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2010-10-08 15:58
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World Community Grid is excited to announce its partnership with People for a Smarter Planet, a network of communities sponsored by IBM that lets people make meaningful, personal contributions towards building a smarter planet.

The charter of People for a Smarter Planet is to use crowdsourced knowledge to address some of the planet's biggest problems. Our mission aligns perfectly with this charter, so we are proud to become one of the founding members of People for a Smarter Planet.

Joining People for a Smarter Planet also means that we will be benefiting from its social outreach efforts, which will help increase our ranks. In turn, this means World Community Grid can donate even more free computer power to new research projects, and complete existing projects faster.

Ultimately, we would like to become the largest supercomputer in the world, dedicated to solving problems that can benefit all of humanity. With your continued help and the additional visibility we will receive from this partnership, that goal is within reach.

Please show your support by visiting the People for a Smarter Planet Facebook page, clicking the Like button, and sharing the news with your friends. On this page, you can also learn about our sister communities and submit ideas for new activities that can help us build a smarter planet.

Thank you,

The World Community Grid Team

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