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[软体] CCDStack 一套不错的叠图软体

图 1.

官网网址: http://www.ccdware.com/...ccdstack/

CCDStack was built from the ground up to simplify the image processing workflow while employing next generation technologies to improve the quality of your images. From calibration to LRGB color composites, CCDStack provides all the tools you need process you astronomical data into outstanding images.

CCDStack is a native 32-bit processing application that utilizes a powerful image manager to place all you images in a stack. Once your images are loaded up in this stack, processing can be performed on your images as one group of data. This allows for new, advanced image processing techniques not before available in commercial software.

CCDStack provides all the tools you need for your image processing workflow:

Real-Time DDP Display
Dark, Flat and Bias frame calibration
Star Bloom Removal
Image alignment and registration
Re-sampling of registered images
Image normalization
Advanced Data Rejection
Image Combine
Gradient Removal
Deconvolution and Sharpening
Full LRGB Color Capabilities

使用教学 http://www.ccdware.com/tutoria...verview.html


献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾新世纪资通 | Posted:2009-12-30 16:00 |

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