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[分享] Jobs v2.8.3 Minecraft职业插件

本帖最后由 hunter 于 2012-6-9 17:28 编辑

Jobs - The Job plugin for Minecraft:
Version: 2.8.3

iConomy 4/5 / BOSEconomy
Stats and Achievements
A fully configurable plugin that allows you to get paid for breaking, placing and killing. Class based (experience increases as you perform your job).

Create your own custom jobs and choose what they get paid for and how much.
Leveling mechanic where higher level jobs will give higher incomes. Income earnt = experience gained.
Equation determining maximum experience, experience gained and income gained is customizable.
Customizable skill levels in the game to mark leveling milestones (fully customizable in the configuration file).
Your profession and skill level is part of your display name and whenever you talk everyone will know what you do and how good you are. (optional)
Stats of your maximum level in a job is saved if you have the stats and achievements plugin. ( for bragging rights) (optional)
Does periodic saving and save on player exiting the server.
Leaving a job resets your job level and experience to 0.
Permissions support.
Admin commands work even when the players are offline.

I made a sourceforge account for this. It will allow you to report bugs and feature requests. It'll help me a lot to make sense of this.

The link is https://sourceforge.net/proj...ornadjobs/.

Some rules before you go there:
1. Please look through the bugs that have already been reported to see if someone else has already reported that bug. If you have any extra information, post it on the bug's comments. The more information I have, the easier it is for me to fix it and test it.
2. Same as above for feature requests.

        Player:/jobs browse -  View a list of the available jobs.
/jobs join [job name] - 加入职业
/jobs leave [job name] - 离开职业
/jobs info [job name] [break, place, kill] - 查询有关资料的职业
/jobs stats - 查询你现在职业的资料
/jobs fire [playername] [job] - 强制别人离开现在的职业
/jobs employ [playername] [job] - 强制别人加入指定的职业
/jobs promote [playername] [job] [levels] - 升级(某玩家)职业等级 lv[数]
/jobs demote [playername] [job] [levels] - 下降(某玩家)职业等级 lv[数]
/jobs grantxp [playername] [job] [experience] - 给予(某玩家)经验
/jobs removexp [playername] [job] [experience] - 下降(某玩家)经验
/jobs transfer [playername] [oldjob] [newjob] - 转移(某玩家)的职业到新职业.(保留原有等级和经验)
        jobs.join.<jobname> - allows the group to join the job. 
Where <jobname> is replaced with the job name (e.g. jobs.join.Woodcutter or jobs.join.* to join all jobs).
jobs.world.<worldname> - allows players to get paid on selected world.jobs.admin.fire - enables the fire admin command.
jobs.admin.employ - enables the employ admin command.jobs.admin.promote - enables the promote admin command.
jobs.admin.demote - enables the demote admin command.jobs.admin.grantxp - enables the grant experience admin command.
jobs.admin.removexp - enables the remove experience admin command.jobs.admin.transfer - enables the transfer admin command.




献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:未知地址 | Posted:2012-06-22 00:44 |
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复制也复制好一点!!麻烦删了本帖最后由 hunter 于 2012-6-9 17:28 编辑这句

献花 x0 回到顶端 [1 楼] From:香港特别行政区 | Posted:2012-06-22 10:28 |
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献花 x0 回到顶端 [2 楼] From:未知地址 | Posted:2013-03-27 09:38 |
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Re:Jobs v2.8.3 Minecraft职业插件

献花 x0 回到顶端 [3 楼] From:没有资料 | Posted:2013-12-24 17:29 |

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