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[月亮] 月亮欣赏和觀察---林月笙香港天文台

相機廠牌型號:DSI I
望遠鏡 / 鏡頭:MIZAR 4" Newtonian / 焦距: 600mm
曝 光 時 間: x =
拍 攝 日 期:any
拍 攝 地 點:HK


Header-> 自制家用天文台 --- MANDII ( HONG KONG )
                  天文观察雜记( HONG KONG)reads.php?...01873
                 月面欣赏和觀察( HONG KONG ) reads.php?...01956
                 天望坐标式追踪,观察山上的 [果实,鸟巢 ,密蜂巢和奇花异草] HONG KONG

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环形山名称_地图环形山号码 观察1 |观察2 . .|观察N

2.照片内容: 包含放大了的实物照片和相应的地形地图剪辑,合拼成一张照片图,方便对照之用。以及器材拍摄资料。

阿基米德 Archimedes_228:2010/08/19_22:10_(East,40,55%)_NO.5
BULLIALDUS: 2011/01/15 23:15_(West,60 70%)_No.11
克劳默特 Cleomede _19 : 2010/05/17 19:40_(West,45,20%)_NO.1
哥白尼 Copernicus_223 : 2010/06/22 20:05_(East,70,65%)_NO.3
郎格尔努斯 Langrenus_78 : 2010/05/18 20:00_(West,45,23%)_NO.2
雨海 Mare Imbrium : 2010/10/22 20:00_(East,65 100%)_No.8
 Mare Nectaris : 2011/01/10 21:45_(West,30 20%)_No.10
波西杜尼斯 Posidonius_15: 2010/08/27 22:45_(East,40,85%)_NO.6
第谷 Tycho_176 : 2010/06/22 20:05_(East,70,65%)_NO.4

比利牛斯山脉 : 2010/09/16_22:48_(SW ,30,55%)_NO.7

月上树梢: 2010/10/23_19:00_(East , 15 , 100%)_NO.9

Total 11 objects 11 observations

Created on 2010 / 05 / 09
Updated on 2011 / 01/15

[ 此文章被MANDII在2013-06-06 10:25重新編輯 ]

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:新加坡 | Posted:2010-12-31 11:50 |
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No.8 )

So the wind last night had passed and left .
I had found a chance to take a moon photo last night .
It's the Mare Imbrium , a large oceanic area on the moon .
You can check several apparent areas as well from the moon map I provided , I had bold it in Red blocks .

TheFOV of this picture ( DSI plus 2X barlow ) this time is about 12" ,according to the indication on the moon map software . Starting fromnow, I can use this software to physically measure the FOV of anytelescope imaging system . And I can even measure the distance betweentwo points on the moon directly . In the old time , I can onlycalculate ( i.e. estimate ) the FOV , but now I can measure it directlyand PHYSICALLY with the help of the actual moon crators , this is veryimportant to me .

I am not using a web cam this time indeed .
282 flames is collected in about 5 minutes from DSI .
Comparingto webcam , Just several second can be collected for such number offlames in a video format . The shorter the time , the less therequirement from the mount's tracking . So DSI surely can cause moreshifting in image than the web cam . However , such image shifting canbe recovered easily from any image-process software . And DSI is moresensitive than my ordinary web cam , ( even the price is moreexspensive ) , thus , I may use DSI to take moon photo in future , andtotally replace the use of a web cam . Because DSI is more generic inmy situation .

Clear skies everybody .

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:新加坡 | Posted:2010-12-31 11:52 |
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It's long time no take an astro picture ,
cause recently not always stay at home .
Tonight , I come to take a picture of Archimedes .
Ipick up the moon map , nevigate the moon surface for nearly 15 minutes. And center the eyepiece after I can locate the Archimedes . Then useweb cam to shoot it . Finally make the picture by Registax software .

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [2 樓] From:新加坡 | Posted:2010-12-31 11:54 |
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NO.1 )

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [3 樓] From:新加坡 | Posted:2010-12-31 11:55 |
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No.6 )

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [4 樓] From:新加坡 | Posted:2010-12-31 11:56 |
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No.9 )

The moon is rising up the hill , behind a tree .
This moment leaves silently and fastly .

Thepicture was shooted at 7:00p.m tonight , within less than 10 secondstime . I focus on the tree , and let the moon become a bluredbackground .

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [5 樓] From:新加坡 | Posted:2010-12-31 11:57 |
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [6 樓] From:新加坡 | Posted:2010-12-31 11:58 |
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Last night the moon was very bright , actually not a good time to take a image ,atmosphere was not stable as well .

Thistime I tried my new bought 1.25" 2X barlow together with the web cam .Previously I had failed to capture a good 3X barlow image , cause toobig magnification for my 4" telescope and blur the image indeed . Butthis time with 2X barlow , the image is still acceptable . I amsatisfield with this cheap price Barlow very much .

This timethe target is the "比利牛斯" mountain chain , the BillyNews mountain chain. You can also see some nearby crators , and such magnification is justenough for me , compared with those taken previously without the barlow

Finally, this time I write my report on the next day of observation night . Sothat I can have plenty of time to prepare a better image . Before Ididn't pay too much attention on the image processing indeed , cause Idon't have much time to try on the night time . So,this morning I amfree in office and try more on the software REGISTAX . I found it hasgood tools to make the image better and sharper . That's a good andneat software .

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [7 樓] From:新加坡 | Posted:2010-12-31 11:59 |
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [8 樓] From:香港網上行 | Posted:2011-01-10 23:05 |
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [9 樓] From:香港網上行 | Posted:2011-01-16 00:15 |

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