
[景點][中彰投] 終於有機會拜訪去年開放的景點拉~
【相關資訊】個人評等: ★★★★★【心得分享】I FINALLY HAVE A CHANCE TO VISITED THE PLACE OPENED LAST YEAR 這兩天和老公去清境出差拜訪了幾個新開的景點快來跟我一起看看吧~These two days, my husband had a business trip.So I went there with him and visited some place I haven’t visited before.Let me share pictures with you. 去年開放的清境天空步道終於有機會來了這裡真的好美Skywalk in Chingjing opened last year, and this is my first time visiting here.The scenery here was pretty beautiful. 這種天氣來走最舒服不然朋友都說剛開放時很多人而且夏天又超熱超曬的It’s the proper season to visit here, because it’s cool and comfortable.My friend told me that it was hot to burn and many visitors in summer. 這裡還可以欣賞羊群在草地上覓食的景象You can also see a flock of sheep eating on a vast, green expanse of prairie 這是我們今晚住宿的地方This was the hostel we stayed. 其實房間蠻乾淨的Actually, the room was clean. 我本來以為會有很多小蟲子I thought there would be a lot of bugs, but not. 最喜歡房間的獨立陽台在這裡看書真的是人生一大享受I pretty like the balcony of a room.It was truly a great pleasure of life when you reading here. 這是我最喜歡的照片之一哈哈民宿的小植物好可愛This is one of my favorite pictures, because these plants are soooo lovely. 第二天老公去拜訪客戶時我一個人到清境小瑞士花園逛逛On the second day,I took a walk through “Small Swiss Garden” when my husband visited customers. 這裡有整修後又重新開放Small Swiss Garden is new opened recently. 整個園區很有童話故事的感覺因為有很多人偶布景It was like you were in a fairy tale, because there had a lot of doll sets. 挺可愛的~可惜等下就要回家了沒機會帶老公來看看只好等下次囉It was adorable!But it was a little bit pity that I couldn’t visited here with my husband. 順便附上這次住宿的地方我很推薦喔!Attach information of hostel I stayed.I really recommend it. 【清境比佛利山莊民宿】訂房專線:049-2803781~3地址:南投縣仁愛鄉大同村榮光巷23-1號官網:http://www.bf....tw/粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.co...hanZhuang微博: http://www.weibo.co...3501459E-mail : bevely123@gmail.com 【Beverly Hostel in Cingjing】E-MAIL:bevely123@gmail.comADD:No.23-1, Rongguang Ln., Ren’ai Township, Nantou County 546, Taiwan (R.O.C.)TEL:049-2803781-3WEB:http://www.bf....tw/FB: https://www.facebook.co...hanZhuangWeibo: http://www.weibo.co...3501459