元宵佳节知多少 A Festive Time of Light
A Festive Time of Light
1/20 解析英语
作者 Brian Foden
阅读时间 9分钟
听讲解 听朗读
https://www.dropbox.com/s/waba1221vjzqxq2/%E5%85%83%E5%AE%B5...%E5%A4%9A%E5%B0%91.rar?dl=0元宵佳节知多少 A Festive Time of Light
目录 / More to Learn / Grammar Tips / 中文翻译(& 答案)
Occurring on the 15th day of the initial month of the Lunar New Year, when the first full moon appears, the Lantern Festival is a festive time that continues the good cheer and celebration sparked by Chinese New Year. It also simultaneously marks the end of that annual event. It’s a time when lanterns and other colorful lights and decorations adorn stores, businesses, and streets in Chinese communities around the globe. Aside from honoring ancestors, the festival is also meant to foster peace, forgiveness, and harmony.
Lantern displays are the center of attention during the Lantern Festival in Taiwan. Parks across the island are often decorated with many lanterns depicting everything from the Chinese zodiac animal of the year to traditional Chinese folk stories. In addition, there are other stimulating activities, including lion and dragon dances, fireworks displays, and various parades. Schoolchildren make small lanterns at schools as well. There are also traditional foods associated with the Lantern Festival, such as tangyuan and dumplings. With tangyuan’s round shape, the treats symbolize the completeness and unity of the family.
It is believed that the origin of the Lantern Festival can be traced back to the Han Dynasty (206 BCE to 220 CE) and is linked to a ritual that was performed by Buddhist monks which involved lighting lanterns to honor Buddha. There are also some colorful legends related to how the festival came about. One tells the story of the Jade Emperor becoming enraged at some townspeople who killed his beloved crane. His plan to burn the town to the ground was foiled by his daughter, who advised the people to light numerous lanterns in the town to trick the emperor into believing it had previously been set ablaze.
Whatever the true roots of this joyous occasion, the Lantern Festival is enjoyed in cities such as Taipei, which will host the 2023 Taiwan Lantern Festival. According to local officials, the upcoming lantern show will focus on creativity and fashion.
1. According to the passage, who of the following people is NOT celebrating the Lantern Festival?
(A) Tiffany is paying tribute to her ancestors.
(B) Jerry is eating traditional foods with his family.
(C) Kelly is worshiping the Jade Emperor to increase her fortune.
(D) Michael and his friends are making interesting lanterns in the classroom.
2. According to legend, why did the Jade Emperor decide against burning down the town?
(A) All the residents in the town lit lanterns to plead for mercy.
(B) He mistakenly believed the town was already on fire.
(C) The townspeople gave him a new crane as a gift.
(D) His daughter used magic to change his mind.
3. According to the passage, which of the following pictures is an activity of the Lantern Festival?




4. Which of the following is true about the Lantern Festival?
(A) People decorate their homes with lights of one color.
(B) The shape of dumplings represents the reunion of the family.
(C) It marks the final day of the Chinese New Year celebration.
(D) The 2023 Lantern Festival in Taipei will highlight unity and peace.
答案 : 1.C 2,B 3.D 4.C
Words in Use
joyous [ˋdʒɔɪəs]
a. . 快乐的(常用来修饰事物、场合等)
spark [spɑrk]
n. 小火花
vt. 激发,引发
vi. 冒火花
beloved [bɪˋlʌvɪd]
a. 心爱的,受钟爱的
n. 心爱的人
ritual [ˋrɪtʃʊəl]
n. 仪式 ; 例行公事
a. 仪式的
foster [ˋfɔstɚ]
vt. 培养,促进 ; 收养
a. 收养的
symbolize [ˋsɪmb!͵aɪz]
vt. . 象征,代表
lunar [ˋlunɚ]
a. . 月亮的,与月亮有关的
meant [mɛnt]
upcoming [ˋʌp͵kʌmɪŋ]
adorn [əˋdɔrn]
vt. 装饰
festive [ˋfɛstɪv]
a. 欢乐的,欢庆的;节庆的
simultaneously [saɪməlˋtenɪəslɪ]
adv. 同时地
forgiveness [fɚˋgɪvnɪs]
n. 宽恕,原谅
zodiac [ˋzodɪ͵æk]
n. 黄道带,十二宫
completeness [kəmˋplitnɪs]
n. 完整
stimulating [ `stɪmjəˌletɪɧ ]
a. 富饶趣味的
foil [fɔɪl]
vt. 阻止,制止
Practical Phrases
be meant to V 目的/用意是要⋯⋯
These pills are meant to treat very bad headaches.
be traced back to + 明确的时间/时期 回溯至⋯⋯(某时)
burn(...) to the ground 烧毁(⋯⋯)
That poor family’s house was burnt to the ground in a big fire.
trick sb into V-ing 欺骗某人做⋯⋯
The conman tricked me into giving him NT$10,000.
set ablaze 被纵火焚烧
The man’s factory was set ablaze by his competitor.
