
[学习] 国翻英请看一下小地的文章 顺便可否帮我翻译一下 想对照文法一不一样 拜托别用软体翻译
每当我出去比赛时,总是会享受到打击到对方的球的快感.看着球从二十公尺 三十公尺 五十公尺的飞阿飞,这种成就感是我对棒球一直热衷的原因.
以上是我的文章 可否请大大看一下 有什么缺失 或者分段建议等的 另外 也帮忙翻译成英文一下 我想要比照文法 请不要用翻译软体如dr.eye或者线上翻译谢谢
[楼 主]
| Posted:2006-02-18 10:46 |

好 为了表示我的诚意 请大家看一下我翻的文章My favorite sports
My favorite sports is baseball. It’s so interesting to me. I play baseball since I’m in elementary school . When I contact it,I unable to free oneself about it. So I join the school baseball team. Every morning, I have to get up early and go to school practice with my friend. At that time,I have to practice arm physical and muscle endurance. When ever I go out a match,I always can enjoy the hit out. When I see the ball hit by me and I enjoy the pleasant sensation. Twenty meters,thiry,fifty. This achievements is why I always to adore in baseball. Finally,when I get to junior high school. I can’t practice all the time just like in elementary school. Because the environment factor so I have to take the bat and hit rocks. The rocks might broke my bat,but I practice more and the experience more,too. Sometimes,the baseball star’s heroic bearing.I also illusion I’ll be the focus of flash lamp.But,they also must to work hard a lot so they can get nowaday’s achievements.
此文章被评分,最近评分记录财富:0 (by albee543) | 理由: 这样不能吗>o<? | |
[2 楼]
| Posted:2006-02-19 14:21 |

我最爱的运动是棒球,这运动对我来说具有十分的吸引力.我是从小学五年级在一个偶然的机会下见识到棒球对我的吸引力.于是我加入了棒球队.每天早上,必须很早来练身体.长做的就包括了跑步,伏地挺身等很多在打棒球前不可或缺的热身. My favorite sport is baseball. This sport seem to be very attractive to me. When I was in grade 5, in a unexpected moment, i fell how attractive it is to me. Then I joined the baseball team. I have to exercise every morning, including running, push-ups, and many different warm-ups for baseball. 这些热身可以大幅的减少运动的伤害.而棒球最讲究的就是脚力还有手力了.脚力是在跑垒时不可或缺的一项因素.你可能打的很远,但是却不一定跑的很快,这就造成了对方传球的机会,即可把你封杀掉.即使你打的再远,除非全垒打,要不然传球的速度绝对比跑步快上好几倍. These warm-ups reduces sports injures. And for baseball, feet and arm muscles are important. Running to bases needs feet. You may hit the ball far, but if you don't run fast, you will get eliminate. Except in the cases where you hit homeruns, or else the speed for the ball is always faster then your feet. 每当我出去比赛时,总是会享受到打击到对方的球的快感.看着球从二十公尺 三十公尺 五十公尺的飞阿飞,这种成就感是我对棒球一直热衷的原因. Whenever I go out for games, I aleays enjoy the feeling of hitting on the ball that the pitcher throws. Watch the ball fly 20, and 30, and 50 meters, this is the reason why i enjoy playing baseball. 最后,上了国中,可以练棒球的机会就少了,因为住的地方的关系.只好假日拿着棒球棍,找石头打.石头虽然会让球棍坏掉,但是看着球棍上的凹洞越来越多,也挺有成就感的. Eventually, when I got into junior high school, the chances of playing baseball has drop, because of the place I live in. So in the weekend, I use the time to play baseball with the baseball bat and little rocks. Although rocks damages my bat, but when i see the damage on the bat, I don't feel that bad after all, cause that just makes me think that everything I do is worthy.
[3 楼]
| Posted:2006-02-19 17:38 |

下面是引用vic7427于2006-02-19 14:21发表的 : 好 为了表示我的诚意 请大家看一下我翻的文章My favorite sports
My favorite sports is baseball. It’s so interesting to me. I play baseball since I’m in elementary school . ....... 您自己翻的很好呀,虽然有一些些小错误,但表达得都不错,简单扼要. 您所描述的有大部分是过去发生的事,所以有很多地方要改成过去式唷! 自己写出那么多应该很也成就感吧! 麻烦您再做一件事,做完我很乐意改,就是再把您自己写出的英文文章做一下上面所说的时态的调整. 但是假如您已经决定用版主的文章的话,那就不用了 =================================== 这是我修改后的一部份 My favorite sports is baseball. It’s so interesting to me. (这具有点在重复之前的所以最好去掉,写作文尽量减少 I’m, you’re, doesn’t,it’s …分开较好) I have been playing baseball since elementary school .(这句最好放在下一句后面比较顺) When I first came into contact with baseball, I was unable to stop thinking about it every moment, (希望没改掉您的意思) so I joined the school baseball team. (so 不可做开头)
[ 此文章被tututu在2006-02-20 00:16重新编辑 ]
[4 楼]
From:未知地址 | Posted:2006-02-19 23:56 |