
1. 借據有實際的法律效力嗎?
in this case, the agreement may not be valid because the money was lent to a minor (未滿18歲), minor is, according to law, cannot borrow... i.e. there is no case in law, but of cause, anything subject to judgement of court. if there's anyone co-signed (such as her father), it'll be definately made it valid.
2. 口頭約束還款日可以嗎?
Verbal agreement is always valid generally but difficult to proof unless there's a witness.
7 years, subject to jurisdiction of home country, during the 7 years time, if lender had made his claim lawfully, the period resume.
4.正確的借款或是借據的寫法? simple agreement should basically include the following... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parties: (Lender and Borrow's name) Date of Agreement: Responsibility: (if there are more than one borrower, individuals responsible and joint and several liable) Breakdown of Loan: (loan amount + finance charges + any other cost) Interest Rate: (Rate charged to the loan, e.g. 2% p.a.) Repayment: (by lump sum at certain date or by instalments) Prepayment: (any surcharge to prepayment) Late Charge: (late payment charges + administrative fee, if any) Security: (any colletral pledged) Right of Offset: (keeping something of borrower in settlement of the loan / instalment, e.g. a watch) Collection fees: (who's gonna pay the collection fees, lender / borrower) Co-borrowers: (Any Co-borrowers signing this agreement agree to be equally responsible with the borrower for this loan.)
lender's signature(s) borrower's signature(s) witness --------------------------------------------------------------------
the above is given according to my limited knowledge and common sense without subject to any resposibility anyhow in anyway, so if there's something wrong, pls let me know. In addition, i'm from hong kong, so the above may not all be applied in taiwan.
[ 此文章被ansonchan在2006-01-21 01:28重新編輯 ]
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From:香港 特別行政區 | Posted:2006-01-21 00:54 |

我是初學者,以我粗淺的看法: 1.未滿18歲是未成年,限制行為能力的人,其所為的契約行為應該由其法定代理人同意方生效果 所以你在借給他錢的時候,應該由其法定代理人為之,而不是直接與未成年人訂契約, 若是如此,應該在一個月內由其法定代理人同意,如此契約才生效 2.你既然借錢給未成年人,就應該有做最壞的打算,可能要不回來了.如果他返還給你,當作是檢回來的吧. 敬請高手指教
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| Posted:2006-02-03 05:31 |