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全球人口突破 80 亿 Global Population Hits 8 Billion

Global Population Hits 8 Billion
3/15 解析英语
作者 Analytical Editors
阅读时间 6分钟
听讲解 听朗读


全球人口突破 80 亿 Global Population Hits 8 Billion
2022 年十一月,人类达成一项里程碑,就在那时全球 人口超过八十亿。

目录 / More to Learn / 中文翻译(& 答案)

    Humanity reached a milestone in November 2022, when the global population exceeded eight billion people. Reaching this number means people are living longer, with generally better access to healthcare, food, and sanitation than past generations.

    Along with passing this milestone, many demographic changes are expected to occur in the coming years. A United Nations report shows that the world’s population will increase to around 9.7 billion people by the year 2050. It is predicted to peak three decades later at approximately 10.4 billion people and stay around this number until the end of the century. What’s interesting to note is that more than half of the population growth up to 2050 will come from just eight countries—the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Tanzania.

    Although the population is increasing, it isn’t climbing as quickly as in the past. 25 The global number has been growing at its slowest rate since the 1950s. In fact, the rate has been below 1% since 2020.

    Furthermore, fertility rates have been steadily declining over the years. Around two-thirds of humanity lives in countries with fertility rates below 2.1 births per woman, which is the number needed to maintain a population.

    Meanwhile, the share of the global population aged 65 and above is rapidly rising. It is predicted to rise from 10% in 2022 to 16% in 2050. Countries with aging populations should adapt their policies by establishing or improving universal healthcare and long-term care systems.

1. According to the passage, when is the global population supposed to reach its peak?

(A) 2022. (B) 2050. (C) 2080. (D) 2100.

2. Why is a fertility rate of 2.1 births per woman significant?

(A) It is the highest fertility rate ever recorded.

(B) It is the current global average fertility rate.

(C) It is the average fertility rate of the eight largest countries.

(D) It is the number of births a population needs to maintain itself.

3. What are governments in aging societies advised to do?

(A) Raise fertility rates.

(B) Better healthcare.

(C) Spend more on education.

(D) Pay medical costs for the elderly.

Words in Use

long-term [ˋlɔŋ͵tɝm]
adj. 长期的

better [ˋbɛtɚ]

adj. 更好的
adv. 更好地
n. 更好的事物 / 行为
vt. 提升,改善

rate [ret]

vt. 评比为
n. 比率

generation [͵dʒɛnəˋreʃən]

n. 世代

maintain [menˋten]

vt. 保持;维修保养;坚称

exceed [ɪkˋsid]

vt. 超过

decline [dɪˋklaɪn]

n. & vi. 下跌
vt. & vt. 婉拒

universal [͵junəˋvɝs!]

a. 普遍的,全宇宙的;全世界的
n. 众人皆知的概念或特色

predict [prɪˋdɪkt]

vt. 预测

humanity [hjuˋmænətɪ]

n. 人类(总称,不可数);仁爱,慈悲

access [ˋæksɛs]

n. (对人、地、物的)接近或使用的权利或门径(与介词 to 并用)
vt. 使用;(电脑)存取(资料)

adapt [əˋdæpt]

.vt. & vi. (使)适应(与介词 to 并用)

milestone [ˋmaɪl͵ston]

n. 里程碑

democratic [͵dɛməˋkrætɪk]

a. 民主的;〔美〕民主党的(大写)

fertility [fɝˋtɪlətɪ]

n. . 肥沃;生育力

sanitation [͵sænəˋteʃən]

n. . 公共卫生系统(不可数)

steadily [ˋstɛdəlɪ]

adv. 不断地,渐渐地

approximately [əˋprɑksəmɪtlɪ]
adv. 大约

demographic [͵diməˋgræfɪk]
n. 族群
Practical Phrases

along with 和……一起;还有……
= together with...
My camera was stolen, along with my cellphone.

up to... 多达⋯⋯
The stadium is very large and can hold up to 60,000 people.

at + one’s / a / an + Adj. + rate 以⋯⋯的速度
Sales of the popular new smartphone are increasing at a very fast rate.

a fertility rate 生育率(通常指一生中女性平均生育的孩子数)
More to Learn

republic [ rɪˋpʌblɪk ] n. 共和国/制(依法律选出国家执政者)

• The First French Republic ended with the declaration of the First French Empire in 1804.

1804 年宣布法兰西第一帝国成立时,法兰西第一共和国结束。

a. government [ ˋgʌvɚnmənt ] n. 政体(国家政治运作的方式);(国家/地方)政府

• Peter is an advocate of democratic government.


• The local government has been promoting tourism in recent years.


b. administration [ əd͵mɪnəˋstreʃənn ] n. 一任政府(尤指由总统领导的一任政府)

• The current president’s administration has been harshly criticized.


c. regime [ rɪˋʒim ] n. 政权 (负面意涵,尤指未经公平选举而掌权的政府)

• The military regime was overthrown.


d. democracy [ dɪˋmɑkrəsɪ ] n. 民主政体/治;民主国家

• Some countries evolved towards democracy after World War II.


• After the king was brought down, the nation became a democracy.


e. monarchy [ ˋmɑnɚkɪ ] n. 君主政体;君主制的国家

• The British monarchy lost all power in 1649 after the office of King was abolished.

在 1649 年国王职位被废除后,英国君主政体失去 所有权力。

• In a monarchy, a king or queen rules the country.


中文翻译(& 答案)

2022 年十一月,人类达成一项里程碑,就在那时全球 人口超过八十亿。人口达到这一数量表示跟过去几代的人相 比,人们普遍更容易取得医疗、食物和公卫设施资源,因而 活得更久。

除了突破这一项里程碑外,预计未来几年人口统计资 料将发生许多变化。一份联合国报告显示,到了 2050 年, 世界人口将增加至大约九十七亿。再过三十年,预计将达到 约一百零四亿的巅峰,并维持在这个数字上下直到本世纪结 束。值得注意的是,直到 2050 年,人口增长有一半以上将 来自仅仅八个国家 ── 刚果民主共和国、埃及、衣索比亚、 印度、奈及利亚、巴基斯坦、菲律宾和坦尚尼亚。

尽管人口正在增加,但并不像过去那样迅速攀升。自 1950 年代以来,全球人口数一直以最慢的速度增加。事实 上,自 2020 年以来,人口成长率一直低于 1%。此外,过 去几年来生育率持续下滑。全球约三分之二的人类生活在生 育率低于每名妇女生 2.1 个小孩的国家中,这是人口持平所 需的数量。

同时,全球六十五岁以及六十五岁以上人口的比例正迅 速攀升。预计这一比例将从 2022 年的 10% 在 2050 年增 长至 16%。人口高龄化的国家应调整政策,建立或改善全民 医疗保健和长期照护的体系。

1. 根据本文,全球人口应会在何时达到巅峰? page3image65007184

(A) 2022 年。

(B) 2050 年。

(C) 2080 年。

(D) 2100 年。

2. 为什么每名妇女生 2.1 个小孩的生育率很重要?

(A) 这是有史以来最高的生育率。

(B) 这是目前全球的平均生育率。

(C) 这是八个最大国家的平均生育率。

(D) 这是人口维持自身数量所需的出生数。

3. 高龄化社会的政府被建议要做什么?

(A) 提高生育率。

(B) 改善医疗保健。

(C) 在教育方面投入更多钱。

(D) 支付长者的医疗费用。

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