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[成人] CANCER癌症预防与治疗
【来源出处】 寄飞生技


Under weakly alkaline condition, cancerous cells are not able to grow, or even to survive..

These are real cases which are very important. Please read patiently and pass this on. Even if you had read it, you should read it again, especially the list of acidic and alkaline food stuff... It's best to read it several times and remember them. Please read this article in full patience. It helps to improve and maintain your health.
实案例,很重要,请耐 看完,请转寄哦! 即使看过了还是要再看,尤其下面的酸碱性食物最好多看几次,就可以记住了。请耐心看完这篇文章,对自身健康很有帮助。

About 30 years ago, a Mr. Zhang who worked in the Public Sales Department of a Taipei Brewery, sat for Overseas Study Selection Examination, and passed with flying colors. Before leaving, unfortunately, the medical examination at a public hospital discovered that he had a tumor growth in his lung about the size of a child's fist. Thus, he was not able to make the overseas trip for further study.


Mr. Zhang was very disappointed. He thought that diagnosis could be wrong. So he went for a 2nd check-up in another hospital but the result confirmed that there was no error in the previous diagnosis. The young Mr. Zhang was in great despair after the confirmation. He made several calls to Mr.. Wei, his old classmate who was the Mayor's secretary of Huangsun County , Taidong County Government.

On heari ng the bad news, Mr. Wei rushed to Taipei to see Mr. Zhang on Sunday. Mr. Zhang briefed Mr. Wei in detail about his despair and pessimism, and entrusted his friend regarding his affairs after his death. It happened that Mr. Wei was a good friend of Dr Lu Geling, who in 1949-55 was in charge of the Maijie Hospital , and was a researcher and specialist in cancer.
魏姓同学便利用星期日赶到台北和张先生见面,张先生向魏同学详述相关绝望的详情和悲观感受,并请 位同学协助其后事,恰逢魏同学与前任马偕医院院长1949-55年专精于癌症临床研究的吕革令博士系知交好友。

He suggested to Mr. Zhang to seek Dr Lu's treatment immediately. Mr. Zhang initially refused to consult doctor anymore as the result might add further misery to him. But Mr. Wei said that he had called Dr Lu and made an appointment with him. So Mr. Zhang felt obligated and went with Mr. Wei to meet Dr Lu.
当即建议前往访求吕博士医治,起初张先生说不愿再看医生,以免徒=E 5伤悲;但魏同学说先前已以电话请教过吕博士并安排好时间,张先生只好偕同前往吕博士住处造访。

When meeting Mr. Zhang, Dr Lu said: " Mr. Wei is my best friend and he has introduced you to me. We are fated to know each other. Let me ask you do you know why is that cancer is referred to as terminal illness?" Both Mr. Zhang and Mr. Wei did not know how to answer.

Dr Lu explained: " There are only 2 approaches so far to treat cancer today. The 1st is to destroy the source of the disease..... The 2nd is to increase the immunity to fight the disease.. But the strange thing is that, whether we use Cobalt 60 or other drugs to destroy the cancerous cells, before they are killed, the good cells are destroyed first... On the other hand, no matter what nutrients or supplements we use, before the good cells have a chance to absorb them, the cancer cells have taken them up. This simply speeds up the growth of cancer. Therefore, both approaches are doomed to fail, that is why cancer is terminal."

吕博士又说:「人类医治癌症 到目前为止只有两条路,第一条路是消灭病源,第二条路是增加抵抗力。但很奇怪的是,癌无论4钴60或其他药物去消灭癌细胞,可是癌细胞还没被消灭,好的细胞却先被杀死。另无论用什么营养、补药,好的细胞还未吸收,癌细胞却先吸收、让癌长得更快;因此可说上述两条路都行不通、所以叫绝症。」

Dr Lu continues: "Human beings are the most intelligent creatures and they had successfully put men on the moon. But why there is no one ever questioned the above 2 approaches for cancer treatment which lead to ultimate death, and try to look for a 3rd approach? When I was conducting clinical research in Majie Hospital , I had many opportunities to work with many colleagues who had assisted me in the hospital. I found out that the blood tests of cancer patients showed 100% acidic results.

Those Buddhist monks and nuns who are lon g term vegetarians and live very close to Nature, their blood are prevalently weakly alkaline and none of them has yet been detected of any cancer illness. Therefore, I can boldly concluded that under weakly alkaline condition, cancerous cells are not able to grow, or even to survive.

Mr. Zhang, I would suggest that starting from now you must reduce your intake of the acidic meaty dishes. Consume more alkaline food. Also you can take green algae and soup made from water chestnuts with skin. Modify your physical condition, and try seriously to have a regular life=2 0style which is close to Nature.. If you live for another 5 years, you should have no further problem. Best of luck."

Mr. Zhang followed Dr Lu's suggestion and was serious in changing his eating habits. Every day, he ate green algae, drank chestnut soup, became optimistic and did an appropriate amount of exercise. One year later, he went back to the same public hospital for a check up.. It was found that the tumour not only did not increase in size, but was also skrinking. It's a miracle to the hospital staff who examined him. Five years later, the tumour had shrunk to almost disappearing stage. Now after almost 40 years, Mr. Zhang's health i s totally normal, and is living a very pleasant life.

