
[PPC][其他] Synorate File Locker v1.0 文件和檔案鎖
一款可以對檔案和檔案夾進行鎖定的工具,讓私人的資料不被洩露。 File Locker v1.0 for Windows Mobile description: * Protects access to sensitive files on your Windows Mobile device * Password protected user access rights * Supports protection of any file type such as .jpg, .bmp, .xls, .doc, .mp3, .vaw * Applications independent * Option to select all files in directories * Intuitive user interface and management * Small consumption of device resources File Locker user experience: * Set-up your password for file protection * Select files/directories you want to protect - on memory card or internal device memory * When you try to open file through application (Word, Excel, Picture display, Explorer, etc.) you will be prompted for password * If password is not given correctly, the operation will be prohibited, otherwise file opens ※本檔僅供測試用,下載完後請於24小時內刪除※
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From:未知地址 | Posted:2010-02-18 18:36 |