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[密技] [ps2] Code Breaker v9 金手指 心得 (最强悍的金手指) 免卡!
Code Breaker v9 金手指 心得 " 玩美版强烈建议 " DMS3 请更新韧体到 Flash v2.4 Beta 7 ! 但是目前大部分的IC不能支持这个版本!除了新的功能强的IC!

版本最新 2004年12月8日 发行

1.玩"美版游戏的首选"!官方网站很强(最棒的)!是开放式的可以从电脑下载新的金手指码存档或游戏存档(也可从 ps2 用网卡直接连线下载,可 ..

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[ 此文章被ching9009在2005-03-17 04:53重新编辑 ]

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾中华电信 | Posted:2005-03-16 03:35 |
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官版UPDATE: Code Breaker V9.0 HDD Users

There are at least 6 ways to download this update.
3 of them involve the broadband adapter, 2 of them involve the flash device, and the last choice is Memory Card related.

Downloading V9.0 Updates:

A) Flash Device Method 1:
Download the attached upgrade.bin file to your Flash Devices Root Folder.

Detailed method:
1) Plug your USB Flash Device into one of your PC's USB ports.
2) Click on this link upgrade.bin.
3) Find your Flash Device drive in the list of drives.
4) Make sure its in the top folder for that drive.
5) Save the file to your Flash Device.
6) Unplug your USB Flash Device from your PC.
7) With the PS2 powered off, plug the Flash Device into one of your PS2's USB ports.
8) Boot up V9.0 like normal, and it will read this file from the Flash Device.

With this method, you always need the Flash Device plugged in every time you boot up V9.0.

B) Flash Device Method 2:
Download the CBS file to your Flash Devices Root Folder & copy to Memory Card.

Detailed method:
1) Download the CBS file from this location like you would any other gamesave files, to your Flash Devices Root Folder.
2) With the PS2 powered off, plug the Flash Device into one of your PS2's USB ports.
3) When V9.0 has booted up, choose Device Manager.
4) Choose the Flash Device icon, and it should list a save that is named Code Breaker PS2 V9.0 HDD Update.
5) Press X on it to select it, and then Press Triangle, Select Copy for the action.
6) The Destination Drive, you should choose your Memory Card in Slot 1.
7) If it asks you to overwrite, choose YES, it will not overwrite your code list.
8) Restart your PS2. It will read this file from your Memory Card.

With this method, you always need the Memory Card plugged into your Memory Card slot 1 port everytime you boot up V9.0.

NOTE: For all Internet Methods
You must have the PS2 Broadband adapter and broadband access to the internet from your PS2. If you do not have Broadband internet access, you must use the Flash Device Method.

C) Internet Method 1:
Download the Code Breaker PS2 V9.0 HDD Update file to your Memory Card.

Detailed method:
1) Boot up V9.0 like normal.
2) Once it's booted up, choose Device Manager.
3) The Source Drive, if you have a PS2 Broadband adapter plugged in, the World icon will be lit up. Choose it, and it will setup the network connection and check online for saves.
4) When its done, it will read the list of available saves.
5) Always at the top of the list it will say 'Code Breaker PS2 V9.0 HDD Update'.
6) Press X with the cursor on this game, and Press Triangle.
7) The Destination Drive, you should choose your Memory Card in Slot 1.
8) It will download the file directly to your Memory Card.
9) If it asks you to overwrite, choose YES, it will not overwrite your code list.
10) Restart your PS2. It will read this file from your Memory Card.

With this method, you always need the Memory Card plugged into your Memory Card slot 1 port everytime you boot up V9.0.

D) Internet Method 2:
Use Check For Updates inside the Options to download to Memory Card.

Detailed method:
1) Unplug your PS2 Broadband adapter and remove your PS2 HDD.
2) Plug your PS2 Broadband adapter back into your PS2.
3) Boot up V9.0 like normal.
4) Once it's booted up, choose Options.
5) Choose Check For Updates.
6) It will setup the network, and shortly after, it will say 'There is an update available, Do you want to Download it?'
7) Press the X button to download it.
8) Shortly later, you will see a progress bar that says 'Writing to Memory Card Please Wait'.
9) When its done, it will say 'Update downloaded to Memory Card Please restart Code Breaker'.
10) Restart your PS2. It will read this file from your Memory Card.

With this method, you always need the Memory Card plugged into your Memory Card slot 1 port everytime you boot up V9.0.

E) Internet Method 3:
Use Check For Updates inside the Options to download to your HDD.

Detailed method:
This method I used and it seemed to work ok. Some more testing may be needed for this method.
1) Boot up V9.0 like normal.
2) Once it's booted up, choose Options.
3) Choose Check For Updates.
4) It will setup the network, and shortly after, it will say 'There is an update available, Do you want to Download it?'
5) Press the X button to download it.
6) Once the download is done, it will write the update to your PS2 HDD.
7) But the cache is not flushed to your PS2 HDD. Instead of restarting Code Breaker....
8) Exit back to the main menu. Then choose Device Manager.
9) Select one of your memory cards as the Source Device.
10) Highlight a few saves on your memory card by Pressing X on them, their color will change.
11) After selecting a few, Press Triangle to bring up the Actions. Choose Copy.
12) The Destination Drive, you should choose the HDD Icon on the far right.
13) It will then copy these gamesaves to your PS2 HDD. Since the files are larger, it will flush the cache, and the update will be written to the HDD successfully.
14) When its finished. Restart your PS2. It will read this file from your PS2 HDD.

With this method, you always need your PS2 HDD & PS2 Broadband adapter plugged into your PS2 everytime you boot up V9.0.

献花 x0 回到顶端 [1 楼] From:台湾中华电信 | Posted:2005-03-16 03:48 |

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