为什么医生建议 每年接种流感疫苗? Why Do Doctors Recommend Annual Flu Shots?
12/6 解析英语
作者 Duncan DeAeth
阅读时间 8分钟
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https://www.dropbox.com/s/j5lcwzx6elb9dtm/%E7%82%BA%E4%BB%80%E9%BA%BC%E9%86%AB%E7%94%9F%E5%BB%BA%...E%E6%B5%81%E6%84%9F%E7%96%AB%E8%8B%97.rar?dl=0为什么医生建议 每年接种流感疫苗? Why Do Doctors Recommend Annual Flu Shots?
每年秋末流感季节开始时,你可能会听到医师或卫生局人员提 醒民众接种年度流感疫苗。
目录 / More to Learn / 中文翻译(& 答案)
When the flu season begins during the late fall of each year, you may hear doctors or health officials remind the public to get their annual flu shots. However, many people have asked, “If the vaccine is effective, then why do people need a new one each year?”
According to medical experts, people need a yearly flu shot because the virus that causes the flu is constantly evolving. The virus, known as influenza, can cause a wide range of uncomfortable symptoms, from a mild sore throat to severe muscle pains. For some demographics, such as the elderly or the overweight, getting sick with the flu can be deadly.
Since the outer structure of the influenza virus changes all the time, epidemiologists must work hard to develop new vaccines based on new strains of the virus in order for them to be effective. At influenza surveillance centers around the world, new strains of the virus are reported and analyzed each year. Around February, the World Health Organization (WHO) decides which of these strains are most likely to be prominent in the coming year. Scientists then get to work to produce a new vaccine before the next flu season arrives.
It’s also important to remember that the body’s immune system is constantly developing as well; it’s not just the influenza virus that is changing. That means a vaccine that might have been effective last year is likely to be useless after 12 months. That’s why experts recommend getting a new flu shot yearly to protect yourself and others. Remember: the vaccines not only alleviate the worst symptoms of the virus but also help reduce transmission of the viral disease throughout the population.
1. According to the passage, when are people most likely asked to get flu shots?
(A) Around February. (B) During the summer season. (C) Near the end of autumn. (D) In the middle of winter.
2. What is the main reason doctors recommend the public get flu shots every year?
(A) The quality of vaccines improves every year.
(B) The vaccines alter the outer structure of the flu virus.
(C) The body’s immune system reduces the effectiveness.
(D) The strains of the flu virus circulating each year are different.
3. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) People with obesity should avoid getting flu shots.
(B) Old vaccines don’t work as effectively as new ones.
(C) Scientists work on new flu vaccines before February.
(D) The WHO is in charge of reporting and analyzing virus strains.
答案: 1.C 2.D 3.B
Words in Use
flu [flu]
n. 流行性感冒(= influenza [ :InflU`EnzJ ])
recommend [͵rɛkəˋmɛnd]
vt. 建议
strain [stren]
vt. (肌肉)拉伤,损伤,拉紧,尽力
vi. 拉紧
n. 紧张,压力,拉紧,损伤
deadly [ˋdɛdlɪ]
a. 致命的
adv. 非常
prominent [ˋprɑmənənt]
a. 重要的;显着的,突出的
circulate [ˋsɝkjə͵let]
.vt. & vi. (使)循环;(使)散布,传播
symptom [ˋsɪmptəm]
n. 症状
evolve [ɪˋvɑlv]
vi. 进化 ; 发展为
transmission [trænsˋmɪʃən]
n. 传送 (电视讯号); 传播 (疾病)
immune [ɪˋmjun]
a. 免疫的
surveillance [sɚˋveləns]
n. 监督,监视
remind [rɪˋmaɪnd]
vt. 提醒;使想起
transmit [trænsˋmɪt]
vt. . 传送(电视、广播等);传播(疾病或能量)
obesity [oˋbisətɪ]
n. . 肥胖症
vaccine [ˋvæksin]
n. . 疫苗
viral [ˋvaɪrəl]
a. 网路上迅速流传的;病毒的
alleviate [əˋlivɪ͵et]
vt. 缓和,使减轻
influenza [͵ɪnflʊˋɛnzə]
n. 流行性感冒
demographic [͵diməˋgræfɪk]
n. 族群
epidemiologist [͵ɛpɪ͵dimɪˋɑlədʒɪst]
n. 流行病学家
Practical Phrases
based on... 以……为依据
= be grounded in / on...
The movie was based on a true story.
remind sb to + V 提醒某人要……
Please remind me to call Jason at seven.