张先生依照吕博士的建议,认真改变吃的习 惯,每天又吃绿藻、喝菱角汤,乐观加上每天适当的运动,一年后再到同一公立医院检查结果,发现肿瘤不但没有长大、反而已呈现萎缩状态,遂令医院检查人员惊为奇迹,五年后竟完全处于萎缩、至近于消失状态。经过了将近四十年岁月,现在张先生的健康情况完全正常,生活起居甚为愉快。

After Mr. Zhang's case, a Mr... Chen Tianshou, who was previously Head of the General Administration of the Taidong Provincial Hospital , was also diagnosed with lung cancer. When Mr. Wei knew about it, he told Mr. Chen what Mr. Zhang had gone through. Mr. Chen started to follow Dr Lu's recommendation of changing his physical condition.. Just like the case of Mr. Zhang, he was able to recover fully from the cancer.

At that time, Dr. Lu and his family had migrated to the United States . When he returned to Taiwan and met up with Mr. Wei, he was told of the 2 cases of Mr. Zhang and Mr. Chen. Mr. Wei suggested that let both of them make detailed briefings in person, so that Dr. Lu could publish a report on this self-curing method.

Dr Lu very humbly replied: 'I am too old and I do not have any clinical records of the cases.. Please tell your friends and relatives, if they agree, please continue and spread the words to others"

One should take care of oneself and also should be caring about others. 85% of cancer patients are having acidic condition in their physical bodies.

Blood of healthy persons is weakly alkaline in nature, with a pH of about 7..35 to 7.45.

Babies' blood is also weakly alkaline.< br> 婴儿也是属于弱碱性的体质。

As adults age, their bloods become more acidic in nature.

According to a study of body fluid of 600 cancer patients, 85% of the patients are in acidic physical condition. Therefore, how to maintain the weakly alkaline nature of our body is the 1st step from keeping oneself from illness.

Acidic physical condition manifests itself in following ways:

1. Skin without luster..

2. Athlete's foot.

3. Feeling tired even after a little exercise, and feeling sleepy the moment one gets into a bus.

4. Easily out of breathe after going up and down the stairs.

5...... Fat and with lower stomach protruding,

6. Move slowly and movement lethargic.

Why does the body physical condition turn acidic?

1. Excessive intake of dairy acidic food.

a) Meats, dairy products, eggs, beef, ham, etc are acidic food
a )肉类、乳酪制品与蛋、牛肉、火腿等皆属于酸性食品。

b) Taking too much acidic food will cause the blood to become acidic and viscous,
difficult to flow to the end of blood vessels, leading to cold feet or knee, stiff shoulders and insomnia.

c) For those who are young and strong, it's alright to consume suitable quantity of meats, but for older people, vegetables or small fishes are the more suitable diet.

2. Any irregularity in the pace of life will cause the body physical condition to become acidic.
2. 生活步调失常会造成酸性体质。

a) Irregular pace in life will lead to mental and physical stress

b) According to statistics, people who sleep late are more likely to have cancer than normal persons, by as much as 5 times..

c) Human beings originally lead a life with regular tempo in this world. It's not possible to store up sleep or food and not possible to live a healthy life by mixing up days and nights.

d) Human organs are controlled by the autonomic nerves. During day time it is mainly sympathetic nerves activities, and at night it is mainly the parasympathetic nerves which are functioning. If this order is disturbed and reversed, then will encounter all sorts of sicklnesses.
d)人体内脏受自律神经控制,=E 7天主要是交感神经活动,晚上则由副= 交感神经工作,若使其错乱及倒置,就亦百病滋生。

3. Over tensed becoming emotional.

a) Social stresses in view of civilized society.

b) Job related or mental stresses....
b)工作上 或 精神上的 压力。

c) For a person suffering mental stress, a temporary release of stress may lead to death. This is known as the syndrome of imperfect adrenal cortex function.

4.. Physical Stress.

a) Before any operation it woul d be necessary to check whether the renal cortex does function normally.. If the adrenal cortex is lacking, or if the stress imposed by the operation exceeded the ability of adrenal cortex to cope, it could lead to death or other adverse impacts.

b) If the patient's face is puffy, it would be necessary to ask for the detailed patient's medical history and medication status. For patients taking adrenal cortical hormone, extra care should be exercised when acupuncture treatment is given...
b)若发现病患脸部浮肿,需详加询问病史及服药状况,为长F服用肾上腺皮质贺尔蒙者,施以针灸要特别注意反= 应。

c) Avoid stress due to physical labour or excessive exercise, or playing card games and driving through out the night etc..

Appendix: Acidity/alkalinity of Common food stuff

1. Strongly acidic food: egg yolk, cheese, cake baked with white sugar or persimmon, mullet fish roe, dried cod, etc.

2. Mildly acidic food: ham, bacon, chicken meat, squid, pork, eel, beef, bread, wheat, butter, horse meat.

3. Weakly acidic food: white rice, peanut, beer, alcohol, fried tofu, sea weeds, clam, octopus, catfish, etc.
3.弱酸性 品:白米、落花生、啤酒、酒、油炸豆腐、海苔、文蛤、章鱼、泥鳅。

4. Weakly alkaline food: red bean, radish, apple, cabbage, onion, tofu etc.

5. Mildly alkaline food: dried radish, soya bean, carrot, tomato, banana, orange, pumpkin, strawberry, egg white, dried plum, lemon, spinach, etc.

6. Strongly alkaline food: grape, tea leave, wine, kelp sprout, kelp, etc. Especially natural green algae which contain rich quantity of chlorophyl are very good alkaline health food, but avoid drinking tea in excess, and it's best to drink in the mornings.
6. 强碱性食品:葡萄、茶叶、葡萄酒、海带芽、海带等。尤其是天然绿藻富含叶绿素,是不错的碱性健康食品,而茶类不宜过量,最佳饮用时间为早上。



献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾中华HiNet | Posted:2009-06-06 12:40 |

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