
[求助] 請英文高手幫我翻譯一段句子好嗎
如題,我在查測試鏡頭軟體的使用說明,但有看沒有懂,我用google翻譯更是莫宰羊,能不能請高手大大幫我一下 句子如下(f-stops是光圈的意思)
A medium quality image can ge achieved over a range of 8.21 f-stops out of a total dynamic range of 8.58 f-stops. When a high quality image is required (maximum noise = 0.1 f-stops), the dynamic range is reduced to 5.97 f-stops (indicated by the yellow line on the middle left plot). The best slide films have a total dynamic range of 5 to 6 f-stops.