请提醒我 7 点时打电话给杰森。
evolve into... 逐渐发展成为......
Through months of teamwork, our idea finally evolved into a feasible plan.
a wide range of... 各式各样的/范围广大的⋯
This suit shop has a wide range of quality tuxedos to choose from.这家西装店有各式各样的高级晚宴服以供选择。
recommend V-ing 建议做⋯⋯
The doctor recommended relying less on over-the-counter medicine.
might have+ 过去分词 当时可能/也许会⋯⋯(表对过去的推测)
If Larry hadn’t run upstairs to save his dog, he might have been one of the survivors.
More to Learn
overweight [ ˋovɚ͵wet ] a. 超/过重的,肥胖的
• Bruce is seriously overweight because he always has fried chicken and hamburgers for dinner.
字首 over- 表「超过、过度」。
如本文中的 overweight 是 over-(超过)加上 weight(重量)形成。以下列举其他几个以字首 over- 开头的形容词:
a. over- + active(活跃的)
= overactive [ ͵ovɚˋæktɪv ] a. 过于活跃的
• Kevin’s overactive mind makes it hard for him to fall asleep.
b. over- + booked(预订的)
= overbooked [ ͵ovɚˋbʊkt ] a. 超额预订的
• When there are too many passengers and a flight is overbooked, the airline must move some passengers to other flights.
当旅客过多且班机超额预订时,航空公司得安排一 些旅客搭乘其他航班。
c. over- + confident(自信的)
= overconfident [ ˋovɚˋkɑnfɪdənt ] a. 过度自信的
• Ben is overconfident, so no one likes him.
d. over- + due(到期的)
= overdue [ ˋovɚˋdju ] a. 过期未还/付/完成的
• You’ll be charged late fees for any overdue books.
e. over- + populated(有人居住的)
= overpopulated [ ͵ovɚˋpɑpjə͵letɪd ] a. 人口过多的
• This area has become overpopulated following the increasing number of the refugees.
f. over- + qualified(合格的;胜任的)
= overqualified [ ˋovɚˋkwɑlə͵faɪd ] a. 资历过高的
• If you are told that you’re too good for the job, that means you’re overqualified.
若你被告知说是你太好了所以不适合这份工作,表 示你的资历过高。
g. over- + ripe(成熟的)
= overripe [ ˋovɚˋraɪp ] a. 过熟的
• It’s better not to eat overripe fruit.
中文翻译(& 答案)
每年秋末流感季节开始时,你可能会听到医师或卫生局人员提 醒民众接种年度流感疫苗。然而,很多人都问过:「如果疫苗有效 的话,那为什么人们每年都需要接种新的疫苗呢?」
根据医学专家的说法,人们之所以需要每年注射一次流感疫 苗,是因为导致流感的病毒不断地在演变。这种被称为流感的病毒 会引起各种不适的症状,从轻微的喉咙痛到严重的肌肉酸痛。对某 些族群来说,像是年长者或过重者,感染流感可能会致命。
由于流感病毒的外部结构一直在变,流行病学家必须根据新 病毒株来努力开发新疫苗,以使其有效。在世界各地的流感监测中 心,每年都会报告及分析新的病毒株。在二月左右,世界卫生组织 (WHO)选出哪些病毒株最有可能会在来年流行。接着,科学家 便会赶在下个流感季节到来前,开始制造新疫苗。
同样重要的是,要记得人体的免疫系统也是不断地在演变;不 是只有流感病毒在改变。那意味着去年可能有效的疫苗有可能在过 了十二个月后就没用了。那就是为何专家建议每年接种新的流感疫 苗以保护自己和他人。请记住:疫苗不仅可以减缓病毒最严重的症 状,还有助于减少病毒性疾病在人群间传播。
1. 根据本文,人们什么时候最有可能被要求接种流感疫苗?
(A) 二月左右。
(B) 夏季期间。
(C) 接近秋末。
(D) 深冬时分。
2. 医生建议大众每年接种流感疫苗的主因是什么?
(A) 疫苗的品质逐年提升。
(B) 疫苗会改变流感病毒的外部结构。
(C) 身体免疫系统降低疫苗效力。
(D) 每年流行的流感病毒株不同。
3. 下列叙述何者是正确的?
(A) 肥胖者应避免接种流感疫苗。
(B) 旧疫苗不如新疫苗有效。
(C) 科学家在二月前研究新的流感疫苗。
(D) 世界卫生组织负责报告和分析病毒株。