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[PPC][其他] 滑动锁屏S2U2 (Slide2Unlock2) v.2.30 繁体中文版
一款仿iPhone萤幕保护(滑动锁屏)程式。 支援:QVGA/WQVGA, VGA/WVGA Changes of v2.30 : 27 Jan, 2010 release - added option to replace the WM6.5 system manual lock (S2U2 Settings > Advanced). i.e. press the system start icon/button, then press lock will start S2U2; suggest to soft-reset after upgraded to this version; if it does not work, please refer to the FAQs. - added option to change the position of the slider, either left or center (S2U2 Settings > Appearance). new tags (s_S2DDismiss, s_S2DCancel, s_S2DView & s_CS2UText) added to lang.ini for the texts shown around the slider. - added option to mirror the sliding text when the slider is on the center (S2U2 Settings > Appearance). - added option to show "slide to dismiss/cancel" when the SMS/Email/Alarm/Reminder/Missed call is shown (S2U2 Settings > General). - added option to show today's past appointments in italic font (S2U2 Settings > Appointment). - added support for TouchFLO Music player; play TouchFLO Music in screen off and locked. - added command switch -unlock for iLock2 to unlock S2U2. - improved the CallerID compatibility on some non-English devices (again). - fixed the BACK key not worked on some devices with the DPAD option turned on (S2U2 Settings > Others). - a few minor bugs fixed. 内附繁体中文包 ※本档仅供测试用,下载完后请于24小时内删除※
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