![路人甲 路人甲](./image/mychat/level/8.gif)
[景点][云嘉南] 来个森林浴,洗去生活烦恼~
【相关资讯】个人评等: ★★★★【心得分享】Take a green shower to wash annoyance away~
![]( 玉山旅社已有60多年历史,曾是列车长的家,现在转型成为背包客旅店跟咖啡店,附近还有一个北门火车站可以去,整个火车站是用高级红桧建材所造,现在已经成为嘉义的市定古迹。 It has been 60 years for “Yushan Hostel”. It was the train conductor’s home, but now its backpacker’s hostel and coffee shop. “North Gate Railway Station” is a good place to visit as well, because all the station was made by Taiwan Red Cypress. Now, it is County designate.
![]( 桧意森活村已经红一阵子了,但是都没有机会来走走,在历经四年修复与规划的桧意森活村,如今得以重现旧时日式宿舍的风貌,带领我们一窥早期阿里山林业开发生活史。 I finally had a chance to hang out here - Hinoki Village. After four years of restoration and planning in the Italian cypress forest living village, now able to reproduce the old Japanese-style dormitory style, lead us a glimpse into the early life history of Alishan forestry development.
![]( 阿里山18号爱情丝路,以爱情系列为主题,相当适合情侣或想拍婚纱的人来拍摄。 Love road is really suitable for couples or newly-wed couple to take pictures.
![]( 在天长地久桥分别为两座不同的吊桥,相传来此的情人们若携手共渡二桥,便能天长地久、白头偕老。不知道是不是真的,不过想更增加亲密感的夫妻或是情侣就来这里走一趟吧!! Eternity Suspension Bridges was divided into two parts. Tradition has it that couples hand in hand and walk through the bridge. Couples would love each other till the end of time and be together forever. I don’t know it’s true or not, but anyone who wants to enhance relation, welcome to this hot spot.
![]( 奋起湖车站,是搭乘火车前往世界有名的阿里山必经之路,行驶路线目前只有从嘉义到奋起湖这段而已,建议先上网订票会比较保险。 Set 1,405 metres above sea level in Chiayi County, Taiwan, Fenchihu marks the halfway point of the world-famous Alishan Forest Railways on the way to the top of Alishan (Mt. Ali). The route is from Chiayi to Fenchihu, so I suggest you book the ticket first on the internet.
![]( 身为一个专业的铁道迷,当然不能错过”火车头库”这个地方,这里除了可以拍照拍个过瘾,更能对火车的历史有更进一步的了解。 As a fan of train, you can’t miss such good place. You can not only take awesome pictures but know more history of the train here. It was meaningful.
![]( 奋起湖大饭店,最有名的是他的便当,也是我们今晚休息的地方,位置不难找,就在便利超商(7-11)、老街和火车站附近,地理位置算是很优的。 Fenchihu hotel is famous for its lunchbox. Also, we stayed there for one night. You can find Fenchihu hotel easily, it’s next to the convenience store (7-11) , old street and train station.
![]( 奋起湖便当可以说是奋起湖大饭店最出色、最道地的奋起湖便当,内用的便当是用这个复古的铝盒装,配料有青菜和传统入味的鸡腿、排骨,便当食材丰富用料实在。非常好吃呢~ fenchihu hotel is famous for its traditional lunch box and the dining experience here allow travelers to experience the best of local mountain delicacies made with local ingredients such as cabbages, traditional tofu, and many others.
![]( 饭店的房型有两种,个人比较喜欢A栋的房间,是外面较少看到的日式塌塌米房间,再加上有附赠草药汤包和木制的澡盆可以泡澡,让各位旅客好好享受这里的假期~~泡完真的非常舒服、放松,可以消除一整天的疲劳!!!厉害 There are two type of rooms. I like to room in building A much more. In this kind of room , you can see bamboo made furniture and Japanese style mattress (tatami) offering a Zen ambience that guests can retreat into total relaxations for their holiday. The room included cypress bathtub and herbal bath which make you relax.
![]( [color=DarkSlateBlue]最棒的是住宿就可以免费参加导览,就可以对奋起湖有更进一步的认识。不管是要去走森林步道还是老街都不错,毕竟现在要亲近大自然的机会真的越来越少,如果是萤火虫的季节来,晚上还会有赏萤的活动呢~这部分大家就可以追踪一下饭店的讯息喽!!! 取得更多资讯→ The greatest is that Gon-A-Kam Trail, Fenruei Trail, Fentai Trail and the famous Mt. Da Tong Trail are in Fenchihu area, where guests may simply visit while accommodating at Fenchihu Hotel for free. No matter visit forest trail or Old Street is great. We have few chances to visit this kind of places. If you visit this place on fireflies’ season, you can take part in hotel’s tour itinerary. You can follow hotels news to get more information. Get more information→ --------------------------------- *奋起湖大饭店 电话:05-2561888 地址:嘉义乡竹崎乡中和村奋起湖178之1号 网站: TEL:05-2561888 ADD:No.178-1, Fenqihu, Zhuqi Township, Chiayi County 604, Taiwan (R.O.C.) WEB: ---------------------------------- 阿里山住宿,阿里山饭店,阿里山,奋起湖住宿,奋起湖 Alishan accommodation, Alishan hotels, Alishan, Fenqihu accommodation, Fenqihu hotels, Fenqihu