. I've been asked over and over again if there is a secret to staying married for this long and I'd have to say there isn't one. Marriage is never 50-50. One of you is always giving more, always compromising. And we're both does our share of compromising.   Nancy Reagan



献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:欧洲 | Posted:2009-04-09 20:03 |

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