第一位进入太空的女性! The First Woman in Space
The First Woman in Space
#科学·科技 #人物
6/13 解析英语
作者 Marcus Aurelius Maurice
阅读时间 7分钟
听讲解 听朗读
本图文出处:MP3:第一位进入太空的女性! The First Woman in Space
目录 / More to Learn / 中文翻译(& 答案)
For many years, when kids were asked what they wanted to be when they grew up, their answers were not YouTubers or social media influencers. Instead, children in the 20th century enthusiastically said they wanted to be astronauts, who could fly spaceships. This was because many of them got to see the start of the Space Race, a competition between Cold War rivals—the USSR and America—in the 1950s and 1960s to see who was more technologically advanced. While the US eventually won the Space Race by landing people on the moon first, the USSR was a leader in many ways in the beginning. They put the first artificial satellite into space in 1957. Then, they put the first person into space in 1961. Additionally, in 1963, the USSR sent the first woman into space, Valentina Tereshkova.
Born in a small village north of Moscow, Tereshkova was selected from more than 400 candidates who had applied to the Soviet cosmonaut corps after being inspired by Yuri Gagarin’s 108-minute space flight in 1961. She then had 18 months of training and was chosen to pilot Vostok 6 at the age of 26 due to her considerable skydiving experience. Tereshkova orbited the Earth 48 times during her 70.8-hour flight. Upon her return, she parachuted to safety before the capsule hit the ground.
Later on in her life, Tereshkova was awarded many medals and held several high-level positions in the USSR. Her historic flight shattered the glass ceiling for women in space, paving the way for the next woman in space, Cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya, who was sent into orbit 19 years later in 1982.
What Did You Learn?
1. How did the US win the Space Race in the 20th century?
2. Why was Tereshkova chosen to be the first woman to fly in space?
1. By landing people on the moon first.
2. Due to / Because of her considerable skydiving experience.
Words in Use
land [lænd]
vi. & vt. (使)着陆
n. 陆地(不可数);土地(不可数);国家
additionally [əˋdɪʃən!ɪ]
adv. 除此之外
considerable [kənˋsɪdərəb!]
a. 相当大的
shatter [ˋʃætɚ]
vt. & vi. (使)粉碎,破灭,打碎
candidate [ˋkændədet]
n. 候选人
competition [͵kɑmpəˋtɪʃən]
n. 竞争(不可数);比赛(可数);(生意上竞争的) 同行(集合名词,不可数,之前置定冠词 the)
inspire [ɪnˋspaɪr]
.vt. 鼓舞,激励,启发
orbit [ˋɔrbɪt]
n. 轨道
vt. 绕轨道运行
satellite [ˋsæt!͵aɪt]
n. 卫星
parachute [ˋpærə͵ʃut]
n. 降落伞
vi. 跳伞
rival [ˋraɪv!]
a. 竞争的
n. 竞争者,对手
vt. 与......匹敌
historic [hɪsˋtɔrɪk]
a. 有历史性的;历史上着名的
capsule [ˋkæps!]
n. . 胶囊;太空舱,座舱
enthusiastically [ɪn͵θjuzɪˋæstɪk!ɪ]
adv. 热烈地,热衷地
technologically [͵tɛknəˋlɑdʒɪk!ɪ]
adv. 科技上地
spaceship [ˋspes͵ʃɪp]
n. 太空船
corps [kɔr]
n. 团队;部队,军队 (此字是从法文借字,发音遵循法文规则,ps 不发音)
skydiving [ˋskaɪ͵daɪvɪŋ]
n. 跳伞运动
Practical Phrases
be awarded sth 被颁发某物
Tim was awarded a statue for Best Actor.
pave the way for 为……铺路;为……奠基
The decision paved the way for a future merger with another company.
apply to + 机关∕学校∕公司等 向机关/学校/公司等提出申请
Darius has applied to the bank for a loan.
an artificial satellite 人造卫星
a glass ceiling 玻璃天花板,无形限制/顶障 (通常专指女性在职务晋升中无法逾越的限制)
More to Learn
astronaut [ ˋæstrə͵nɔt ] n. 太空人
cosmonaut [ ˋkɑzmə͵nɔt ] n. (尤指前苏联)太空人/宇航员
• John’s dream to be an astronaut finally became a reality when he went to space.
• The requirements to be a cosmonaut are strict.
字首 astro- / aster- 表「(关于)星球的∕太空的」 或「星形的」,以下列举以此为字首的相关单字:
a. astronomy [ əsˋtrɑnəmɪ ] n. 天文学
• I am very interested in astronomy.
b. astronomer [ əˋstrɑnəmɚ ] n. 天文学家
• The astronomer spent a week observing the comet.
c. astrology [ əˋstrɑlədʒɪ ] n. 占星术/学
• I read my horoscope every day because I believe in astrology.
d. astrologer [ əˋstrɑlədʒɚ ] n. 占星师
• According to astrologers, Scorpios are lucky today.
e. asteroid [ ˋæstə͵rɔɪd ] n. 小行星
• Scientists said that an asteroid would be passing dangerously close to Earth this year.
科学家表示,今年将会有一颗小行星靠地球太近而 可能造成危险。
f. asterisk [ ˋæstə͵rɪsk ] n. 星号 & vt. 标上星号
• The asterisk is put here to call attention to additional information related to the phrase.
星号被放在这里是为了提醒注意与该片语相关的附 加讯息。
• Anna asterisked the sentence because it was important.
中文翻译(& 答案)
过去多年来,当小孩被问及他们长大后想成为什么时, 他们的回答不是 YouTuber 或社群媒体网红。二十世纪的 孩子们反而会充满热情地说他们想成为可以驾驶太空船的太 空人。这是因为他们当中的许多人得以看见太空竞赛的开 始 ── 一场于 1950 年代和 1960 年代、冷战对手苏联 和美国之间看谁科技较先进的竞赛。虽然美国最终透过先将 人类送上月球而赢得了太空竞赛,但苏联一开始在许多方面 都处于领先地位。他们于 1957 年将第一颗人造卫星送上太 空。接着,他们于 1961 年将第一个人送上太空。此外,苏 联于 1963 年将首位女性范伦蒂娜.泰勒斯可娃送入太空。
泰勒斯可娃出生在莫斯科北部的一个小村庄,受到尤 里.加加林于 1961 年进行的一百零八分钟太空飞行激励 后,她从四百多名申请成为苏联宇航队的候选人中脱颖而 出。随后,她接受了十八个月的训练,并于二十六岁时因其 丰富的跳伞经验而被选来驾驶「东方六号」。泰勒斯可娃在 70.8 小时的飞行中环绕地球四十八圈。当她回到地球时,她 在太空舱撞到地面前跳伞至安全的地方。
在她往后的生活,泰勒斯可娃获颁许多奖章,并在苏联 担任过一些高阶职位。她的历史性飞行打破了女性在太空领 域中的玻璃天花板,为下一位进入太空的女性宇航员斯维特 兰娜.萨维茨卡娅铺路,十九年后的 1982 年,她被送上太 空。