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7/13 解析英語
•     作者 Analytical Editors
目錄 / More to Learn / 中文翻譯(& 答案)


    On March 4, a massive piece of space junk reportedly crashed into the far side of the Moon. Due to its location facing away from the Earth, it may take months to identify the impact site of the object. However, scientists predict the crash will have little effect on the Moon besides forming a new crater .

    The junk was initially thought to belong to an old SpaceX rocket after astronomers first noticed the object heading towards the Moon. However, it was later found that the debris was most likely a Chinese-owned rocket. Chinese officials have denied this, saying the rocket in question had burned up when re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere.

    While the rocket’s original owner and its impact on the Moon are not significant, the issue does raise an important question about space junk. It’s estimated that there are currently more than 30,000 pieces of space junk larger than 10 centimeters in orbit around the Earth. These objects pose very little threat to us because they burn up in the atmosphere if they start to fall back to the planet.

    However, these objects can be a significant threat to satellites and other devices. These scrap pieces move at speeds of up to eight kilometers per second and cause severe damage if they collide with essential devices in space. As a result, a growing group of scientists are calling for action to resolve this issue before it affects our ability to travel into space.

1. Which of the following is true about the space junk that hit the Moon?

(A) It was visible from the Earth when it struck the Moon.

(B) Astronomers did not notice it until it crashed into the Moon.

(C) A crater might be formed because of the impact of the junk.

(D) It was supposed to burn up in the atmosphere before it reached the Moon.

2. According to the passage, why is space junk a serious concern?

(A) It can threaten important satellites.

(B) It can cost a lot of money to clean it up.

(C) It can cause serious damage to the Moon.

(D) It can fall back down to Earth and harm people.

3. What are an increasing number of scientists asking for?

(A) Construction of more rockets to travel to space.

(B) Further research into the far side of the Moon.

(C) The problem of space trash to be addressed.

(D) Protection of scientific satellites in space.

答案:1.C   2.A   3.C

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Words in Use

atmosphere [ˋætməs͵fɪr]

n. 大氣;空氣;氛圍

resolve [rɪˋzɑlv]

vt. 解決;下決心
n. 決心(不可數)

device [dɪˋvaɪs]

n. 裝置;設計

identify [aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪ]

vt. 指認,認定;視為同一
vi. 對……感同身受(與介詞 with 並用)

massive [ˋmæsɪv]

a. 巨大的;大量的

initially [ɪˋnɪʃəlɪ]

adv. 開始時,最初

estimate [ˋɛstə͵met]

.vt. 估計

severe [səˋvɪr]

a. 嚴厲的;十分嚴重的

predict [prɪˋdɪkt]

vt. 預測

issue [ˋɪʃjʊ]

n. 重大議題;爭議;期刊
vt. 發行

orbit [ˋɔrbɪt]

n. 軌道
vt. 繞軌道運行

satellite [ˋsæt!͵aɪt]

scrap [skræp]

n. 一小片 (紙、布) ; 少量,一點點
vt. 丟棄,廢除

debris [dəˋbri]

n. 廢墟,殘垣斷瓦 (不可數)

visible [ˋvɪzəb!]

a. 肉眼可見的;顯而易見的

astronomer [əˋstrɑnəmɚ]

n. . 天文學家

crater [ˋkretɚ]

n. . 火山口

sb/sth in question 

Practical Phrases

burn up... 將(紙張、文件等)燒毀
= burn... up
The secretary burned up all the papers before the police came.

belong to... 屬於……;是……的成員
All the things you see here belong to me.

call for... 需要⋯⋯;呼籲⋯⋯
Success calls for hard work and some good luck.

Environmentalists are calling for immediate action to combat global warming.

face away from... 背對⋯⋯;把臉轉離開⋯⋯
Allison faced away from the blood when the doctor was cleaning her wounds.

pose little / no threat to... 對⋯⋯的威脅不大/沒有威脅
The factory owner claimed that the waste posed no threat to human health, but the residents didn’t believe him.

More to Learn

slam into... 猛地撞上⋯⋯
slam [ slæm ] vi. 猛撞,猛擊

• The plane slammed into the mountain, and no one survived.



a. crash into... 撞上⋯⋯
crash [ kræʃ ] vi. 碰撞 & n. 碰撞事故

• The drunken driver crashed into a utility pole.


b. collide with... 與⋯⋯相撞

collide [ kəˋlaɪd ] vi. 相撞

• The van ran a red light and collided with a truck.


c. bump into... 撞上/撞到⋯⋯

• Tina didn’t notice the glass door and bumped into it.


d. smash into... 猛地撞上/猛然撞到⋯⋯

• Steve was using his phone while walking, and then he smashed into a wall.


e. run into... (開車)撞上⋯⋯

• The sports car traveling too fast ran into a tree.


中文翻譯(& 答案)


    據報導,有一塊巨大的太空垃圾在三月四日撞擊月球背 面。由於事發位置背對地球,因此可能需要花費數月才能確 定太空垃圾的撞擊地點。然而,科學家預測,除了形成一個 新的隕石坑外,這次撞擊對月球沒什麼影響。

    在天文學家最初注意到太空垃圾朝月球的方向前進後, 原先認為其為屬於 SpaceX 之前的一枚火箭。不過,後來發 現太空垃圾最有可能是一枚中國擁有的火箭。中國官員否認 了這一點,宣稱提及的那枚火箭在重新進入地球大氣層時就 已燃燒殆盡。

    雖然火箭原主不重要,且其對月球的影響並不大,但這 個議題確實引發了一個關於太空垃圾的重要問題。據估計, 目前有超過三萬片大於十公分的太空垃圾在環繞地球的軌道 上運行。這些物體對我們構成的威脅不大,因為如果它們開 始掉落回到地球,其會在大氣層中燃燒殆盡。

    然而,這些物體可能會對衛星和其他設備構成一大威 脅。這些廢棄的碎片移動速度最高可達每秒八公里,而且如 果它們撞上太空中重要的設備,就會造成嚴重的損壞。因 此,越來越多科學家呼籲,在這個議題影響到人類進行太空 旅行的能力之前,要採取行動解決它。

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣亞太線上服務股份有限公司 | Posted:2022-08-01 22:34 |
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