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[] 一個為 Chest 防盜的設備
--Chest :
--Big Chest :

轉自Mnecraft Wiki:
Chests are blocks that can store items. A single chest can store up to 27 stacks of Items or Blocks. A large chest is created by placement of two adjacent chest blocks, however large chests cannot be created directly beside each other. Large chests have 54 storage slots and open as a single chest with six rows of slots. The top three correspond to the eastern or northern chest block and the bottom three to the southern or western chest block.
A Chest is opened by right-clicking on it. After opening a chest all items in a slot can be quickly transferred to and from a player's inventory by shift-clicking on the item; this will move all items in the slot to a free slot in the inventory and vice versa. For more control, all the items in a slot can be picked up with left-click, or half the items with right-click; then use left-click to place all items being moved, or right-click to place a single item at a time.
Destruction of a chest containing items will drop all of its contents in the immediate area. If one half of a large chest is destroyed, the corresponding items from the destroyed chest block will be dropped and the remaining chest block will continue to function as a small chest. The items in a large chest are organized so that the bottom half of the inventory is concentrated into the South or East side of the large chest, depending on how the chest is oriented.
Chests only occur naturally in dungeons, where they are guarded by a Monster Spawner; in Abandoned Mine Shafts; in Strongholds; and in NPC Villages. These naturally occurring chests are currently the only way to find Saddles and Melon Seeds.
Chests will face towards the player when placed down. Even though chests often change in appearance when surrounding blocks are added or modified, this does not affect the use of the chest.
Chests can be surrounded by other blocks on all sides, but the top must have a one block clearance (exceptions to this exist, see Bugs below). Chest blocks embedded directly into floors function normally.

1] Dig一個4x3的洞

2] 用方塊填滿那個洞

3] 砌一個Big Chest

4] -13] 依圖












獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:香港網上行 | Posted:2012-06-10 16:12 |
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鎖箱插件就好了 浪費活塞..

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:香港特別行政區 | Posted:2012-06-17 09:49 |
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自己關回活塞一樣是開到嗎? 表情

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [2 樓] From:未知地址 | Posted:2012-06-22 00:57 |
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自己關回活塞一樣是開到嗎? 表情


獻花 x0 回到頂端 [3 樓] From:香港特別行政區 | Posted:2012-06-22 10:01 |

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