Lunar New Year 农历新年
Chinese zodiac animal 中国十二生肖
the Jade Emperor 玉皇大帝
More to Learn
enraged [ ˋɪn͵redʒd ] a. 愤怒的
• Helen was enraged at the comment about her hair.
a. angry [ ˋæŋgrɪ ] a. 生气的
• Harold intentionally slammed his fist into the wall when he got angry.
b. mad [ mæd ]a.生气的
• Jill is mad at her husband for not cleaning the dirty floor.
c. annoyed [ əˋnɔɪd ] a. 恼怒的
• Lydia was annoyed with Rudy for being late for their date.
d. furious [ furious ] a. 狂怒的
• Dale is furious at the way he has been treated.
e. irritated [ ˋɪrə͵tetɪd ] a. 恼火的
• Bonnie was irritated about having to wait so long for her food.
f. outraged [ ˋaʊt͵redʒd ] a. 愤怒的
• The public was deeply outraged by the price spikes.
Grammar Tips
It is believed that the origin of the Lantern Festival can be traced back to the Han Dynasty (206 BCE to 220 CE) and is linked to a ritual that was performed by Buddhist monks which involved lighting lanterns to honor Buddha.
※ 关系代名词的「双重限定」是先用一个关系代名词 限定一个较大的范围,在这个范围中,再用另一个 关系代名词做小范围限定。
• Larry is the only man that I know who can help you take care of your two dogs.
• This is the only notebook that I bought which is really practical and light.
※ 如果后面出现的关系代名词前面有对等连接词 and,就不是上述所介绍的「双重限定」用法,而 是两个限定用法的并列。
• Dora is a friend who you can rely on and who is always kind and considerate.
• It is hard to enjoy being around someone who doesn’t take showers regularly and who has bad body odor.
※ 关系代名词的「双重限定」和「并列用法」的差别 以下列句子为例:
• Jim is the only man that is available in the company who can run errands for you.
* 有空的人不只一个。
• Jim is the only man that is available in the company and who can run errands for you.
* 有空的人只有一个。
答案:That is the only movie that I’ve seen which bored me to death.
中文翻译(& 答案)
元宵节落在农历正月十五日,正值第一个满月出现时,它 是一个延续农历新年带来的欢乐和庆祝的节日。它同时也标志 着新年这个年度活动的结束。这是一个全球各地的华人社区用 灯笼和其他五颜六色灯光和装饰品装饰商店、公司和街道的时 刻。除了崇敬祖先,这个节庆也旨在促进和平、宽恕与和谐。
在台湾,元宵节期间的灯展是人们关注的焦点。该岛的公 园通常会用许多灯笼装饰,其刻划各种事物,从当年度的生肖 到中华传统民间故事都有。此外,还有其他富饶趣味的活动, 包括舞龙舞狮、烟火秀和各种游行。学童也会在学校里制作小 型的灯笼。另外还有与元宵节有关的传统食物,像是汤圆和饺 子。汤圆这种圆形的点心象征着家庭的完整与团结。
一般认为,元宵节的起源可以追溯到汉朝(公元前 206 年 至公元 220 年),并与佛教僧侣举行的一种仪式有关,佛教僧 侣举行的这种仪式包括点亮灯笼以纪念佛陀。关于这个节日的 起源,还有一些丰富多彩的传说。其中一个所讲的故事是,玉 皇大帝因某些镇上的人杀了他心爱的鹤而勃然大怒。他要烧毁 城镇的计画被他女儿阻止了,她建议人们在城镇里点燃无数的 灯笼,以欺骗皇帝相信城镇之前就已经被纵火焚烧了。
无论这个欢乐时刻的真正起源为何,元宵节在许多城市都 很受欢迎,像是台北,其将于 2023 年主办台湾灯会。据当地 官员说法,即将到来的灯会秀会把重点放在创意和时尚。
1. 根据本文,下列哪一个人不是在庆祝元宵节?
(A) 蒂芬妮正在祭祖。
(B) 杰瑞正和家人一起吃传统食物。
(C) 凯莉正在祭祀玉皇大帝,以求增加她的财富。 (D) 麦可和他的朋友正在教室里制作有趣的灯笼。
2. 根据传说,为什么玉皇大帝决定不烧该城镇了?
(A) 镇上的所有居民都点亮灯笼恳求宽恕。
(B) 他误以为小镇已经起火了。
(C) 镇民送给他一只新的鹤作为礼物。
(D) 他的女儿使用法术让他改变主意。
3. 根据本文,以下哪张图片是元宵节的活动?
题解: 根据第二段,元宵节其他富饶趣味的活动还包括舞龙 舞狮、烟火秀和各种游行,学童也会在学校里制作小型的灯笼,选项中仅 (D) 图符合,故选之。
4. 关于元宵节,下列哪项是正确的?
(A) 人们用一种颜色的灯来装饰他们的家。
(B) 饺子的形状代表家庭的团聚。
(C) 它标志着农历新年庆祝的最后一天。
(D) 台北 2023 年元宵节将强调团结与和平。