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[PPC][其他] 【安全工具】Aiko Solutions SecuBox v.1.5
Safe, secure and convenient storage for all important and business critical information. Secures data on your Windows Mobile phone and its external media cards. Prevents information leaks and ensures no data will get into wrong hands.

* Strong 256-bit AES encryption
* On-the-fly transparent encryption
* Easy installation, maintenance and usage
* Secure data - both on Pocket PC and removable cards
* Fast and efficient support
* User friendly licensing policy
Changes Version 1.5:
New features:
1. Added "Recently Mounted List"
2. Added particular storage inactivity timeout
3. Added ability to choose third party file explorer
4. Support for Windows CE x86
5. Added "Strengthen Encryption Key" option
6. Added one-click mounting of SecuBox storage file
7. Added clear text option for password entry fields
8. Added ability to dismount specific storage by command line
9. Optimized storage creation speed
10. Added warning to prevent users create encrypted storages of more than 4Gb
11. Added warning about error logging
12. Added support for 4Gb storages
13. Newly created storage card is formatted automatically
Fixed bugs:
1. Fixed bug with disabling left/right keys
2. Fixed bug with wrong-password dialog in File Explorer
3. Fixed bug with updates checking in Smartphone version
4. Fixed bug appearing on Windows CE .net 4.2.
5. Fixed background issues on Windows CE
6. Fixed bug with uninstallation on some devices
7. Icons properly displayed on QVGA displays
8. Fixed bug with freezing and hard reset on Samsung Omnia and some other Windows Mobile 6.1 devices.
9. Fixed bug with storage disappearing on some devices.
10. Fixed bug with deleting last access time
11. Fixed bug appearing when SecuBox is installed on storage card and the card is disconnected.

[此文章售價 2 雅幣已有 2 人購買]

[ 此文章被Topcon在2010-01-02 11:55重新編輯 ]

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:未知地址 | Posted:2009-12-29 21:48 |
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:香港和記電訊 | Posted:2009-12-30 17:42 |

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